Upper Limb Flashcards
What is the function of T1?
Intrinsic muscles of the hand
What is the function of C5?
Shoulder abduction
Elbow flexion
What is the function of C7?
Elbow extension
Finger extension
What are the ligaments & articulations of the AC joint?
Ligs: AC lig, coracoclavicular lig
Artic: Lateral end of clavicle and acromion of scapula
How does an AC joint dislocation occur?
Direct blow/FOOSH/Fall onto shoulder
Acromion pushed inferomedially in respect to clavicle
What are the borders of the anatomical snuffbox?
M: Ext pollicis longus
L: Abd pollicis longus & Ext pollicis brevis
D: 1st Metacarpal
F: Scaphoid & trapezium
What are the anterior arm muscles? What innervates them? What are their functions?
Coracobrachialis: Flex arm, MC nerve
Biceps brachii: Flex & supinate forearm, MC nerve
Brachialis: Flex forearm, MC nerve
What are the superficial compartment forearm muscles?
Flex carpi ulnaris: Flex & add wrist
Flex carpi radialis: Flex & abd wrist
Palmaris longus: Flex wrist
Pronator teres: Pronate forearm
What nerve innervates the forearm muscles?
Median nerve except Carpi ulnaris & part of flex digitorum profundus
What muscles makes up the intermediate compartment of the forearm?
Flex digitorum superficialis: Flex MCPJ & PIPJ, flex wrist
What muscles makes up the deep compartment of the forearm?
Flex digitorum profundus: Flex MCPJ, DIPJ, flex wrist
Flex pollicis longus: Flex MCPJ & IPJ thumb
Pronator quadratus: Pronate forearm
How can the axillary nerve be injured? How does this present?
Dislocation, fracture of surgical neck, trauma/surgery
Loss of abduction of arm
Weak lateral rotational
Loss of sensation over regimental badge
How does Erb’s palsy occur?
Inc in angle between neck & shoulder
C5-C6 affected
Loss of lateral arm sensation
Loss of abduction, flex, lateral rotation, flex & supination of forearm
Waiter’s tip deformity
How does Klumpke’s palsy present?
Sudden excessive abduction e.g catching overhead as you fall
C8-T1 affected
Motor loss intrinsic hand movement
Loss of medial arm sensation
Claw hand deformity
What are the boundaries of the carpal tunnel?
Roof: Flexor retinaculum
Carpal arch: Pisiform, hook of hamate, scaphoid & trapezium
What is the contents of the carpal tunnel?
4 tendons of FDP
4 tendons of FDS
Tend of FPL
Median nerve
What are the articulations of the elbow? What are the stabilising factors?
A: Trochlea of humerus w/trochlear notch of ulna, capitulum of humerus w/head of radius
S: Joint capsule, radial & ulna collateral ligs
What muscles & nerve are involved in flexion & extension of the elbow?
F: MC & radial nerve, biceps, brachial, brachioradialis
E: Radial nerve, triceps, anconeus
Where does the extensor & flexor retinaculum attach?
E: Radium to pisiform/triquetrum
F: Scaphoid/trapezium to pisiform/hook of hamate
What causes a mallet & Boutonniere’s deformity?
M: Division of terminal extensor tendon, distal phalanx held in forced flexion
B: Division of central slip in extensor tendon, forced flexion w/hyperextension of distal phalanx
What are the functions of the rotator cuff muscles? What is their innervation?
S: Initial abduction, most commonly injured, suprascapular nerve
I: Lateral rotation, suprascapular
T: Lateral rotation, axillary
S: Medial rotation, upper & lower subscapular nerves
What are the Sx of a MC nerve injury?
Usually stab to axilla
Sensory loss to lateral forearm
Weakness of flexion & Supination of forearm
What are the upper limb reflexes?
C5-6 = Biceps
C6-7 = Supinator
C7-8 = Triceps
What muscles make up the posterior forearm?
Superficial: Brachioradialis, E carpi radialis longus & brevis, E difitorum, E digiti mini, anconeus, E Carpi ulnaris
Deep: Supinator, abductor pollicis longus, E pollicis longus & brevis, E indicis
What is the function of triceps brachii?
Extension of forearm at elbow
Extension & adduction of arm at shoulder
What is the function of triceps brachii?
Extension of forearm at elbow
Extension & adduction of arm at shoulder