Unsoundness Flashcards
any condition that interferes with or is apt to interfere with function and performance
what is unsoundness usually caused by?
poor conformation
unattractive, but does not interfere with function and performance (scars), usually an acquired physical condition
can affect usefulness, usually characterized by cloudiness of the cornea or complete change of color to white
inflammation of the inner eye due part to vitamin b deficiency, impairs vision, treatment usually unsuccessful
moon blindness (periodic ophthalmia)
various jaw/tooth misalignments (malocclusion)
badmouth (usually inherited)
undershot jaw where lower jaw/teeth extend beyond the top teeth
monkey mouth
overshot jaw where upper jaw/teeth extend beyond lower teeth
parrot mouth
fistula (lesion/sore) on the poll due to bruising or persistent irritation
poll evil
inflammation of withers, treat early or may result in severe infection of a crestfallen condition of the neck
fistulous withers
wasting away of the shoulder muscles caused by damage to a nerve in the shoulder due to a kick, hitting a wall, or a solid object, can cause lameness usually characterized by swinging leg out as it comes forward
marks left after healing of a wound, usually white hairs grow in the area
passage of intestine through an opening in the abdomen usually near the umbilicus
paralysis or partial paralysis of nerves that control muscles of the vocal cords causing a roaring or whistling sound when air is inhaled into the lungs
caused by loss of elasticity of lungs, visible contraction of flank muscles during expiration of usually caused by dusty hay, severe exertion, and respiratory infections
soft, fluctuating enlargement in the upper part of the hock due to a distention of the joint capsule. result of horses trying to straighten the hock or trauma such as quick stops/turns or getting kicked
bog spavin
bony enlargement at the base and inside of hock; common in light horses, especially those with sickle hocks or shallow hock joints
bone spavin
thickening of the back surface of the led above the fetlock; super flexor tendon, deep flexor tendon and suspensory ligaments commonly involved; severe strain, wear and tear with age and horses with small tendons attached to light round bones
bowed tendons
occur on front, top portion of the cannon bone, possibly from stress on tendons or forces distributed up the bone during fast, hard work, usually in young racehorses
bucked shins
blemish at the point of the elbow, usually caused by injury while laying down
capped elbow (shoe boil)
thickening of the skin or large callus at the point of the hock; fairly common; usually due to bumping hocks during hauling in short or unpadded trailers
capped hock
most common at the knee; small fractures that break off one of the seven bones of the knee; caused by high concussion and stress; seen often in racehorses in high training
chip fractures
back of the foot becomes narrower than normal; caused by improper farrier work and hoof growth; lameness can also cause this condition if horse isn’t applying weight to the front properly
contracted heel
inflammation of the sensitive laminae that attaches to the hoof to the fleshy part of the hoof; caused from an allergic reaction, excess grain and lush grass; front feet usually affected most
inflammation of the navicular bone and bursa; causes include hard work, upright pasterns, small feet, and trimming heels to low, can but nerve so horse has no feeling; it is not inherited
navicular disease
soft swellings of front (and sides) of fetlock joint; caused from injury to the joint capsule of the fetlock often seen in racehorses in training
usually associated with hoof wall being too long or horses in rain/mud for long periods
cracks (quarter, toe, heel)
bony enlargements on pastern bones; due to tearing and damage of the ligaments and tendons at these bones; causes heat, swelling and pain
in ringbone the tearing damages the surface of the bone and stimulates the production of what?
new bone
in ringbone straight shoulders and upright pasterns often worsen the stress of what?
tendons and ligaments
inflammation of the ligaments that holds the splint bones to the cannon bone; usually associated with conformation problems that place stress on the inside of the leg, trauma or hard training
displaced patella of the stifle joint
inflammation of the frog due to bacteria; blackish color, foul smelling, chalky; due to wet conditions, dirty stalls, and unclean hooves
soft enlargements located at the ankle joints and due to enlargement of the synovial (lubricating) sacs
windpuffs (windgalls, road puffs)