unit 4- transportation mode Flashcards
- an intentional community/ mistake
- If I hurt your feelings, it was not intentional.
خودخواسته، عمدی
synonym unit 3
clay bricks = mud blocks
material= natural resources
tiled roofs= building coverages
fraternity (N. )
a fraternity house
باشگاه و خوابگاه خصوصی ، انجمن ، اتحادیه
sorority (N.)
- You think the sorority had something to do with it?
انجمن نسوان
Crisp (Adj. )
crisp air
هوای تازه
Vary widely=differ greatly
off the beaten track = unspoiled
Thrill (V.)
I was thrilled by all the breath-taking views
ذوق زده شدن
soak up (V.)
l soaked up the crisp air
This sponge doesn’t soak up water very well.
I love to lie on the beach and soak up the sun
جذب کردن
beautiful unspoiled countryside
دست نخورده
off beaten track
This vacation spot is off the beaten track because it is a new one opened
we try to find the location slightly off the beaten track
-a serene sky
- Aerial view of serene sunset
آسمان صاف، متین، بی سر و صدا
I was completely mesmerized by the performance.
He was mesmerized by her bewitching green eyes
شیفته و مسحور
bewitch=مسحور کردن
interesting sentences
-I’m in the Kent under 18s
- they formed bricks out of clay and dried them in the sun خاک رس
- the game had immense public appeal
- how did you get on with the devices we asked you to test for us?
- what is your attitude to new electrical devices?
- anything I should especially look out for there?
- we are not in any hurry عجله نداریم
- I want to keep up with the latest developments in electronic بروز ماندن
immerse (V. )
I immerse my clothes in the water.
They did not have time to immerse themselves in technical detail.
فرورفتن ، توجه را (کاملا) متوجه چیزی کردن
convey (V. )
the sentence convey your intention effectively
I can’t convey my feelings in words.
نقل کردن، حمل کردن، رساندن
You’ll need a leotard and some sneakers
لباس ورزشی
The old mansion was built in 1850.
manufacturing (N.)
to simplify a manufacturing process
necessity (N.)
- necessity and free will جبر و اختیار
- necessity is mother of invention
- necessity lead to invention
نیاز، ضرورت
make home interesting sentence
- earliest people began to feel at home in caves
- shelter provide protection from elements and extreme weather
- The next generation formed bricks out of clay and dried them in the sun. necessity led to the invention
- the slanted roof coverings of glazed clay tile for rain and snow to slide off
mortgage (N , V )
- to hold a mortgage
- soon, I am going to redeem the mortgage on my house از گرو در اوردن
- they can’t pay their mortgages
در رهن گذاشتن ، وثیقه
- to comb one’s hair
-to comb a house for a missing book
جستحو کردن ، شانه کردن ، شانه
conducive(adj. )
If the environment is not conducive to learning it can be challenging to focus
مساعد، سودمند، منجر شونده
- fluctuation in the heat and moisture
- Fluctuations in temperature are common in spring.
تغییر، نوسان، ترقی و تنزیل
inflation تورم
- processed food
فارم سوتکال
-pharmaceutical companies
وابسته به داروسازی و داروسازان
-income rose steeply as a result of the comfort
با شیب زیاد
- She drew a dose of morphia into a syringe.
digest (V.)
-boiled eggs digest easily
هضم کردن، هضم شدن، خلاصه کردن و شدن
discriminate (V.)
- to discriminate against /in favor of someone
- We must learn to discriminate between facts and opinions
تشخیص دادن، فرق قائل شدن، تبعیض قائل شدن
obligation (N.)
- a moral obligation
- You are under no obligation to answer our questions
وظیفه، الزام ، تعهد
adequate (adj.)
- Everyone has the right to adequate food and clean water.
لایق، صلاحیت دار، مناسب
human race
main purpose of the family has been protection of human race
wet nurse
A wet-nurse would cost him six dollars a week
fair housing
What is fair housing in NYC?
All New Yorkers deserve fair and equal access to housing
حق مسکن منصفانه
durability (n)
housing was designed with three goals in mind : durability , practicality, beauty
accumulate (V)
- to accumulate wealth
- Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs.
انباشتن، اندوختن
- the game contained too many flaws
عیب ، شکستگی
take up
- small computer doesn’t take up too much space
جا گرفتن ، بالا برن
-imitation diamond
- this is not a Rolex watch, it’s just an imitation
ساختگی، بدلی
immense (Adj)
- the game had immense public appeal
با اقبال عمومی روبرو شد
بزرگ ، وسیع
-a free instructional video. آموزشی
- modern constructional drawing ساختمانی
cite (V)
- Can you cite another case like this one?
ذکر کردن
reservoir (N)
- my reservoir of physical energy
ذخیره، مخزن
razor (N)
- Bic is famous for it’s razors too
willpower (N)
- It took a lot of willpower to stay calm.
اراده، تصمیم
eye catching
- an eye-catching poster
- the purple make it quite eye-catching
revolving door
- I am not so keen on revolving doors i feel I’m going to get stuck in one
در گردان
- I’m sure that signpost is pointing the wrong way
تابلو اعلان، تابلو راهنما
cosmopolitanism (N)
- the concept of cosmopolitanism is to embrace cross-cultural understanding
جهان وطنی
preliminary (adj)
- the preliminary stages of the project
- the preliminary work on an invention
-These are the opposite sides of the parallelogram.
متوازی الاضلاع
diagonally (Adv)
- cube could be turn in any direction except diagonally
identical (adj)
- each side of large cube should be an identical color
- Rubik took out the patent in 1977
حق ثبت اختراع، دارای حق انحصاری
-the company attempt to invent a suitable substitute for sugar
- The congestion in the city gets even worse during the summer.
تراکم، ازدحام