6 minutes english Flashcards
let’s recap the vocabulary we have learnt
تکرار کردن ، خلاصه کردن
- a drain on the country’s resources
- Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines.
تخلیه آب
cling (V)
- I still cling to the hope that he’s alive.
- Wet clothes cling to the body
- Let’s kickstart this project and get things moving.
شروع سریع
down the line
only time will tell
-some time in the future :
It could create problems down the line
-only time will tell if it is a long term solution to the problem of water scarcity کمبود
در آینده معلوم میشه
ethnicity (N)
-He said his ethnicity had not been important to him.
stereotype (N)
- that novel is full of stereotype characters
refugee (N)
- a refugee camp
پناهنده ، مهاجر - fleeing war
فرار کردن
- seasoning is an integral part of food preparation
integral جدا نشدنی
چاشنی، ادویه زنی
in for a shock
solve problem with trail and error
i would say that wouldn’t i?
was not in the same league
- experiencing a sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling because of something unexpected
- try a number of different methods and learn from mistakes
- of course i would say that
- not nearly as good as something or someone else: She’s a brilliant golfer - I’m not in the same league.
controversial (adj)
- why is the traditional British tea is controversial?
بحث آفرین ، جنجالی
receptor (N)
- receptor
- differences in the receptor we are born with
- ## I just don’t want you to chastise yourself.سخت تنبیه کردن
connoisseur (N)
- Only the real connoisseur could tell the difference between these two wines.
خبره بیشتر در امور هنری
- a prejudice against modern art
- we all have our own personal prejudices but we are encouraged to park those prejudices
park= set aside
تبعیض، غرض، پیش داوری
/ˈsaɪzmɪk/ سایزمیک
- Earthquakes produce two types of seismic waves.
زلزله ای، لرزه ای - Seismologists in Japan measured the earthquake at 7 on the Richter scale.
زلزله شناس
velocity (N)
- Light travels at a constant velocity.
شتاب، سرعت
- jumping in unison and stamping in unison
اتحاد، هم صدایی
better off
- are kids better off without a phone?
موفق تر ، زن
I’m torn between letting my daughter to get a phone or not
پاره شدن
interesting sentences
- ## today technology progresses so quickly that all tech soon becomes obsolete
- to live in peace and tranquility
اسودگی، اسایش خاطر
be off to some where
- you will be off to the library
عازم شدن
creep (V)
- I heard someone creeping slowly up the stairs
خزیدن ، مومور
enthusiasm (N)
- her enthusiasm made everyone else interested
- lack of enthusiasm
waking day
- During my waking day, I try to stay active and productive
- I have a busy waking day ahead of me, with several meetings and deadlines to meet
طول روز
warden (N)
- traffic warden
سرپرست، رئیس
pace (N)
- UK emphasizes working at a fast pace
قدم، گام
Breathing down your neck
- is there a supervisor breathing down your neck?
co founder
- He was also a cofounder of the California Institute of Technology
- Presenteeism in the workplace can lead to a decline in overall productivity
- the sense of presenteeism
کارکردن حتی در زمان مریضی و کار کردن بیش از حد
burn out
- It’s a high pressure job and many people burn out at a young age.
تمام شدن , از پا درآمدن