Unit VIII - Clinical Psychology and Unit IX - Social Psychology Flashcards
Psychological Disorder
a condition characterized by distressing, impairing, and/or irregular thoughts, feelings, behaviors
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders
info between a patient and a therapist that can’t be shared
Insanity Defense
a defense that someone can plead in a trail
Medical (Biological) Explanation of Abnormal Behavior
disorders are a result of biological issues
Psychodynamic Explanation of Abnormal Behavior
disorders come from unresolved childhood conflicts
Humanistic Explanation of Abnormal Behavior
individuals are responsible for their own behavior
Cognitive Explanation of Abnormal Behavior
disorders are caused by thoughts and beliefs
Behavioral Explanation of Abnormal Behavior
disorders are learned responses (reinforcement)
Socio-Cultural Explanation of Abnormal Behavior
disorders are shaped by family, society, culture
Neurodevelopmental Disorder
group of conditions in which growth of brain is affected
Neurocognitive Disorder
decreased mental function due to disease other than a psychiatric illness
ADHD Symptoms
- unable to sit still
- constant fidgeting
- can’t concentrate
- excessive talking
Autism Symptoms
- difficulty communicating
- must follow certain routine
Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms
- mental decline
- confusion
- delusions
- forgetfulness
Delirium Symptoms
- confusion
- difficulty paying attention
- difficulty thinking
- drowsiness
an experience involving perception of something not actually there
a false belief/judgement about external reality
irregular movement and behavior coming from a disturbed mental state
Bipolar I
more highs than lows
energetic and then depressed states
Manic Episode
state characterized by high energy, excitement, decreased need for sleep, a high
Rapid Cycling
presence of at least 4 mood episodes in previous 12 months that meet the criteria for manic, hypomanic, or major depressive episode
Bipolar II
more lows than highs
energetic and then depressed states
Cyclothymic Disorder
exaggerated feeling of happiness, very talkative, does risky behavior
MDD Symptoms
- irritability
- hard to sleep
- hopelessness
- depression
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Symptoms
- down most of the day
- losing interest in hobbies
- low energy
- sleeping too much
Persistent Depression (PDD) Symptoms
- sadness
- lack of energy
- low self-esteem
- trouble focusing
Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder Symptoms
- depression
- irritability
- moodiness
- feeling overwhelmed
Generalized Anxiety (GAD) Symptoms
- restlessness
- trouble concentrating
- muscle tension
- trouble sleeping
Panic Disorder Symptoms
- sudden episodes of intense anxiety
extreme fear of something
fear of situations where one has felt loss of control/panic
Social Phobia
fear of social situations
Selective Mutism Symptoms
- nervous
- socially awkward
- rude
- clingy
- shy
OCD Symptoms
- obsessive thoughts
- compulsive behaviors
Hoarding Disorder Symptoms
- can’t get rid of possessions
PTSD Symptoms
- haunted memories
- nightmares
- social withdrawal
- jumpy anxiety
Dissociative Disorder
condition that involves experiencing a loss of connection between thoughts, memories, surroundings, behaviors, identity
Dissociative Amnesia Symptoms
- memory loss that can’t be explained
Dissociative Amnesia With Fugue Symptoms
- memory loss that can’t be explained
- wonders away from home
Depersonalization Disorder
you often feel that you’re seeing yourself from outside your body
Derealization Disorder
you sense that things around you aren’t real
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Symptoms
existence of two or more identities
Somatic Symptom Disorder
symptoms take a somatic (bodily) form without apparent physical cause
Somatic Symptom Disorder Symptoms
- worry
- depression
- anxiety
Illness Anxiety Disorder (IAD) Disorder Symptoms
- constantly thinking you have a disease
Conversion Disorder Symptoms
- loss of sense without known cause
Factitious Disorder Symptoms
- stomach pain
- seizures
- passing out
Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms
- altered body image
- low body weight
- fear of being fat
Bulimia Nervosa Symptoms
- normal/above average body weight
- episodes of binge eating and then purposely vomiting
Paranoid Symptoms
- grudges
- isolation
- sensitive to criticism
- not trust others
Schizoid Symptoms
- doesn’t enjoy close relationships
- doesn’t like many activities
- lacks close friends
- indifferent to praise/criticisms
Schizotypal Symptoms
- unusual behavior, thinking,, manners
Histrionic Symptoms
- constantly seeking attention
- inappropriate behavior
- flirtatious
- manipulative
Narcissistic Symptoms
- lots of confidence
- lack of empathy
- sense of specialness
Borderline Symptoms
- fear of abandonment
- unclear self-image
- impulsive
- self-harm
- feeling of empathy
Antisocial Symptoms
- act witty and charming
- break law repeatedly
- not show guilt
Avoidant Symptoms
- need to be well liked
- lack of pleasure in hobbies
- anxiety about saying/doing wrong things
- people pleaser
Dependent Symptoms
- uncomfortable when alone
- fear of being abandoned
- needing assurance
medical doctor who specializes in mental health
Clinical Psychologist
access, diagnose, and treat mental, emotional, behavior disorders
Systematic Desensitization Therapy Steps
- relax your muscles
- make a list of your fears and rank them
- slowly expose them to yourself
Flooding Therapy Steps
expose yourself to fear for a long time until you calm down
Aversive Conditioning Therapy Steps
do something you enjoy while exposed to fear
Behavior Modification Therapy
- alteration of behavioral patterns
- use of biofeedback and positive/negative reinforcement
Token Economics Therapy
- based on operant learning
- rewarding tokens as a reward
an observer imitates a role model
training a learned behavior
- mind-body technique
- use to control body’s functions (heart rate, breathing, muscle responses)
Cognitive Restructuring
replace stressful thoughts with less stressful
Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Therapy (RET)
helps you identify irrational beliefs/negative thought patterns that lead to emotional/behavioral issues
RET Actions
self guided sequence of movements to reach a goal
RET Beliefs
internal state that is often related to a particular response in the form of a statement or action
