Lesson 5. ALFRED ADLER’S(1870-1937) INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY Flashcards
Adler born in Rudolfsheim, Vienna, Austria on ____
February 7, 1870
Adler died on _____ of a heart attack
May 28, 1937
viewed man as a motivated organism, unified and aimed toward either unhealthy goals or personal superiority or healthy goals or success for everyone.
constituting one’s position within the family as regards birth order among siblings, gender and age, presence or absence of parents and other
caregivers are important factors
Family constellation
reconstructing memories that produce clues for
understanding the patient’s style of life.
Early recollections
providing clues for solving problem. An interpretation of dream is tentative and open to reinterpretation.
considering lack of courage, exaggerated feelings of inferiority and poor social interest are product of psychopathology
children tend to be more intelligent, achievement-oriented, conforming and affiliative
Firstborn (oldest)
children may feel the need to accelerate and catch up with the first children, often dream of running to catch things
Second child(middle)
children are more sociable and dependent, having
pampered by the family, a risk remaining the baby of the family.
Last born(youngest)
Adler’s applications of individual psychology in four areas
- Family constellation
- Early recollections
- Dreams
- Psychotherapy