unit 3 - travel Flashcards
zero emissions
our country is committed to achieving zero emissions by 2030
zero emissions vehicles
produce zero emissions
با آلایندگی صفر
travel directory
- direct train is usually the fastest way to travel
- stopping train stops at a lot of smaller station
- an express train provides a faster service to your destination
- rail travel needs single or return tickets which are called travel cards and for a bus it’s a bus pass
- go on a :journey(journey to school) / trip(describe hole visit )
- commute: a long way from home to work; I commute 2 hours to the city every day
- flying is generally the fastest way to travel
- you have to change your train twice once in Paris and again in Barcelona
- we were surprised to find the ticket was incredibly expensive
- I was held up, my train was due at 9 but it didn’t get in until 10
- missed/catch the train/ connection
- the train I catch is often canceled without warning
- there was a long hold-up/delay at the airport and we didn’t leave until midnight
- keep your seatbelt fastened throughout the flight
- have you ever flown in a helicopter
travel-sick / carsick / seasick/ airsick
I was so travel-sick
I am/feel/get/ carsick - business class has certain advantages over economy class: board more quickly / enjoy a higher standard of food / be served by very experienced flight attendants/ have access to a greater variety of entertainment
- flying is no pleasure for me, I hate it
camping directory
- when we are camping we don’t try and put up a tent unless the ground is completely level
- outdoor/indoor are Adj
outdoor/indoor sport/swimming pool - outdoors/indoors are Adv
it is sunny let’s go outdoors - choose a campsite with a good variety of facilities
- we had a short break at the seaside so we stayed at the youth hostel
- the hostel was in a remote location so we headed home
- do you ever go away on a short weekend break
interesting sentences of unit 3
-the restaurant caters for all appetites from a light snack to a full three-course meal
- people are encouraged to keep noise to a minimum
- for the convenience of those wishing to catch the nine o’clock train
- a quick bit of advice about passports
- Steward is a person in charge of your carriage
- sharing cars is the second most common way of traveling to work
- she caused a lot of problems with his plan of hers marrying again
- he said once her divorce was a misunderstanding
- she doesn’t allow her son much money (restrict hos access to money)
- life just go on the same
-she lost his job and had to cut his costs
synonym unit 3
link = make a connection
ensure = make certain
plug into= connect
recharge=top up
cheapest = lowest
obtain = get
board=get on
unless= if not
the relatively small range of electric cars
top up
Shall I top up your drink?
the battery can be topped up by charge points
پر کردن
navigation system inside the car locate switch stations
مکان یابی کردن
= direct هدایت کردن
the depleted battery can be replaced with a charged one
خالی کردن
dealt with
deal with گذشته
come aboard !
He checked their names off as they went aboard the plane.
سوار شدن
روی یا داخل
the restaurant caters for all appetites
آماده سازی
the airport lounge
صندلی راحتی، سالن انتظار
there is a staircase leading down to the cabins
راه پله
The fuselage was of welded steel tube
بدنه از لوله فولادی جوش داده شده بود
accommodate (V.)
this table can accommodate six people
pedestrian (N , Adj )
a pedestrian bridge
His speech was long and pedestrian.
عابر پیاده
کسل کننده
exhaust (V. )
exhaust fumes خروج گاز سمی
اگزوز، از پای در اوردن
noisy demonstrations
they organized noisy demonstrations
تظاهرات پر سر و صدا
prosper (V)
The high street banks continue to prosper.
موفق شدن، رونق یافتن
household appliance
electrical appliance
ابزار ، وسیله
He’s the steward of the club.
your breakfast will be brought to you by your stewart
مباشر ، پیشکار
wash basin
fold down table
میز تاشو
make + noun/pronoun + adj
- make someone angry
cause + noun/adj + noun
- cause widespread damage
unwilling (Adj .)
an unwilling response
they were unwilling to use train
بی میل، بی تمایل
i feel dreadful
means of transportation
bicycles are the most dangerous means of transport
وسیله نقلیه
prices are rising more steadily this year than last year
بطور پیوسته
cry out
she cried out in horror ‘My diamonds’
با وحشت فریاد زد
look in
he looked in on me
ملاقات کوتاه کردن، (به کسی) سر زدن
اصلاح دنیا به کجا داره میره؟
what is the world coming to ?
برای مواقعی که دنیا داره به سمت بدی میره
-chuck me the magazine
- i am tired of your criticism, just chuck it!
انداختن، بس کن