Upper limb (hands) Flashcards
What are the boundaries of the carpal tunnel?
- Roof: Flexor retinaculum
- Walls: Carpal arch (carpal bones)
What are the attachments of the flexor retinaculum?
- Scaphoid
- Trapezium
- Hook of hamate
- Pisiform
What are the contents of the carpal tunnel (anterior to posterior)?
- Tendon of flexor carpi radialis
- Median nerve
- Tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis
- Tendon of flexor pollicis longus
- Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus
What is the significance of the synovial sheaths of the carpal tunnel?
- FDS and FDP tendons are all in the same synovial sheath.
- Tendons of FCR and FPL are in separate sheaths.
What is the main function of the carpal tunnel?
To fix tendons of flexor muscles in plane of carpal bondes to prevent bowing in flexion.
What are the relations of the carpal tunnel?
- Ulnar artery and nerve pass though tunnel anterior to the flexor retinaculum whose floor is the flexor retinaculum and whose roof is the palmer carpal ligament.
- This tunnel is called Guyon’s canal.
What type of joint is the wrist joint?
Synovial ellipsoid joint
What movements are associated with the wrist joint?
- Flexion
- Extension
- Abduction
- Adduction
- Circumduction
What are the articulations of the wrist joint?
- Radius with trapezium/lunate
- Ulna with triquetrum
- Distal radio-ulnar joint
What are the ligaments associated with the wrist joint?
- Palmer radiocarpal ligament
- Palmer ulnocarpal ligament
- Medial collateral ligament
- Lateral collateral ligament
- Dorsal radiocarpal ligament
What are the functions of the hands?
- Grip (prehension)
- Communication
- Mobility
- Sensation
- Defense
What are the types of grips?
- Divergent grip: Fingers abducted. Brought about by dorsal interossei. Used to hold flat objects.
- Convergent grip: Fingers adducted. Brought about by palmer interossei. Used to scoop.
- Hook grip: Interphalangeal joints flexed. Brought about by flexor digitorum superficialis/profundus. Used to carry bags by handle.
- Power grip: Tight flexion of the fingers and opposition of the thumb. Brought about by flexor digitorums, muscles of thenar eminence and extensors. Used to make fist .
- Pinch grip: Opposition of the thumb against the pads of the fingers. Brought about by flexors of the fingers and muscles of the thenar eminence. Most precise grip.
What is the function of wrist extension in power grip?
- Reduces active insufficiency of the flexors of the fingers.
- Active insufficiency is when the resting length of the muscle is shorter than natural length, so it produces reduced tension.
What are the boundaries of the anatomical snuffbox?
- Anterior border: Tendons of adductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis.
- Posterior border: Tendon of extensor pollicis longus.
- Roof: Skin.
- Floor: Scaphoid, trapezium, tendons of extensor carpi.
What is the significance of the snuffbox?
It is the location where scaphoid can be palpated in order to detect scaphoid fracture.
What are the contents of the snuffbox?
- Radial artery
- Superficial branch of radial nerve
- Cephalic vein (on roof)
What are the relations of the palmer aponeurosis?
- All nerves and blood vessels are deep to the palmer aponeurosis.
- It is thickest in centre and thinnest over the eminences.
- It is attached to the skin by fibrous bands called minute fasciculi, dividing subcutaneous fat into loculi.
- It is attached proximally to the palmaris longus tendon.
What are the muscular attachments of the extensor hood on each finger?
- Lumbricals
- Interossei
- Abductor digiti minimi
What are the musclular attachments of the extensor hood on the thumb?
- Adductor pollicis
- Abductor pollicis brevis
What is the function of the extensor hood?
Allows fine movements such as extension of the interphalangeal joints and metacarpophalangeal joints (important in writing).
What types of joints are carpometacarpal joints?
- 1st joint is saddle joint, allows for wide range of movements of thumb.
What types of joints are metacarpophalangeal joints?
Codylar joint
What are the ligaments associated with the metacarpophalangeal joints?
- Palmer ligament
- Collateral ligaments
- Deep transverse metacarpal ligaments
What types of joints are interphalangeal joints?
Hinge joints
What are the ligaments associated with the interphalangeal joints?
- Palmer ligament
- Collateral ligaments
What are the relationships of the ulnar artery?
- The ulnar artery enters the hand superficial to the flexor retinaculum, through Guyon’s canal.
- It is lateral to the ulnar nerve.
- The artery then forms the superficial palmer arch just deep to the palmer aponeurosis.
What are the branches of the ulnar artery?
- Deep palmer artery: Anastomoses with radial artery to form deep palmer arch.
- Palmer digital artery: Supplies little finger.
- Common palmer digital arteries: Bifurcates into proper palmer digital arteries and supply the fingers.
What are the relations of the radial artery?
- The radial artery curves around the lateral aspects of the wrist joint and passes through the anatomical snuffbox.
- It then enters the palmer aspects of the hand through the 1st webspace between the 2 heads of the 1st dorsal interosseus muscle and adductor pollicis respectively.
- It forms the deep palmer arch.
What are the branches of the radial artery?
- Superficial palmer branch: Anastomoses with the ulnar artery to form the superficial palmer arch.
- Palmer metacarpal arteries: Anastomoses with the common palmer digital arteries.
- Princeps pollicis artery: Supplies the thumb
- Radialis indicis artery: Supplies lateral side of index finger.
What are the relations of the ulnar nerve?
- The ulnar nerve enters the the hand superficial to the flexor retinaculum medial to the ulnar artery.
- It immediately bifurcates into deep and superficial branches once it enters the hand.
What are the branches of the ulnar nerve?
- Deep branch: Supplies the muscles of the hypothenar eminence and interossei.
- Superficial branch: Supplies palmaris brevis and the skin over palmer aspects of the hand.
What are the relations of the median nerve?
- The median nerve enters the hand through the carpal tunnel anterior to all tendons.
- It immediately divides into its branches.
What are the branches of the median nerve?
- Recurrent branch: Supplies the muscles of the thenar eminence.
- Palmer digital branches: Supplies the skin over the palmer aspects of the lateral 4.5 digits.
What are the attachments of the extensor retinaculum?
- Lateral margins of radius
- Triquetrum
- Pisiform