RET Consequences
response to bad behavior
Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Triad Therapy
focuses on distortions/thought processes that can lead to negative behaviors
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
alter unwanted behavior patterns or treat mood disorders
Insight Therapy
interactions to help client’s self-knowledge and to promote healthy changes in personality
Free Association
patients can say whatever they want
Dream Interpretation
interpretation of dreams to determine meanings
opposition of therapy process
someone redirects their feelings
releasing negative emotions
Psychodynamic and Interpersonal Therapy
helps people with a range of different problems
Client Centered Therapy
non-directed approach to talk therapy (client takes the reins)
Unconditioned Positive Regard
showing complete support
intentionals attribute of someone’s character that is honest and thoughtful
Active Listening
full attention to client
Empathetic Understanding
imaging oneself in a person’s situation to understand them
individual reaches full potential
Gestalt Therapy
increasing a person’s awareness, freedom, and self-direction
- thinking about thinking
- control of personal thought processes
use of psychoactive drugs in systematic treatment or control of mental disorders
- type of drug
- used to treat psychosis
Antianxiety Therapy
- type of drug
- used to treat anxiety
- type of drug
- used to treat depression
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
- involves sending an electric current through the brain
- used to treat severe depression, schizophrenia
- disconnection of brain tissue
- alter cognitive states
Social Cognition
ability to understand mental states such as beliefs, emotions of others
Fundamental Attribution Error
observers underemphasize situational/environmental factors for behavior of actor while emphasizing personality factors
ex. she’s 10 mins late so she must be lazy (but there’s a lot of traffic)
Actor-Observer Bias
people often regard situations in which he/she is involved as caused by external factors and to regard situation he/she observes as caused by actions of those involved
ex. you fall on the concrete and blame the hole, but when you see others fall, you think they’re clumsy
Blaming the Victim
puts responsibility on the victim
ex. you were asking for it with that shirt
Just-World Hypothesis
world is fair, that moral standings of our actions will determine our outcomes
Self-Serving Bias
- attribute successes to our character/actions
- attribute failures into external circumstances
ex. I got 100 on the test! I’m so smart
ex. I got 60 on the test, the teacher didn’t prepare me
Halo Effect
overall impression of a person influences how we feel/think about our character
ex. you see a pretty person, you assume they’re smart, kind, etc
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
expectation that makes you act in ways that make expectation come true
ex. you think you failed the test and then you actually did
feelings that affect our reactions to other people, objects, events
Elaboration Likelihood Model
theory identifying two ways to persuade: central route/peripheral route
Central Route of Persuation
influencing attitudes using evidence and logic
“you should buy this because it’s been proven more effective”
Peripheral Route of Persuasion
appealing to fears, desires
“people who buy this are happier and more attractive”
Cognitive Dissonance
when our actions are not in harmony with our attitudes
ex. you want to be healthy, but have a bad diet
Normative Social Influence
individual conforms to majority
Informational Social Influence
individual wants to be right, or do the right thing
Stanford Prison Experiment
- examined effects of authority and powerless
- guards became abusive/authoritarian while prisoners became submissive/emotionally distressed
Milgram Experiment
- how far people would go in obeying an instruction that harmed another person
- most continued to 450 volts
action of person agreeing to something when told
Door in the Face
making a large request knowing it will be turned down and then making a smaller request
Foot in the Door
making smaller requests to get a big one
That’s Not All Commitment
presenting a large request but offering an additional benefit
Low-Ball Commitment
item is offered at lower price so buyer will commit and then price increases
Social Groups
people who interact with another, share similar interests
rules about how acceptable something is
Social Facilitation
people perform better when there’s a presence of others
Social Inhibition
stable tendency to inhibit expression of emotions and behaviors in social interaction
Social Loafing
effort is lower when in a group
people lose their identity and focus on the group as a whole
Group Polarization
decisions of groups tend to be more extreme than an individual’s decision
Group Think
a group reaches a decision without critical thinking or consequences
Social Trap
short-term gains, long-term loss
ex. snoozing your alarm in the morning makes it harder to get up
Reciprocity Norm
repay in kindness for what others have done for you
Bystander Effect
people are less likely to help someone when there’s a lot of people around
Diffusion of Responsibility
the more people, the less likely someone will help the victim
In Group
group of people you belong in
Out Group
anyone who doesn’t belong in your group
an unjustified attitude toward a group
unjustified behavior applied to members of a group
generalized belief about a group
Scapegoat Theory
when bad things happen, prejudice offers an outlet
ex. Hitler
see the world through lens of your culture
Out Group Homogeneity
illusion that members of an outgroup are all similar
Contact Theory
bringing members from different groups together to reduce prejudice
Superordinate Goal
goal that takes place over conditioned goals
ex. getting healthier by going to the gym CONSISTENTLY
Mere-Exposure Effect
people prefer familiar things over unfamiliar things
taking interest in another person
unselfish regard for welfare of other people
ex. giving your food to a hungry person even though you’re hungry
behavior with intent of harming another person/thing
Instrumental Aggression
aggressive behavior meant to achieve a goal
ex. terrorist
Hostile Aggression
“hot” impulsive behavior motivated by desire to hurt someone