Unit 6 Flashcards
Central Asian Steppes
Dry grassy highlands where the Mongols originate from
Dar al-Islam
Islamic sphere of influence
What made rice good for growing a population?
Rice can support more people in a given area.
More rice can be made on a small plot of land.
It takes less labor to make rice edible for a human diet.
English agriculture innovations
Iron plows pulled by horses.
Iron tools.
New types of cattle
How was Farming encouraged during Song Dynasty?
Low interest loans if they were needed to buy farming tools.
Tax cuts for farmers.
Brought in experts to teach farming techniques.
Strip farming
Farmers have chunks of land spread out around the manor.
Craft Guilds
Made up of craftsmen of the same occupation, limited the supply of labour in a profession and controlled production.
Codex Mendosa
History of the Aztecs, their rulers and their conquests, and daily life.
Triple Alliance
Alliance between Aztecs, Acolhua, and Tepaneca.
Ghengis Khan
Greatest Mongol leader united various Mongol tribes. Conquered huge masses of land and was very brutal and slaughtered people.
Charlemagne’s father who took over and became the Frankish emperor.
First holy roman emperor, king of Franks
Holy Roman Empire
Frankish Empire and what is left of the Roman empire, after Charlemagne dies it is split between his sons and does not last long.
People from North or Central Asia.
Kublai Khan
Ghengis Khan’s grandson, reduced power of the scholar officials, ended civil service exams, creation of new social order with Mongols on top. Emperor of Yuan Dynasty.
Yuan Dynasty
Yuan means beginning.
Mongols in China.
First ruler is Kublai Khan
Provinces of Mongol Empire that eventually became different kingdoms after the mongol empire split.
Abbasid Caliphate
Established the city of Baghdad and threw out the Umayyads
Mongol controlled city that is on the silk road.
Pax Mongolica
Mongol peace, Mongols focused on commerce and communication.
Center of Islamic learning
Ural Mountains
Not very big mountains but divided Europe and Asia
Charles Martel
Father of Pepin, Frank general who stopped the Muslims from getting farther into Europe.
Trading city in the Frank empire where there was a large, well known trade fair.
Danse Macabre
Art form that personifies the dead and originates from the black death and the idea that nobody can escape death.
Golden Hord
Mongol Khanate in Russia
Pastoral Nomad
A type of nomadism where the people move periodically to find pastures for domesticated animals.
Navigation Tech
Rudder, compass, astrolabe (can find position with stars)
Movement of vikings and rus
Vikings Come from Scandinavia and attack/steal from many different towns in England, France, and Ireland. They then settled in Normandy and in England.
The Rus Came from Scandinavia and went West towards the Black and Caspian Sea where the settled in Kiev. The Rus caused many nomads in Central Asia to move to the middle east, China, or India causing much disruption throughout the continent.
Black Death/Bubonic plague
A disease that spread from Eastern Asia along the silk road and caused a large decrease in population. The Plague spread into Europe through the trading cities of Venice and Genoa.
Monsoon Winds
Reliable winds that allowed for trade between Africa and India.
Expansion of Islam into Indian Ocean network and Central Asia
traveled through trade and mixed in with different cultures.
Zheng He
A Chinese Admiral that went on many trading expeditions maybe???
First Great Divergence
When China gained a lot of population and through collective learning they were able to have many technological advancements such as iron tools, rice paddy farming, ect.
Coal and Iron
Coal was discovered to be an energy source and was used to make iron tools
Iron tools, compass, type printing, paper
Population and collective learning
If you have a larger population there is a higher chance that someone will be an innovator and create a new technology to better the lives of many people.
Song Dynasty
A very wealthy Chinese Dynasty that had advances in farming, growth in economy, and a good government. Buddhism was also challenged because it was considered foreign, the monasteries were powerful and it went against the ideas of Confucianism. Came after the Tong Dynasty.
