Unit exam 2 Flashcards
Lymphocytosis; high protein; low glucose; cryotococcal antigen (+)
fungal meningitis
At what pH can the sediments be best preserved in the urine?
Lymphocytosis; high protein; low glucose <45mg/dl; pellicle formation (+)
tubucular meningitis
Which of the following sediment findings is NORMAL
A. Presence of waxy casts
B. Presence of tissue fragments
C. Presence of atypical mononuclears
D. Presence of few dysmorphic eryhtrocytes
Presence of atypical mononuclears
What color is NOT associated with a xanthochromic CSF?
A. Red
B. Yellow-green
C. Brown
D. Orange
Sternheimer-Malbin is used in which of the following:
staining of urine sediments
Which normal epithelial cell is commonly interfering when doing urine sediment examination?
Which of the following is the unique characteristics of Calcium oxalate?
Small, colorless octahedral; rarely dumbbells, ovoid or long forms
. What do you call a hyaline cast with a tapering end?
What is tested on the CSF whereby the color of CSF is compared to distilled water using a white
background after the sample is centrifuged
What disorder is the cause of xanthochromia?
subdural hemmorhage
Which of the following is TRUE about squamous epithelial cells
A. It originated from the distal 1/3 of the urethra
B. It originated from the PCT and DCT
C. It originated from the bleeding of glomerulus
D. It originated from the bladder of transitional carcinoma patients
It originated from the distal 1/3 of the urethra
Squamous epithelial cells are
C. large, flat cells with folded margins; abundant cytoplasm
What is the most important indication for CSF collection?
infectious meningitis
. Glomerular bleeding can be diagnosed by seeing under the microscope RBCs which vary in size, have
bizarre shapes or are fragmented that is termed
Intact transitional epithelial cells are from
renal pelvis to the proximl 2/3 of urethra
. Fragmented urothelial cells are
from the bladder of transitional carcinoma patients
Which following is the unique characteristic of renal epithelial cells?
A. 14-60um; oblong to egg shape; granular cytoplasm
B. 40-200um; round to pear-shaped; binucleated
C. large, flat cells with folded margins; abundant cytoplasm
D. 7-9um; cuboidal or polygonal shaped; eccentric nucleus
A. 14-60um; oblong to egg shape; granular cytoplasm
Because formed elements tend to settle in urine, one should do which of the following before
starting routine urinalysis?
mix thoroughly the urine specimen
What renal disorder is characterized by detection of fat droplets, oval fat bodies and fatty acids?
nephrotic syndrome
Dysmorphic RBCs are from
bleeding of glomerulus
Which method of examining sediments in urine is best in identifying mucus, hyaline casts and
phase contrast
. Which test is the most important in diagnosing multiple sclerosis?
protein test
What CNS disease is associated with F2-isoprostanes?
alzheimers disease
. What might cause the urine to be smoky in appearance?
Which specific protein is the most abundant in normal CSF?
7-9um; distorted cells of varied shapes; not nucleated
sysmorphic rbsc
Neutrophilia, markedly high protein; glucose <40mg/dl; high opening pressure
bacterial meningitis
What is the constant finding when urinary stones are present in the genitourinary tract?
In urine sediment examination, which elements are reported per high power field?
rbc and wbc
Which of the following is NOT detected using the dipstick?
Which of the following is always present and reliable indicators of renal disease?
proteinuria and cylunduria
the procedure of wet urinalysis starts with the
sample identification
Clot formation will interfere with which of the following tests
differential count
Which crystal description is found in normal alkaline urine?
coffin lid crystals
The urine volume needed in sediment examination is at least 10-15 ml. The most common reason
why it CANNOT be satisfied is when the patient
having anuria
Which CNS disorder is NOT characterized by eosinophilia?
bacterial meningitis
What is the most reliable method for differential cell counts in CSF?
- Four-sided, flat, yellow or red-brown; lemon-shaped or oval is the unique characteristic of?
uric acid cystal
Which aminoaciduria causes a caramelized odor in urine?
- What is the usual time and relative centrifugal force for centrifugation of urine specimens?
5 mins at 450 g
Which is TRUE regarding transitional epithelial cells (intact)
A. 14-60um; oblong to egg shape; granular cytoplasm
B. 40-200um; round to pear-shaped; binucleated
C. large, flat cells with folded margins; abundant cytoplasm
D. 7-9um; cuboidal or polygonal shaped; eccentric nucleus
D. 7-9um; cuboidal or polygonal shaped; eccentric nucleus
What substance in CSF is measured using turbidimetric method with trichloroacetic acid or SSA?
total protein
What substance in CSF is measured using turbidimetric method with trichloroacetic acid or SSA?
. What WBC is the most abundant in a normal CSF in adult?
Which of the following is NOT characterized by decreased CSF pressure?
When sediment structures have similar refractive index with the urine, they are best seen
using subdeud illumination
All cylindrical structures called casts have characteristic
parallel sides and rounded ends
. Which of the following cells originated from PCT and DCT?
renal epithelial cells
Which of the following will NOT cause turbidity in CSF?
high glocuse
Which of the following is the unique characteristics of Calcium carbonate?
colorless granules or speheres form pair of fours
- Associated with HIV infect; spirochetal meningitis
syphilic meningitis
What is the presence of casts in urine called?
cyl nduria
Which substance CANNOT diffuse freely via blood-brain barrier
Lymphocytosis; normal opening pressure, glucose and lactate; (+) RT-PCR testing is the characteristic
viral meningitis
The microscopic evaluation of this sediment structure in urine requires 10 low power fields
hyaline cast
Why should a CSF cell count be performed not after 30 minutes to 1 hour after collection?
the cell will lyse
Gram stain is beneficial in establishing which CNS disorder?
bacterial meningitis
Which variable is NOT related or important to urine sediment examination?
urine sg and osmo
. Urine sediments are also interchangeably termed
formed elements
Which CSF substance is 60% of the same substance in plasma?
. Which of the following urine sediment examination findings is NOT normal?
0-2 renal cells/hpf
Which of the following is the unique characteristics of Ammonium biurate?
A. Four-sided, flat, yellow or red-brown; lemon-shaped or oval
B. Small, colorless octahedral; rarely dumbbells, ovoid or long forms
C. Yellow-brown spheres with striations and hornlike projections
D. Colorless granules or spheres; form pairs of fours
C. Yellow-brown spheres with striations and hornlike projections
Cells from the collecting ducts are
12-20um; cuboidal or polygonal shaped; eccentric nucleus
What is the principal WBC that is found in pyuria?
What is the reference range for CSF total protein?
15-45 mg/dl