Upper Limb 3 Flashcards
What are the superficial muscles of the forearm?
Pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris
What are the actions of the pronator teres?
pronates and flexes forearm
What supplies the pronator teres?
median nerve
What are the actions of the flexor carpi radialis?
flexes and abducts wrist
What supplies the flexor carpi radialis?
median nerve
What are the actions of the flexor carpi ulnaris?
flexes and adducts wrist
What is the action of the palmaris longus?
flexes wrist
What supplies the palmaris longus?
median nerve
What supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris?
ulnar nerve
What are the actions of the flexor digitorum superficialis?
Flexes wrist and MCP & proximal IP joints of middle 4 digits
What are the deep muscles of the forearm?
flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicus longus and pronator quadratus
What are the actions of the flexor digitorum profundus?
flexes wrist and distal IP joints middle 4 digits
What supplies the flexor digitorum profundus?
median nerve supplies digits 2&3, ulnar nerve supplies digits 4&5
What is the action of the flexor pollicus longus?
flexes thumb (across hand)
What supplies the flexor pollicus longus?
median nerve
What is the action of the pronator quadratus?
pronates forearm
What supplies the pronator qudratus?
median nerve
How does the median nerve lie compared to the brachial artery in the cubital fossa?
lies medial to the artery
Which muscles of the forearm does the median nerve NOT supply? What supplies these muscles?
Does not supply flexor carpi ulnaris and medial half of flexor digitorum profundus- they are supplied by ulnar nerve
What are the 2 terminal branches oft the brachial artery? Where does this divide occur?
terminal branches are radial and ulnar arteries, this happens at the neck of the radius
What is the roof of the carpal tunnel formed by?
fibrous retinaculum
What are the contents of the carpal tunnel?
4 tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis, 4 tendons of flexor digitorum profundus, median nerve and 1 tendon of flexor pollicus longus
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome? What are the symptoms?
results from a lesion that reduces the size of the carpal tunnel. Leads to tingling, decreased sensation and absence of tactile sensation in area supplied by median nerve
What muscle is palmar aponeurosis a continuation of?
Palmaris longus
What are the thenar muscles? Where are they located?
Aductor pollicus brevis, flexor pollicus brevis and opponens pollicis. Located on lateral part of the palm
What is the supply to the thenar muscles?
Median nerve
What are the hypothenar muscles? Where are they located?
Abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi. Located at medial side of palm.
What supplies the hypothenar muscles?
Ulnar nerve
What is the action of the adductor pollicus?
Adducts thumb
What is the supply of the adductor pollicus?
Ulnar nerve
What are the actions of the lumbricals?
flex fingers at MCP joints and extend fingers at IP joints of 2nd-5th fingers
What are the lumbricals innervated by?
Medial 2 lumbriicals supplied by median nerve. Lateral 2 lumbricals supplied by ulnar nerve
Where are the interossei located? How many are there?
Present between metacarpal bones. 4 dorsal and 3 palmar.
What is the action of the dorsal interossei?
Abduction of the fingers (DAB)
What is the action of the palmar interossei?
Adduction of the fingers (PAD)
What are the interossei innervated by?
ulnar nerve
What muscles in the hand does the ulnar nerve NOT supply? What are they supplied by?
does not supply the thenar muscles and 1st and 2nd lumbricals. They are supplied by median nerve.
What are the 8 carpal bones in the wrist?
trapezium, scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid
What type of joint is the wrist joint? What bones articulate?
Synovial condyloid joint. Radius articulates with lunate and scaphoid.
What movements can occur at the wrist joint?
flexion, extension, circumduction, adduction and abduction
What are the actions of the extensor carpi radialis?
Extension and abduction of the wrist
What can be seen on the dorsum of the hand when fingers are abducted?
tendons of extensor digitorum
What bones can be felt in the anatomical snuff box? What artery lies on the floor of the box?
Scaphoid and trapezium can be felt. Radial artery lies on the floor.