unit2 Flashcards
i struggle with mathematics initially and she was extremely helpful in teaching me the subjects
از ابتدا
interesting sentences of unit 2
- we will be able to start our driving lessons in the second half of October
- he hadn’t applied and he just turned up out of the blue
- has he got any experiences of going off to remote places on foot?
what qualification does he have which would interest us? - he can hold conversations in 5 languages
he is not fluent in all of the but he can get by از پس خودش برمیاد در زبان - the storm which occurred ate the end of January destroyed several houses
_ the air is usually humid and sticky and you might feel sweaty or uncomfortable احساس عرق در هوای گرم و چسبناک - the weather can vary from day-to-day
- human being are main cause of extreme effects of weather and climate changes نوع بشر دلیل اصلی
- is your arthritis pain increasing? This means humid weather is coming ارتروزت زیاد شده
synonym unit 2
unacceptable = to bad to be allowed
satisfied that= pleased because
re-examine = look again
inexplicable= so strange or unusual
indistinguishable=impossible to see as a different or separate
to quantify how many people = measure the amount of somthing
she was also traveled extensively in Turkey and Greece
بطور وسیع
his behavior last night is quite inexplicable
غیر قابل توضیح
- The New york press corps
- she joined the nurse corps and was sent to London
سپاه ، لشکر
fishing rod
bring your fishing rod
چوب ماهیگیری
Leila is a fitness fanatic
آنتارک تیا
Most famous American fast food chain serves hamburger in every continent except Antarctica
قطب جنوب
Some people prefer to buy food without additive
lead an expedition
seafarers lead an expedition from one island to the other without navigational instruments
هدایت کردن گروه اعزامی
cyclists tend to have more accidents than motorists
دوچرخه سوارها بیشتر از موتور سوار ها در معرض تصادف هستند
the roads are often impassable in winter due to snow
صعب العبور
council (N. )
the town council bult a bridge across the river
انجمن - مجلس
Associate(V. )
Sudden temperature changes are often can associated with a cold or the flu
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