Unit 14 Flashcards
Environmental psych
-environmental, behaviourism(social psych) ecopsychology (health psych)
recruit, retention, promotion
Job analysis
Job description- tasks and roles
Job specifications- skills and aptitudes
Interview questions- measurement of skills
Job evaluation- recommending salary, value for labour and prestige
Personal selection
- Candidate analysis (personality tests, integrity tests)
-Work samples- best predictor of how an employee will perform
-Bias in job interviews- structured v unstructured, body language, rapport, eye contact, discrimination
Performance appraisals
evaluating and documenting how well an employee is carrying out his or her job
-performance measurement- job analysis, work demands
-dismissal and remediation- dealing with problem employees
-promotion and recognition- retaining good employees
how people behave at work
Work culture
- social norms, social roles- harassment and intimidation, inclusivity, friendliness
-effective communication
-co-worker relationship
-worker satisfaction
-policies and rules
-intrinsic- autonomy, competence (flow), relatedness
Amotivation- not motivated
Controlled- using the incentive in a controlled way
Intrinsic motivation- do the job just cause they like it
Worker efficiency- want to get the most out of the workers
Hawthorne effect- believed workers are more productive when being watched
When allowed down time- work more efficiently
Job strain- autonomy (individual responsibility/control)
Job burnout- fatigue, hostility, undervaluation
Humanitarian work psychology
- tries to make workplaces more equitable
-help marginalized demographics, understand professional norms, work acclimation
-marketing, advertising, sales
-brand personality and loyalty (purchasing patterns)
-color schemes- red/yellow- rush people blue- makes us feel loyal
-shopping exprience
Numbers- reducing form 50 to 49.99
End in odd number-feel like its less money
Remove the comma, fewer syllables, font contrast with salesm red font for men
Context- decoy pricing- low gaps betweens sales so you think its a deal, Instant markdown, larger discount, price per day
Shopping experience
colourful entrance, calm music, store layout, good at the back
Human factors
Occupational safety- attention, stress, hazards
Ergonomics- cubicles, glass, standing desks
Civic architecture- accessibility, hostile features
Driver safety- traffic lights, texting, fatigue
Military psych
- strategy- combat and intelligence, counterinsurgency, human profiling, interrogation and spy work, recruitment and team morale
Educational psychology
- anti-bullying programs
-health management programs- water/vending machibes
-special needs assessments
-speech language pathology
-guidance counselling
Sport psychology
-motivation, confidence, performance- team dynamics, anxiety, music and preparation
-kinesiology and bodily movements- sleep and health