Silk Road trade
An overland and Maritime trade route that connected the east with the west
Tang Dynasty
A Chinese Dynasty that had Advances in farming, good government, and economy growth and came before the song. they had a strong military and successful diplomatic relations. Had a cosmopolitan culture (people from all over mixing)
Empress Wu
The only female to rule the tang dynasty
Buddhism’s spread to China
Missionaries spread though trade routes
Manorial system
The idea that the lord protects peasants and gives them land in return for supplies (food and taxes)
A self sufficient estate that is given to a lord by the king or another lord and peasants worked on the land to produce food for themselves and the lord.
basically a slave that is bound to the land by an agreement.
the medieval social system with the king on top who provides land to the nobel who gives land to peasants who provide the lord with protection who provides the king with support and protection.
Basically you get land and protection from the person above you in return for food and service.
Politically Decentralized
I think this means that there is not really a central government and everyone is just relying on local governments such as lords.
Frankish Kingdom
In modern day France. Pipin, Charlemagne’s father, took over and started a new dynasty.
The first Holy Roman Emperor (King of the Franks and Emperor of the Romans)
Coronation by Pope Leo III
The pope crowned Charlemagne as the Holy Roman emperor which basically said that he was continuation of the Roman empire but also set the precedent that only a pope could crown an Emperor.
Viking Invasion in europe
Vikings came in and stole from many villages but eventually settled down in France and England. The rus invaded eastern Europe
A warrior that was a master horseman but also followed the Chiravic code and becoming a knight began to be a religious title because you had to swear an oath to God.
A plot of land that was given out in return for service in the feudal system.
Charles “The hammer’ Martel
A warrior that kept the Muslims from advancing up the Iberian peninsula and is the grandfather of Charlemagne
Pope Leo III
The pope that crowns Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor.
Chivalric Code
A code that was instituted to keep people from fighting and to respect the Church, not kill women/children, united political and social values, ect.
Iron tech & farming
Iron tools made it easier to farm
mills that were used to grind grain and let to more food and population growth, leading to the development of cities.
Three-Field system
Every year you wouldn’t use a field in order for it to regain nutrients
A rich Italian trading city
Connection between increased agriculture production and trade.
You could begin to trade food because you had a surplus you have enough to trade. With a surplus of food people can also enter new trades. There was also an increase of trade fairs and more towns.
I think where England traded their wool to so it could be turned cloth
What England traded to France and it was their biggest export
Trade Fairs
Where stuff was showed. It was like a market
Our modern economy
Like a union. Trained the next generation, Regulated quality, looked out for members and families, had political influence
Fights to reclaim the holy land from Muslims
Seljuk Turks
The turks that had control of the holy land
Pope Urban II
The pope that called for the reclamation of the Holy Land the Crusades
Alexios I
The Byzantine emperor that asked the west for help because the Seljuks were infringing on the Byzantine territory
Motivations to fight
Pope: Wanted to reunite with east & show power
Knights: promised heaven for crusading & wanted to plunder/adventure
Merchants: opportunities to trade with trading cities in Middle East.
Role of Italian Commercial Cites
Funded the crusaders on their way to the Holy Land.
Richard the. Lioheart
The King of England who went to go fight in the 3rd crusade
Causes and effects
Pope wants to show power
Knights promised heaven
Merchants want wealth
trade expanded
Bitterness between Muslims and Christians
Power of Church shown
Women had to manage business while men away
the Holy Land
Israel (where Jesus lived and died)
Pope Urban’s speech
Called on all Christians to go and reclaim the Holy Land
A religion that anybody can convert into
Golden Age of Islam
Genghis Khan
A guy who united all mongol clans and took over the largest empire in the world.
A group of muslims??/
Marco Polo
An Italian who traveled along the silk road to the east
Mongol Empire (1206-1368)
The largest Empire in the world.
Mongols used advanced riding tactics to amass territory for their empire.
Religious Tolerance
Mongols were Muslim but they were tolerant of all religions
Adopted Technology&experts
used Chines technology like catapults and gunpowder along with their expertise on horses
Fall of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty
Peasant uprising???????
Perspectives on Mongols
Mongols were brutal warriors but tolerant rulers
Role of Mongols in Spread of Black death
they controlled much of the silk road and it traveled along the silk road. Also I think they might have carried rats that had it with them
Anti-semitism and movement of Jewish people
People blamed jewish people for black death and killed a lot of them so they moved to Poland
Impact on the Economy
Less trade, less people working
poll tax
no idea