Unit 8.6 - Newly Independent States Flashcards
What happened to the number of independent states from 1945-2000?
It nearly doubled from around 75 independent states to 190
Effects of the boundaries of new states
It led to conflicts, population displacement, and resettlement
Zionist Movement
A movement caused by the Dreyfus Affair, which was used as proof that Jews were not given safety and equal opportunities in European societies which is why they needed their own homeland
Dreyfus Affair
A military captain in the French army named L’Affaire Dreyfus was executed because false evidence which was plotted because he was a Jew
hostility or prejudice against Jews
Jewish people who wanted a Jewish homeland (advocated for an independent Jewish state)
Major event that caused the UN to create Israel in 1948
The Holocaust
The redrawing of _____ and creation of _____ _____ sometimes led to…
boundaries; new states; conflict.
Examples (3) of new boundaries/states leading to conflict
The Suez Crisis (and the independence of Egypt) started conflict between the Egyptians and France and Britain, who supported Israel to go and invade them; the Six-Day War with Israel against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan who were upset with the creation of Israel, and the Yom Kippur war with Israel against Egypt and Syria. Palestine was also upset with Israel’s creation because it occupied the land they were promised to have.
Pol Pot
Leader of Khmer Rouge which took control of Cambodia
What Pol Pot did to the Cambodian civil population
Established a communist government and started a cultural revolution, killing intellectuals and dissenters. Famine also occurred and over two million people died.
Palestinian Liberation Organization
Example of nationalism; a group that rejected peace between Israel and Egypt because they wanted all of their land back and to create Palestine
Two factions Palestine split into
Fatah and Hama
Evidence (3) that new boundaries/states in South Asia led to conflict and the displacement of large populations
With the independence of Combodia, there was conflict between Pot Por/the Khmer Rouge and those who opposed them and so Vietnam interfered to help stabilize them. In India, under British colonialism, the country was split into India (Hindu) and Pakistan (Muslim). Conflict over their borders arose and people moved, either away from both countries or back to one side. They also fought over Kashmir because it was a region they both claimed with a Hindu leader but mainly Muslim population.
Government’s role in newly independent states
They guided the economy
Evidence of the Sirimavo Bandaranaike guiding Sri Lanka
When she came back into power as the prime minister, she instituted policies such as land reforms, restrictions on free enterprise, and a constitution in order to help Sri Lanka’s economy
Evidence of Indira Gandhi guiding India
As prime minister, she established a 20-point economic program which lessened inflation, reformed laws that were corrupt, and increased national production
Evidence of Julius Nyerere guiding Tanzania
In line with ujamaa (familyhood in Swahili) principles, Julius as president instituted literacy campaigns, free education, and collective farming. He also tried to pull Tanzania away from foreign aid so that they were more independent
Large cities of a former colonial power
Examples (3) of people from newly independent states moving to metropoles
Immigrants from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh moved to London, the Vietnamese to Paris/other French cities, and Filipinos to the US
How was what England did to Israel similar to what it did to India
Both involved two groups of people wanting their own independent state. The establishment of Israel, invaded the land Palestinians wanted for their own land and so conflict arose between them and in India, it was split into India and Pakistan but neither was satisfied with their boundaries and fought over them.
First Prime Minister of Sri Lanka
Sirimavo Bandaranaike
First Prime Minister of India
Indira Ghandi
First President of Tanzania
Julius Nyerere
Leader of Zionist Movement
Theodor Herzl