Birthdate of Erikson
June 15, 1902
Erikson died on
May 12, 1994
viewed man as optimistic and idealistic. On the dimension of pessimism versus optimism, he tends to be optimistic.
Erik Erikson
is concerned with the integration of biological and
psychosocial forces in the determination of personality functioning
Ego psychology
individual who resolves the crises inherent in the developmental process.
Ego identity (structure)
a person’s ability to unify experiences and actions in an adaptive manner.
Ego (Erikson’s)
it refers to experiences with one body. A way of viewing one physical self as different from other people.
Body ego
it represents the image one may have of oneself in comparison with an established ideal
Ego ideal
in has the image one may possess in different social roles he performs.
Ego identity
Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of development
- Early Stages
- Elementary School year
- Adolescent
- Adulthood and old age
Infants should develop a sense of basic trust.
birth to 2 years old, oral stage
Trust vs. Mistrust (Early Stages)
(2 to 3 years old, self-direction and independence stage)
Children begin to gain control over their bodies. And the usual age at which toilet training began.
Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt
Early Stages
(3 to 6 years old, oedipal/Electra complex stage)
Begins when children on the ability to control themselves, children now learn to have some influence over others in the family to successfully manipulate their surroundings.
Initiative vs. Guilt (Elementary School year)
(6 to 12 years old, learning skills mastery within the self stage) Now the task is to go beyond imitating ideal models and to learn the basic technology of the culture. Children expand their horizons beyond family and begin to explore the neighborhood.
Elementary School year
(13 to 18 years old, youth age fear of being rejected stage)
The main task of the adolescent is to achieve a state of identity.
Identity and repudiation vs. Identity confusion