Unit 8 quiz Flashcards
Age of Reason
An era when logic and reason came to the forefront. Talked about government and how a country should be run (Thomas Hobbes (strong king))
Enlightenment Ideals
Natural rights, Education, Government, Religion, freedom of speech, society
John Locke
Idea of three natural rights, liberty, life, and property. Believed that the only job of the government was to protect these rights and the people should overthrow it if it didn’t protect them.
Wrote about the separation of powers and the checks and balances that the government should have.
Social contract. The idea that the people had to give up freedoms in exchange for security while the government had to uphold civil liberties in order to achieve the greater good.
Believed heavily in free speech and was against religious extremism/organized religion
Mary Wollstonecraft
Women’s rights activist/first feminist. Wrote the Vindication of the Rights of Women.
Adam Smith
Father of modern economics. Believed government should only interfere with finance in order to protect society. Believed that people should be allowed to make their own decisions in their own best interests.
Intellectuals who discussed ideas. Used reason to explain their world, Believed that reason could improve society. Believed in religious tolerance.
Important Topics of discussion:
Education, Government, Religion, freedom of speech, society
where the philosophes met to discus their stuff. Different salons for different topics. If were a craftsman wanted to be invited to these things. Women who ran the solons also very important and powerful.
A palace outside of Paris where the King and all the nobles hung out because they didn’t like being in Paris. It was very fancy basically where all the nobles went suck up to the king.
French Revolution Causes
Economic debt, taxes only on the third estate, unfair representation in the estates general, poor leadership from the king, inequality, and the ideals of the Enlightenment
Estates General
Called by Louis 16 it was a big group of people from all three estates and they all came to Versailles to debate and try and solve the problems of the country, but the third estate always got out voted by the first and second.
the tennis court oath
Locked out of meeting hall. Everyone angry they break into the kings tennis court and make an oath to make a new government/constitution
National Assembly
third estate basically makes it and creates better representation and they make the declaration of rights of man and citizen.
declaration of rights of man and citizen.
A document that declared the rights that all citizens got and the government must protect. rights: Freedom, access to federal office based on talent, and equal rights for all men. Everyone was also allowed to participate in the legislative process, and freedom of speech and press was gained.
Constitution of 1721
Made by the national Assembly making France a constitutional monarchy, also bringing more equality by allowing government positions to be open to all, equal taxes, freedom of religion/speech, abolished feudalism, ect.
San Culottes
Poorer basically city workers that wanted a lot of changes to make their lives better and were angry because they didn’t get as much equality as the middle class even though they helped with the revolution.
A stronghold of weapons showing royal authority. The peasants broke into it, killed a bunch of people and took over the Bastille, signaling that the Monarch really didn’t have authority anymore.
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
The ideals and motto of the Revolution.
Women’s march on versailles
A bunch of women come from Paris to Versailles and take the king and queen back with them to Paris.
The flight to Varennes
The King and Queen try to escape france and team up with the Austrians or something to take France back from the revolutionaries .
A very radical group in the National Convention
Left Vs. Right
The more radical People sat on the left side of the room and in the gallery (the mountain), while the more moderate people sat in the middle.
Committee of Public Safety
A committee established to get rid of any enemies of the Revolution.
Reign of Terror
Everyone was afraid of getting turned into the committee that they turned in other people first and thousands were killed and it was a mess.
Louis 16
The last King of France was executed because he went against the Revolution and tried to escape.
the king’s wife. Was austrian so the French were against her from the start.
Maximillian Robespirre
The head to the committee of public safety. Encouraged the Reign of Terror.
Napoleon bonaparte
A corsican noble that came to France for military school, became a general for the revolution, was really good and all his soldiers loved him and were loyal so he went back to France and eventually made himself Emperor and expanded French territory under the guise of spreading the revolution.
Code Napoleon
A law code that he created standardizing all the laws making them equal and fair. It was used in all the French colonies and is the basis for some law codes today.
March on Moscow
Napoleon thought it would be a good idea to go invade Russia, but it wasn’t because the winter forced all his troops to get stuck and they didn’t have any provision. When they got to moscow
Where he was exiled the first time after his defeat in Russia
Napoleon escaped his exile and came back to southern France trying to fight his way back up and his former soldieres flocked to him and he was doing pretty well but he was then defeated at Waterloo and was exiled again.
St. Helena
Where he was exiled a second time, but it was in the middle of nowhere and he didn’t escape.
St. Domingue
the French side of the island of Hispaniola. Was very wealthy.
Grand Blancs
Wealthy plantation owners
Petite blancs
poorer whites, merchants/government official
Mixed raced/free blacks
Toussaint Louverture
General for revolutionaries and helps Haiti become a thing.