Unit V Review Flashcards
Which services constitute upt o two-thirds of GDP in MDC”s?
The typical medieval European urban settlements were characterized by what?
Placement of buildings around a central market square
Of the 10 largest urban areas in the world, how many are in MDCs today?
Clustered rural settlements were most common in which region of colonial America?
New England
The city-state is an example of what?
A state dominated by its major city
The minimum number of people needed to support a service
According the the range concept of CPT, people should be willing to travel far for what and travel short distances for what?
Things not located in residential areas (ex. - airports, weddings, sports events) and services w/in the town (coffee, groceries, restaurant)
A linear community is the best location for a service i the
Periodic markets feature
Vendors who move to serve more towns
The process of using comparable markets to help geographers predict the market share of a proposed new store is called the
Analog method
Central Place Theory predicts larger settlements are
Less numerous and farther apart
A market area is a good example of what kind of region?
A primate city is
At least twice as large as the next smaller city
What is an example of a basic economic activity?
Steel Mill
A firm that sells its products primarily to consumers outside its settlement is a b
Basic Industry
One of the most important basic activities in the southern Great Lakes region is
Manufacturing of durable goods
What factors determine where back office services will locate in LDC’s?
Low wage rates and workers who can speak English
What is an example of a settlement that specializes in public services?
State capital
What tech. development has allowed back office services to relocate to LDC’s?
Richard Florida’s research identified a relationship between the distribution of
Talent and Diversity
IF a country’s largest city has 1,000,000 inhabitants and the second largest city has 200,000 inhabitants, the country follows what distribution?
Primate City
The German Gewandorf settlement was observed by hat previously studied geographer?
Von Thunen
Sir George Carteret was granted land in which region of the US?
The enclosure movement in England coincided with hat other major world event?
Industrial Revolution
Paris and London are both examples of what?
Primate cities
German geographer Walter Christaller proposed what theory in the 1930’s?
Central Place Theory
In Latin America, women earn more money as what than what?
Prostitutes than room cleaners
Which has a further range in Dayton, OH - Kroger supermarkets or United Dairy Farmers convenience stores?
To determine the _____ of a service, geographers observe consumer behavior
According to the gravity model, the potential use of a service at a location is related:
Directly to population and inversely to distance
Which of the following will NOT be found in Herfordshire, England?
South Offley
Hair dressers, social workers, and hotel workers fit into which service sector?
Consumer services
A primate city is…
At least twice as large as the next smaller city
A central place is a…
Market Center
In the French long-lot system, houses were erected along a…
What shape is best used to represent a market area?
What % of US jobs fit into the transportation services
The hierarchical organization of settlements by size is known as the…
Rank-size rule
The area of the city where retail and office activities were historically clustered was the…
Central Business District
Compared to the US, poor families in European cities are more likely to be…
Clustered in suburbs
European CBD’s are similar to those in NA because they both contain
Retail and office activities
Retail activities which tend to concentrate in the CBD include those which have…
Services for office workers
The CBD attracts offices primarily because of its
High accessibility
Land values are high in the CBD primarily because of
Competition for limited space
As a result of high land costs, the American CBD is characterized by
Construction of skyscrapers
Attractive to consumer and business services for its accessibility & is less important for retail because of changing shopping habits
What activity tends to locate on the street-level floor of a skyscraper in a typical NA CBD?
A land use typically excluded from a NA CBD is…
An example of the “vertical geography” of a CBD is…
A barber shop on the bottom floor of a building, an accounting form occupying the middle
The zone in transition typically contains what?
Public Housing
Gentrified Buildings
According to the concentric zone model, a city develops in a series of…
Chicago is a good location in which to develop urban models because it is located
On a flat prairie
According to the sector model, the best housing is located in
A corridor from downtown to the edge of the city
Social Area Analysis attempts to explain
The distribution of different types of people in a n urban area
The multiple nuclei theory best explains why different neighborhoods of a city attract people of different
Ethnic origin
All three models of urban structures…
Help explain why people live where they do in cities
Help explain where different types of people live in an urban area
Depend on the use of data, like that of the US Census
Higher income people tend to live near the center of the city in all but which of the following regions?
Latin America North America Africa Western Europe South Asia
North America
Ramshackle houses on the periphery of cities in LDCs are known as
Squatter settlements
City’s exact location
Location relative to surrounding areas
A social philosophy advocating the removal of inequities among people
Sanctified Societies
Levels of social classes
Functions of early cities
Religious, Economic, and Cultural centers
Primate Cities
Leading city; large and dominant/expressive of national culture - may be capital
Examples of primate cities
London, Paris, Mexico City, Rome
What is the hierarchy of urban centers based on?
Size and function
Few services
Dozens of services (more specialization)
More services/specialization w/in a hinterland
More specialization/larger hinterland/greater centrality (ex.- CBD and downtown)
Megalopolis - great city/located in LOC (Ex. - Bosnywash - 1/4 of US population on 2% of land)
World City
Most important stock exchanges (Ex- NYC/London/Singapore/Hong Kong)
Shared talents, services, and facilities; when industries locate near one another
John Borchert analyzed urbanization in NA based on the impact of what two factors?
Transportation and Communication
Rank-size rule
Population of a city/town will be inversely proportional to rank in hierarchy
Rank-size rule models have more what and less what?
Many villages and fewer cities
When does rank-size rule occur?
When a country doesn’t have a primate city
Binary Distribution
When a country has to large cities of similar size; rank -size rule may apply regionally
Basic Sector
Work that results in exports and inflowing of money (ex- manufacturing/producing products that generate money)
Non-basic sector
Services responsible for the function of the city (ex- firefighters/police
Strength of an urban center to attract producers and consumers
Who created the Central Place Theory?
Walter Christaller
Urban model - every place has a surrounding…
Complementary region - exclusive hinterland w/in reach
Effects of central place model
Ranks of urban places form an orderly hierarchy of central places in spatial balance
What are some assumptions made by the Central Place Model?
Even distribution of people/purchasing power, uniform transportation network, flat area w/no barriers
Gravity Model
Predicts that potential use of a G or S at a location is directly related to population and inversely to distance - people travel to access G or S
Concentric Zone Model
- Zone of transition
- Independent worker homes
- Zone of better residences
- Zone of commuters/suburbs
Example of CZM
Chicago - dynamic (as city grows, inner rings affect outer rings)
Hoyt’s Sector Model
- Low income homes near railroad tracks
- Commercial business near main roads
- Wedge patterns grow
- Main focus is transportation
Multiple Nuclei Model
- Specialized Cells of Activity
- Similar economic activity together
- Heavy industry located near edge of city
- Small service centers in suburbs
3 types of CBD’s
Colonial (Vertical Devlp)
Traditional (singly-story, some traditional architecture)
Market Zone (open-air, commerce by curbside or stalls)
Do residences tend to get richer or poorer as they move farther from the CBD?
Strong ___ neighborhoods and ___ ethnic neighborhoods
Ethnic; mixed