Unit 10 Flashcards
Herbert Hoover
- opposed free market competition
- wanted corp cooperation and production standardization
- liked ethical business and was pro-welfare capitalism
- conservationist
- loved volunteerism
Warren G Harding
- anti progressive
- isolationist
- increased tariffs
- teapot dome scandal
marked by political scandals and corruption, but also saw economic prosperity and a return to normalcy after World War I.
Calvin Coolidge
- laissez faire –> didn’t want to intervene for anything
- anti union
- pro big business
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
- Extremely high tariff
- signed by Hoover
- decreased all trade and worsened economy
Teapot Dome
- Albert Fall
McNary Haughen Bill
- aimed to stabilize farm prices
- govt purchases surplus crops
- govt buys extra farm commodities and sells them abroad and recovers the difference through tax on domestic sale of those commodities
washington naval arms conference
aimed at limiting naval armaments and promoting naval disarmament among major world powers.
warship ratios
Kellogg Briand Pact
An international treaty signed in 1928 renouncing war as a means of resolving disputes between nations.
- didn’t enforce anything, so it accomplished nothing
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- part of new deal
- hired thousands of people in the Tennessee Valley, to build dams, operate electric power plants, control flooding, and erosion, and manufacture fertilizer.
Bonus March / Bonus Army Conflict
- WWI veterans that asked DC for aid/bonuses that were promised to them for a later date
- military tries to get them under control which leads to rioting, fires, etc
- really really hurts hoover
Sinclair Lewis
- author
- criticized conformity and cultural barrenness.
Ernest Hemingway
- wrote novels about WWI
- blasted wartime hypocrisy and postwar vulgarity
F Scott Fitzgerald
An American novelist and member of the “Lost Generation,” best known for his novel “The Great Gatsby,” which explores themes of wealth, love, and the American Dream during the Jazz Age.
Langston Hughes
A prominent African American poet, playwright, and activist known for his powerful and lyrical portrayals of African American life and culture during the Harlem Renaissance.
FDR New Deal 3Rs
relief - to needy
recovery - for businesses and financial institutions
reform - long term reforms to prevent problems
Francis Townsend
2% sale tax = 200/mo for everyone over 60
secure income for elderly and retired
Huey Long
“every man a king”
“share our wealth program”
- promised a minimum annual income of $5000 for every American family to be paid for by taxing the wealthy.
Charles Coughlin
- wanted inflation
- nationalizing all banks and vital resources
- protecting other private property
- antisemite
national origins act
restricted immigration from other countries to 2% of ppl already in the US
- didn’t allow asians at all
- aimed at S & E europeans
Marcus Garvey
- return to africa (supported by UNIA)
- black solidarity
- from Jamaica, deported there
- criticized by black church, NAACP, WEB Du Bois
18th Amendment
officialized prohibition
repealed by the 21st amendment
- work projects administration
- created many jobs especially in infrastructure
- employed many artists
New Dem Coalition
- solid south
- ethnic whites
- african americans
- poor people
- realignment because of FDR
an agency created in 1935 to prevent unfair labor practices and to mediate disputes between workers and management
2nd New Deal
(1935) a new set of programs in the spring of 1935 including additional banking reforms, new tax laws, new relief programs
Agricultural Ad
A law enacted in 1933 to raise crop prices by paying farmers to leave a certain amount of their land unplanted, thus lowering production
1st New Deal
- Agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, CCC, and NRA. were founded
- Economy improved to a degree as unemployment decreased
- Criticized by conservatives for going too far in the use of deficit spending and for spending on relief
- Attacked by liberals for being in favor of business
Frances Perkins
First female cabinet member
Shanty towns that the unemployed built in the cities during the early years of the Depression; the name given to them shows that the people blamed Hoover directly for the Depression.
Lost Generation
disillusioned and disoriented generation of American writers and artists who came of age during World War I and criticized the materialism and conformity of postwar society.
Reconstruction Finance Corp
Lent directly to banks and other financial institutions in need of loans during the Depression
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corp
- This agency guaranteed individual bank deposits.
- Civilian Conservation Corp
- This organization employed young men for projects on federal lands and paid their families small monthly sums.
- National Recovery Admin
- Attempted to guarantee reasonable profits for business and fair wages and hours for labor. The complex program operated with limited success for two years before the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional.
Wagner Act
- National Labor Relations Act
- A 1935 act that guaranteed a worker’s right to join a union and a union’s right to bargain collectively. It outlawed business practices that were unfair to labor.
John M Keynes
- British economist, whose theory said that in difficult times government needed to spend well above its tax revenues in order to stimulate economic growth.
- Keynesian belief: save less and spend more for better economy
Congress of Industrial Organizations
This labor union concentrated on organizing unskilled workers in the automobile, steel, and southern textile industries.
indian reorganization act
- wheeler howard act
- Congress repealed the Dawes Act of 1887 and replaced it with this act which returned lands to the control of tribes and supported preservation of Indian cultures.