Unsoundness Flashcards
any condition that interferes with or is apt to interfere with function and performance
what is unsoundness usually caused by?
poor conformation
unattractive, but does not interfere with function and performance (scars), usually an acquired physical condition
can affect usefulness, usually characterized by cloudiness of the cornea or complete change of color to white
inflammation of the inner eye due part to vitamin b deficiency, impairs vision, treatment usually unsuccessful
moon blindness (periodic ophthalmia)
various jaw/tooth misalignments (malocclusion)
badmouth (usually inherited)
undershot jaw where lower jaw/teeth extend beyond the top teeth
monkey mouth
overshot jaw where upper jaw/teeth extend beyond lower teeth
parrot mouth
fistula (lesion/sore) on the poll due to bruising or persistent irritation
poll evil
inflammation of withers, treat early or may result in severe infection of a crestfallen condition of the neck
fistulous withers
wasting away of the shoulder muscles caused by damage to a nerve in the shoulder due to a kick, hitting a wall, or a solid object, can cause lameness usually characterized by swinging leg out as it comes forward
marks left after healing of a wound, usually white hairs grow in the area
passage of intestine through an opening in the abdomen usually near the umbilicus
paralysis or partial paralysis of nerves that control muscles of the vocal cords causing a roaring or whistling sound when air is inhaled into the lungs
caused by loss of elasticity of lungs, visible contraction of flank muscles during expiration of usually caused by dusty hay, severe exertion, and respiratory infections