Unit 9 Flashcards
Nature v Nurture
Nature- genetics, biology, hormones
Nurture- produced by exposure and experience
Ecological Model
Urie Bronfenbrenner
1) Core: child factors - individual traits
2) Micro: individuals with regular, direct influences on children (mom/dad)
3) Meso: direct interaction with individuals within the microsystem (mom and dad, friend and friend)
4) Exosystem: indirect individuals on a child (classroom, sports teams)
6) chrono: major life events (divorces, natural disaster)
Psycosexual theory
- Sigmund Freud
- unconscious desire, pleasure, satisfaction: oral, anal, phallic, genital
Lawrence Kohlberg, about what is right and wrong (moral dilemma)
Heinz Dilemma: obedience, self-interest, and conformity
Motor development- coordination of muscles/ ability to move. Growth indicates health
Cephalocaudal: head to toes growth
Proximodistal: close to further growth
Differentiation: simple to complex growth
Jean Piaget
- thoughts and understanding, problem solving, perspective taking
- supports discontinuity
Mary Ainsworth
- emotional bonds, relationships can be classified as- secure, avoidant.
Erik Erikson
-social bonds, less emotional than Ainsworth
-social dilemma, unconscious conflict, step like pathway
-we must always attack these inner conflicts, neglect leads to issues such as addictions and mental health problems
Prenatal development
Zygote - for 2 weeks; sperm and egg
Embryo - for 2.5 months; looks like baby
Fetus - for 6 months; looks like a human
Teratogens- disease, drugs, toxic chemicals- Can harm the offspring, not the zygote.
Infancy 0-3 years of age
physical development - normal curve and standard deviation; 68% of babies are born within 1.25lbs of 7.5lbs
-brain maturation, body portions, sleep and rest
Newborn reflexes
Babinski- stroke finger on foot- toes will spread out
Moro- sternal reflex. Bends arms out and arches back- baby don’t wanna fall
Palmar- grasps onto caregivers
Rooting- if you touch the infant’s cheek they will turn their head toward the side you touch.
Sucking- push tongue up and create vacuum seal to get nutrition.
Motor development- infancy
1 month - lifting of the head
2 month - lifting chest
3 months - reaches
4 months - can sit up with support
5 months - holds objects
6 months - can sit by themselves
7-9 months - general locomotion
8-11 months - standing with help
12 months - walking
2+ years - complex locomotion
Psychosexual- infancy
Oral- pleasure and comfort (birth to 2 years) ex. bottle feeding, pacifier
Arial- control and shame (2-3 years) ex. potty training
Psychosocial- infancy
Trust v mistrust- 0-1- trust primary caregivers. If left to cry there have mistrust for others and caregiver.
Autonomy (independance) v Doubt 2-3- helicopter parent don’t let toddlers try things on their own
Attachment types
Secure- upset when separation, happy when they return.
Avoidant- indifferent relationship with caregiver
Disorganized- does not show any of the above. Red flag. Can be a sign of abuse or neglect or developmental disorders.
Cognitive- infancy
Sensorimotor stage- sensory, motor
-object permanence- know its there even if its covered
Early childhood age 3-6
Morality- wrong v right- stage 1- avoiding punishments- stage 2- wants a reward
Psychosexual-age 3-6 phallic (relating to others- penis), social comparisons, oedipus (kill dad and marry mom), penis envy (wanted to cut their dads penis off)
Cognition- pre-operational stage
-symbolism (pretend play) Egocentrism (don’t think the same as adults) Centered thinking,
Conversation- volume, number, length
Late childhood 7-11 age
- elementary years: reading, writing, understanding friendship, more independant.
Morality- where we make our decisions- i want to fit in, I want to follow the rules
Attachment- parent child, teacher child, friendships
Psychosocial- Industriousness (leader) vs Inferiority (follower)
Cognition- concrete operational stage: math, logic problems, tower of hanoi, river boat (riddles on how to cross the river)
Adolescence Ages 12-18
Secondary school
- new intellectual things that can happen, have more autonomy
Physical- puberty, growth, menarche, semenarche, secondary sex characteristics
Psychosexual- Freud believed this is when our development is complete: genital stage, sexuality
Psychosocial- identity vs confusion.
Formal Operational: abstract reasoning, hypothetical thinking, deductive reasoning (logic)
Adolescent Egocentrism: Imaginary audience, Invincibility, importance
Emerging adulthood ages 18-25
Morality- just what is right- Post conventional stage- i owe it to them, I know it’s the right thing
Cognition- age 21- prime age for memory, brain development
Psychosocial- face unconscious dilemma, Intimacy v Isolation- what do you want to do for the rest of your life.
Attachment- secure vs insecure: romantic relationships, jealousy, fear commitment, trust
Middle adulthood- ages 35-60: working years, sense of identity
Elderhood- ages 60+: post work years
Psychosocial- generativity (helps the next gen) vs. stagnation (dead end)
Attachment- as parents (marriage and divorce) parenting styles resemble attachment.
Psychosocial- integrity vs. despair: face near death, did you live a full life or do you have regrets