Upper Limb Exercises (1+2) Flashcards
What type of joint is the wrist?
What type of joint is the radioulnar?
What type of joint is the elbow?
What type of joint is the glenohumeral joint?
Enarthrodial joint (ball and socket)
When performing a hammer curl, what elbow flexor is emphasized?
When performing a reverse curl what elbow flexor is emphasized?
The brachialis
Explain a dumbbell fly and some of its variations?
Db fly is the action of horizontal adduction where the pec major is primarily used.
Performing it an incline bench makes movement harder as shoulders are used (horizontal abduction occurs alongside the horizontal adduction)
What happens at the elbow during the lift phase of a chin up?
Elbow flexion occurs where agonists are BBB
What happens to the glenohumeral joint during the lift phase of the chin up?
Shoulder extension where agonists are lats, teres major, rear delt, pec major (sternocostal head) and long head of triceps
What happens to the shoulder girdle in the lift phase of the chin up?
Shoulder girdle adduction depression and downward rotation where agonists are lower/middle traps, pec minor and rhomboids.
Wide grip will emphasize the adductor so
What happens in lift phase of press ups?
Elbow extension
Shoulder horizontal adduction (pec major,anterior delt,coracobrachialis,bis)
Shoulder girdle abduction (serratus anterior,pec minor)
How can the traps and rhomboids be stretched out ?
Traps - rolling head to one side
Traps and rhomboids - hugging a tree motion
How can the pecs be stretched?
Pec major - stretched by turning the palms up and putting arms behind you
Pec minor - in a corner with arms up and push forward
How can lats be stretched?
Bend over on side with arm over the head