Upper Extremity Actions and Innervations Flashcards
Pectoralis Major
A: adduct and medially rotate humerus protract and depress scapula flex humerus extend humerus from flexed state N: lateral and medial pectoral nerves
pectoralis minor
A: stabilize scapula by protracting and depressing it against the thoracic wall
N: medial pectoral n
subclavius m.
A: positions and depresses the clavicle
N: nerve to the subclavius m.
serratus anterior m.
A: protracts the scapula which stabilizes it against thoracic wall, rotations glenoid cavity superiorly
N: long thoracic n.
deltoid m
A: flexes and medially rotates the humerus (anterior part)
abducts the humerus (medial part)
extends and laterally rotates the humerus (posterior part)
N: axillary n.
A: medially rotates and adducts the humerus
holds humerus head in glenoid cavity
N: upper and lower subscapular n.
supraspinatus m.
A: abducts humerus (with deltoid) and holds humeral head in glenoid cavity
N: suprascapular n.
infraspinatus m.
A: laterally rotates the humerus
holds humeral head in glenoid cavity
N: suprascapular n.
teres minor m.
A: laterally rotates humerus
holds humeral head in glenoid cavity
N: axillary n.
teres major m.
A: adducts and medially rotates humerus
N: lower subscapular n.
biceps brachii m.
A: flexes humerus flexes supine forearm supinates the forearm short head resists dislocation of shoulder N: musculocutaneous n.
coracobrachialis m.
A: flexes and adducts humerus
N: musculocutaneous n.
brachialis m.
A: flexes forearm
N: musculocutaneous n.
triceps brachii m.
A: extends forearm
long head resists dislocation of shoulder
N: radial n.
A: extends forearm (with triceps brachii)
stabilizes elbow joint
N: radial n.
pronator teres m.
A: pronates and flexes forearm
N: median n.
flexor carpi radialis m.
A: flexes forearm
flexes and abducts hand at the wrist
N: median n.
palmaris longus m.
A: flex forearm
flex hand
tense palmar aponeurosis
N: median n.