Unit Two Flashcards
Block grant
Federal money given to states with minimal guidelines
Categorical grants
Federal aid given to states after they agree to adhere federal guidelines for its use
Grant in aid
Federal funding given to states governments to fund policies and programs
A formal order or requirement as a condition of aid
Duel federalism
Layered cake, very clear and defined, no inner mix, distinct responsibilities
Cooperative federalism
Marble cake, shared powers, mixing and cooperation
Refers to the spending of federal funds on programs run through states and local governments
Federal grants in aid
Federal cash payments to states and local governments to programs they administered
CategoricL grants
Federal government likes
Grants for specific category/ program
No discretion
Block grant
States like
Used for general purpose to help local governments
More state discretion
Three types of block grants
Operational (run programs)
Capital (buildings/services)
Entitlements (money to poor, needy)
Federal orders given by federal government telling states what to do
Unfounded mandate
No money to states to do what is needed
Underfunded mandate
Not enough money to do what is needed
How to pay for unfunded mandates
Raise tax revenue
Returning power from federal government to states
Big gov to take care of people
Smaller government to devote power to states
Federalism advantages
Policy experimentation
Multiple levels
Citizens many opportunities for political participation
Promotes inequality as states differ in resources and services
Creates confusion as citizens don’t know what different layers of gov to go to
Duplication of services
Tax cut means what for revenue
Less government revenue
Great Depression creates what type of federalism
Cooperative and fiscal
Example unfunded mandate
Handicapped children protection act
When can federal government step in
When states are unable or unwilling to provide equal protection for citizens
Not able to vote
No consequences for bad behavior
Civil rights act 1964
Prohibits discrimination at public places
ADA Americans with disabilities 1990 act
Federal mandate
Protects Americans with disabilities
Conditions of aid
Federal gov will give states money if they meet the conditions given to receive aid
Example of devolution
Welfare reform act
Gonzales v Oregon
Death with dignity which allowed terminally ill to end lives
Stars more power
Crisis and results
Constitutional convention
Articles of confederation
Crisis and results
Civil war
Nullification crisis, state gov thinks federal laws shouldn’t apply to them
Crisis and results
Great depression
Economic crisis
Crisis and results
Civil rights
Human rights crisis
Crisis and results
Ecological crisis
13th amendment
Sleepy is illegal
14 amendment
Citizenship clause
Due process clause
Equal protection clause
Incorporation clause
Citizenship clause
No matter family history of servitude, given full citizen ship
Due process clause
Given due process of law, attorney, no cruel unusual punishment
Equal protection clause
No state can deny a citizen the security of the law as all men are created equal
Incorporation clause
All states when making laws must incorporate the bill of rights
15 amendment
African Americans gain suffrage rights
Thurgood marshal
First ever supreme court African American
Argued brown v board
Please v Ferguson
LegaliZes segregation
Separate by equal
Brown v board
Overturns please v Ferguson
Educational facilities were inferior
Special interest group
National association for the advancement of colored people
SIG achieve goal by
Litigating (filing lawsuit in court)
Wicked v filburn
Art one section 8 commerce clause
Issue was private property rights v common good
Can only grow 11.1 acres of wheat but grew 23.1
Elizabeth eckford
Walked 1.2 miles myself to school in mob, sat down when wasn’t let in. Part of Little Rock nine.
Seed Scott v sandford
Americans of African descent, free or slave, not Gary reed rights of citizens. Congress couldn’t ban slavey in us
What court case says slave owners have rights and property can’t be taken away without due process of law
Dread v Scott
Civil rights act of 1964
Ends Jim Crow laws
Prohibits discrimination
Public accommodations
Heat of Atlanta v US
Owner wouldn’t let blacks stay at hotel
Says 5th amendment broken when unjustly arrested
SC rules in favor of gov
What overturned the deed Scott case
14th amendment citizenship
Clause 1860’s
Unitary gov
All political power in one area, centralized
Who favored devolution
List the articles
1- legislation 2- executive 3- judicial 4- States relations 5- amendment 6- supremacy 7-ratification
What court case says commerce clause is the regulation of road ways, canals, river ways
Gibbons v Ogden
What is an example of underfunded mandate
No child left behind
What crisis was formed with the new deal
Economic crisis of the Great Depression
McCulloch v Maryland
Banking issue
Congress can establish bank to elastic and how the enumerated powers were helped, but states can’t tax the legitimate activities of the national government
What crisis caused Eisenhower to send troops to the school
Little Rock nine
Civil rights movement
What clause gay renters the rights of citizens to life liberty and property
Due process clause
What clause says states can’t deny security of law
Equal protection clause
What are the implied powers
Necessary proper clause
Elastic clause
What SIG tried to get not disenfranchised
What are the four crisis
Articles of confederation Civil war Great Depression Civil Rights movement
What is the 19th amendment
Woman suffrage
What ended nullification and men lost their lives
Civil war
What amendment is the reserved powers clause in
Examples of concurrent powers
When were the civil war amendments ratified