Unit 9 (5.4, 1.6, 2.2) Flashcards
Geographical place where the business is actually located
- Hairdressers located in the town centre high street
- Supermarket located om the edge of town in a retail park
- Car factory located outside of town
- Online business run out of a garage
Quantitative factors that determine where the business is located
Cost of rent/morgage
- High street versus out of town
Labor costs
- Different parts of the country
- Or a different country
Government policies
- Subsidies/grants for locating in a certain area
Distance to the market/inputs
- Near the market (customer footfall)
High street vs out of town
- Factory’s costs of transporting product to retailers
Distance to inputs
- E.g. oil refinery, strele manufacturer
Qualitative factors that determine where the business is located
Near to potential employees
- Tech company in Silicon Valley
- Access to transport
- Telecommunication - e.g. internet
Political and legal factors
- E.g. maximum working horus
- E.g. environmental laws
Where is the competition?
Room for expand premises
Transferring part of the business to another country
- E.g. transferring production to China
- E.g. transferring call center to India
Pros of Offshoring
- Potentially access cheaper labor costs
- Avoid import tariffs
- Access to specialized labor
- Timezone benefits
Cons of Offshoring
- Lose some control
- Culture/language barriers
- Possibility of negative publicity
- Possibility of lower quality
Transferring part of the business back to the original country, having previously offshored it
- E.g. A US business originally transferred production to China and now are bringing it back to the US
Possible reasons for Inshoring
Higher transportation costs (e.g. higher oil prices)
Political reasons - pressure to move jobs home
No longer have the same cost-benefit
- Labor costs are now higher
Transferring part of the business to an external firm rather than doing it within the business
- Manufacturing
- Payroll
- Catering and food
- Security
- Marketing
Pros of Outsourcing
- Potential cost savings, as the outsourced business should have economies of scale
- The outsourced business should have expertise, so higher quality
- Can focus on core activities of the business
Cons of Outsourcing
- Loss of control and need to monitor the quality
- Negative publicity (redundancy) from the loss of jobs within the business
- The outsourced business might not know your business well
Transferring part of the business that was previously outsourced to an external firm back to the business
Possible reasons for Insourcing
- No longer cost-efficient
- Worries over quality
- Want more control over production
Organizational Structure
The system of relationships between individuals in an organization, which determines:
- Communication
- Work
- Responsibility
- Decision-making
Levels of Hierarchy
The number of levels within an organization.
Employees at the same level having the same authority responsibilities.
- Tall - Many Levels
- Flat - Few Levels
Span of control
The number of employees that a manager directly oversees
- Tall - Low span of control
- Flat - High span of control