Unit 9 Flashcards
Seward’s Folly
the US buys Alaska from Russia for 7 million.
derogatory term to show anti-expansionist feelings after civil war.
Josiah Strong
- clergyman
- a leader of the Social Gospel movement
- calling for social justice
- supported missionary work abroad so that all races could be “improved.”
- Social darwinist.
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
called for a stronger navy which translated to national greatness. Written by Alfred Thayer Mahan.
Pan-American Union
organization of Latin American countries and the US to promote cooperation.
Venezuela Boundary Dispute
a dispute between British Guyana and Venezuela about a gold rich border area. Britain rejected a US arbitration offer, saying that Monroe Doctrine meant nothing in international law. US emerged as dominant power in W Hemisphere after this, bcz Britain eventually backed down.
an aggressive form of foreign policy, using the military to intimidate other countries. T Roosevelt. It increased our involvement in foreign affairs but it resulted in negative relationships with many countries.
Yellow Journalism
Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers
de Lôme letter
Spanish ambassador to the US criticized McKinley which further angered US citizens and pushed them closer to war.
Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst
writers that sensationalized and promoted yellow journalism.
USS Maine
After this exploded and sank, the US journalism blamed and framed the Spanish as the cause which pushed public opinion, and led America to fight Spain.
Teller Amendment
The US would leave any jurisdiction or control in Cuba once they achieved independence from Spain.
Rough Riders
led by Teddy Roosevelt during Spanish American War, and capture San Juan, becoming a war hero.
we already had sugar plantations there. The planters living there imposed a constitution on the natives. They deposed Queen Liliuokalani because of disruption of sugar prices.
a British passenger ship that was sunk by German U-boats and over 100 Americans died. This pushed US public opinion closer to going to war.
Treaty of Paris
results in Cuban independence. The US also gets Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
Palmer Raids
The attorney general, Palmer, led an effort to seek out and remove all communists in the United States. It fed the fear of communism, because it showed reason for fear. Some communists attacked/tried to kill leaders
Allied Powers
GB, RUS, France, ITA.
Anti Imperialist League
- those unhappy with expansions.
- Made up of big names like Addams, Twain, Carnegie, and Jennings Bryan.
- They thought it violated the morals of the declaration of independence and constitution.
Platt Amendment
authorized American withdrawal only after Cuba agreed not to make treaties with other powers or borrow beyond its means. Also reserved right to intervene there, and to establish a naval base there.
Open Door Policy
secretary of state, John Hay, proclaims to the rest of the world that China is independent and all countries must have the right to trade there.
Boxer Rebellion
Chinese rebels called the Boxers killed all foreign born people they found.
Panama Canal
French tried making the canal first, didn’t work, let US try. But Colombia rejected America, but US wanted the canal, so TR orchestrated a revolution in Panama and freed it from Colombia. Installed a pro-US leader, and created the canal.
Roosevelt Corollary
claimed that the US had the power to take over a latin american countries to ensure their independence. US becomes a protector of latin america from European nations.
Russo-Japanese War
Russia occupied Manchuria after Boxer Rebellion, but Japan wanted it, so they fought, Japan dominated. TR liked Russia defeat but wasn’t pro-Japan. Negotiated a peace treaty, and gave Korea to Japan. TR got Nobel Peace Prize.
Gentlemen’s Agreement
the US agreed to allow Japanese Americans to attend white schools in San Francisco, and Japan said that they would curb/stop immigration to America. In spite of concessions, tensions continue into the 1940s.
Tampico Incident
when American sailors were released by Mexico and refused to salute our flag, so the US retaliated and took over vera cruz. It ends up resulting in Huerta’s removal as president. It hurts our image and makes the US look like a bully.
Pancho Villa
A Mexican bandit that came into the US and killed some Americans.
John Pershing
In response to Pancho Villa, Wilson dispatched Pershing to handle things. Leader of AEF.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
submarines can sink even merchant boats or transporters without warning.
Zimmerman Telegram
A German message, intercepted by the British, asking Mexico to attack the US, promising a return of the Mexican cession. It is the final event that convinces the US to join the allies and the war.
War Industries Board
government agency that shifted the American economy to war production. It increased economic efficiency, and provided plenty of job opportunities for people on the home front.
Food Administration
led by Hoover, and it oversaw the production and allocation of wheat, meat, sugar, etc for the army. Relied on pledges by people for meatless monday, etc.. and propaganda. Hoover considered hero in Europe for keeping them fed and alive.
Fuel Administration
regulated coal output, fuel price and consumption, and daylight savings.
Committee on Public Information
said to report facts, but just wrote propaganda and the versions of the truth that the government wanted.
Esponiage and Sedition Acts
fines and prison for those that were anti government, constitution, flag, military, or speech.
Schenck vs. United States
ruled that when someone’s speech posed a clear and present danger to the nation, speech wouldn’t be protected. Showed that freedoms would be limited during wartime, and added to how the Espionage act would be enforced.
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
war aims with goals of democracy. Promised
* Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire right to self determination
* imperial disputes should consider the interests of the colonized
* free navigation + trade
* less armaments
* openly negotiated treaties
* association of nations to resolve conflicts
Big Four
Lloyd George of GB, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, Georges Clemenceau of France, and Wilson.
Treaty of Versailles
disarmed, and stripped Germany of colonies. Had to take full blame and make reparation payments. France and Poland took lands, and a demilitarization zone was created.
those that wouldn’t accept the League no matter what.
led by Henry Cabot Lodge, they were a group of congressmen and people opposed to the joining of the League of Nations, mostly because it would take away Congress’ power to declare war, because of certain clauses in the agreement to join the League. They were open if amendments would be made.