UNIT2-Contraception Flashcards
Any artificial method people use to prevent pregnancy
What are the 2 types of contraception?
Hormonal and non hormonal
What are the hormones involved with Contraception?
What does Oestrogen do?
Works to mature an egg
What does Progesterone do?
Creates mucus that plugs the cervix and thickens
How does hormonal contraception work?
They trick the body into thinking it is pregnant by changing levels of these hormones.
How does non hormonal contraception work?
They use chemicals to kill sperm (copper IUD and spermicide) or barrier methods to physically stop the sperm and egg meeting (condoms)
What are the two permenant types of contraception?
vasectomy and female sterilisation.
How does permanent contraception work?
In permanent contraception the tubes of the female reproductive system are cut or blocked or the sperm ducts are cut.
NONHORMONAL A barrier that covers the penis and prevents sperm entering the vagina. Easily obtained and protects against STI’s However unreliable if not used properly.
Female condom
NON HORMONAL A barrier that goes inside the vagina prevents sperm entering the uterus. Protects against STI’s. However difficult to obtain unreliable if not used properly
NONHONAL A barrier that sits at the top of the vagina and prevents sperm entering the uterus. Easily obtained If not used properly not effective Does not protect against STD’s.
fertility awareness
NONHORMONAL Avoiding intercourse around the time of ovulation. No chemicals used Does not protect against STI’s Unreliable if menstrual cycle is irregular .
The pill
HORMONAL A pill take everyday prevents ovulation by changing chemical levels It has side affects. Does not protect against STI’s
Vaginal ring
HORMONALInserted into the vagina and changes hormone levels to stop ovulation easy to use. Has Side effects. Does not protect against STD’s.
NONHORMONAL A plastic device put into the womb by a doctor prevents implantation of a blastocyst in the uterus. Provides long term protection Doesnt protect against STI’s
HORMONAL Rod placed under upper arm skin. Changes hormone levels for 3 years has side effects. does not protect against STI’s
HORMONAL Changes hormone levels Lasts 8-13 weeks Has side effects. does not provent against STI’s
HORMONAL A small patch on the skin changes hormone levels. Has side effects. Skin irritation.