Abdomen Flashcards
What muscles make up the anterior abdominal wall?
Horizontal: External & internal oblique, transverses abdominis
Vertical: Rectus abdominis, pyramidalis
Describe external oblique
- Largest & most superficial
- Originates from lower 8th rib
- Insert lateral iliac crest
- Forms linea alba
- Lower free border form inguinal ligament
Where does the linea alba extend from/to?
Xiphoid process
Pubic symphysis
Where does the inguinal ligament run?
Lat: Anterior superior iliac spine
Med: Pubic tubercle
Describe internal oblique
- Deep to external
- Originates thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, lat 2/3 inguinal lig
- Inserts inf border of 3+4 rib, pubic crest, pectineal line
Describe transversus abdominis
- Innermost, deep to int oblique
- Originates thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, lat 1/3 inguinal lib, 7-12th rib
- Inserts linea alba, pubic crest, pectineal line
Describe rectus abdominis
- Originates pubic crest & tubercle & symphysis
- Inserts 5th-7th rib, Xiphoid process
How are the anterior abdominal nerves innervated?
Anterior rami T7-T12, L1
What is the function of the abdominal muscles?
- Protect & Keep abdo organs in cavity
- Flex & rotate the vertebral column
- Contraction assists in forced expiration, coughing, vomiting
What is the path of the biliary tree?
Left & right hepatic duct form common hepatic duct, joined by cystic duct to form common bile duct joins the pancreatic duct forming the hepatopancreatic ampulla
What runs alongside the common hepatic duct?
Hepatic artery proper
Portal vein
What does the portal vein drain blood from?
Abdominal part of GI tract
How is the portal vein formed?
SMV + Splenic vein
What are the 4 lobes of the liver?
Left lobe: Divided by falciform lig
Right lobe
Caudate lobe: In ligamentum venosum fissure
Quadrate lobe : Between gallbladder and ligamentum teres
What is the arterial supply to the liver?
Left & right hepatic arteries from hepatic artery proper, a branch of the common hepatic artery from the coeliac trunk
What is the blood supply to the pancreas?
Arterial: Splenic from coeliac w/branches from gastroduodenal artery & SMA
Venous: Pancreaticoduodenal into the SMV & portal.
What muscles make up the posterior abdominal wall?
- Quadratus lumborum: T12 to iliac crest
- Iliacus: Iliac fossa to lesser trochanter
- Psoas: T12-L5 to lesser trochanter
What do the para-aortic/lumbar lymph nodes drain?
Body wall
Efferents of common iliac lymph nodes
What does the rectus sheath enclose?
Rectus abdominis
Sup & inf epigastric vessels
Termination of intercostal nerves T7-T11
12th thoracic nerve & vessels
What is the function of the spleen?
1) Filter blood- remove old & defective blood cells
2) Blood reservoir
3) Produce white blood cells
4) Produce immune response
What is the blood supply to the stomach?
Left gastric, splenic, common hepatic arteries