Signalling molecules in embryology Flashcards
What factors are responsible for the differentiation of the morula?
Continued expression of nanog and Oct4 in inner cell mass but not trophoblast.
What factors are responsible for the ingression of epiblast cells?
Down-regulation of E-cadherin by Fgf8.
What factors are responsible for the formation of the neural plate?
Inhibition of BMF4 by chordin, noggin, follistatin secretion by notochord
What factors are responsible for the migration of neural crest cells?
- Epithelial-to-mesenchyme transformation: Snail, FOXD3.
- Migration: Slug.
What factors are responsible for somitogenesis?
Segmentation clock: Fgf8 and retinoic acid create the determination wave front while cycling genes determine segmentation.
What factors are responsible for sclerotome formation?
SHH and noggin secretion by the notochord and floor plate of neural tube.
What factors are responsible for the dermamyotome formation?
Activation of WNT by PAX3.
What factors are responsible for formation of the anterior visceral endoderm (head)?
- OTX2, LIM1, HESX1.
- Cerebus, lefty.
What factors maintain the prinitive streak?
- Nodal.
What factors are responsible for the differentiation of the mesoderm?
BMP4, Fgf.
What factors maintain the primitive node?
What factors are responsible for leftsidedness?
- Fgf8 induced nodal.
- Lefty-2.
What factors are responsible for ventricular septation?
- TGF-β
- BMP-2A
What factor is responsible for MET in AV valve formation?
What factors are responible for the differentiation of the gut tube?
SOX2: Oesophagus & stomach
PDX1: Duodenum
CDXC: Small intestine
CDXA: Large intestine & rectum
What factors are involved in liver formation?
- FGF2 from cardiac mesoderm inhibits inhibition of hepatogenesis
- HNF 3&4 aids endoderm to hepatocyte differentiation
What factors are involved in pancreas formation?
- Ventral pancreatic bud: FGF2 and ACTIVIN
- Dorsal pancreatic bud: PDX1
What factors are involved in induction for kidney formation?
- MM secretes GDNF and HGF and induces UB branching
- UB secretes FGF2 and BMP7 to induce MM development