dietary intake of sodium by children: why it matters Flashcards
What is the “chronic disease risk reduction” level (for sodium intake)?
intake above which intake reduction is expected to reduce chronic disease risk within an apparent healthy population
What is the tolerable upper level of sodium intake definition?
highest level of nutrient intake that is likely to post no adverse health effects for nearly all people in a particular group (adverse health effects = toxicological risk)
What are the top 5 dietary sources of sodium?
baked products, mixed dishes, processed meats, cheese, soup
Do M or F take in more salt?
boys tend to have more sodium than girls because overall caloric intake higher
What is the recommended salt intake for children?
What is the chronic disease risk reduction intake?
0-6 mo
7-12 mo
1-3 yr
4-8 yr
9-13 yr
14-70 yr

What are health consequences of high sodium?
- Hypertension
- reduced dietary sodium associated with small reductions in SBP
- Obesity
- high sodium intake may be marker for poor quality diet overall (consume processed foods, high calorie, sugar, fat foods)
What is “sodium sensitive”?
Who is it more common in?
people who experience a large BP response to a change in sodium load
More common in: people with HTN, African-American, metabolic syndrome
LBW (<2500g) kids also at higher risk for HTN
Are there Health risks with reducing sodium?
insufficient evidence (affecting insulin resistance, blood lipids, catecholamines, cardiovascular disease risk factors)
Recommendations to lower salt intake?
Public policy
- reduce sodium consumption from processed foods:
- set mandatory sodium reduction targets for food industry (80% sodium oconsumed from processed & prepackaged foods; only 11% from added salt)
- regulate marketing of foods high in sodium to children & youth
- require front-of-package labelling for foods high in sodium (15% daily value)
- Apply nutritional guidelines or standards to:
- procured and prepared foods in public institutions (childcare settings, hospitals, schools, cafeteria, vending machines)
- reduce sodium consumption from processed foods:
Pediatric practice
- assess family dietary habits & educate patients on reducing sodium intake using:
- recommended sodium intake ranges
- Nutrition facts table and % daily value for sodium on pre-packaged food labels
- assess family dietary habits & educate patients on reducing sodium intake using:
Where does our dietary sodium come from?
(80% sodium consumed from processed & prepackaged foods; only 11% from added salt)