Allport born on ________ in Montezuma, Indiana
Novermber 11, 1897
Allport Died of lung cancer due to heavy smoking on _______
October 9, 1967
the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical
systems that determine his unique adjustments to the environment.
Personality (Allport)
has implied some code of behavior in terms of individuals or their acts, are appraised.
Character (Allport)
is commonly used as dispositions that are closely linked to biological or physiological determinants and the consequently show relatively little modificaiton with
Temperament (Allport)
believed that the most mportant structure are those that permit the description of person in terms of individual characteristics known as ..
Personal dispositions
are shared by several people. They are general characteristics held in common by many people
Common traits
are personal dispositions that are peculiar to the individual, or traits are just as much within an individual as a disposition is.
Individual traits
traits that are highly generalized dispositions
Cardinal disposition
traits that are less pervasive but still quite generalized
Central disposition
traits that are more specific and narrow dispositions
or attitudes
Secondary dispositon
a theoretical concept includes all aspects of the personality that emphasize for inward unity.
Allport’s Stages of Development
Bodily sense Self-identity(from 1-2 – 4-5) Ego-enhancement(2-3) Ego-extensions(3-4) Self-image((4-6) Rational agent(6-12) Propriate striving The knower
is a readiness to respond in a certain way under certain given conditions.
Psychogenic needs
approach to personality represents a blend of psychoanalytic and trait concepts.
Henry Murray