Universal access to no cost contraception Flashcards


What does CPS recommend regarding financial coverage of conception?

  1. all contraceptives (including condoms) should be covered under provincial/territorial or federal health plans at no cost until age 25
  2. Health ministries should provide contraceptives at no cost to community based health care services for youth, to support point-of-care dispensing and simplify access
  3. health ministries that adopt public-private models to cover contraceptives must ensure that privately insured youth have equal access to no-cost, confidential contraception.
    o create a mechanism for pharmacists to identify a youth’s insurance provider, such that contraceptives can be dispensed without parent’s knowledge
    o Require private insurers to cover the entire cost of all contraceptive for youth at the point-of-sale, until age 25
    o require private insurers protect confidentiality by not reporting the purchase of contraceptives to a primary policy holder
  4. if oral or other short acting hormonal contraceptives become available over-the-counter, the law should ensure their continued provision at no cost, until age 25
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