March Exam Flashcards
Role of Climate Change in human evolution
Made Megafauna extinct, land went underwater during climate change, human’s adapted to climate change. They also had to change in the span of one generation
Standing on two legs
An early human relative and the first bipedal organism
Homo Habilis
“Handy Human”
Used objects such as tool to consume meat.
Homo erectus
The first early human to stand up possibly because of the savannah thesis as well as the first human to leave Africa.
Similar to homo sapiens
took care of young
had burials
Made art
Paleolithic Era
Foraging life way
More gender equality as everyone worked together to survive and rise the children
Collective learning
The idea of passing on information and innovations so the next generation can improve upon them.
By using communication and networks people can innovate on ideas together and more people leads to a larger network with more ideas being passed around.
Symbolic Language
complex language that allowed for more accurate descriptions, helped collective learning. Allowed for talking about non concrete ideas.
Systematic agriculture
The shift from hunting to domestication of animals growing of planted food.
Role of Climate Change in agriculture
The warmer, more stable climate allowed for agriculture to be used as a primary source of getting food year after year.
extensification vs intensification
extensification is using different areas to get resources while intensification is working a specific area for resources
trap of sedentism
though the amount of food in an area is running out, the skills to forage are lost, and they need a way to get resources from the land
energy capture
like fire and stuff
All people are equal and deserve equal rights.
Human migration across the globe
The humans migrated out of africa to Europe and Asia then over the Beirring Strait to the Americas, following the kelp highway to south america.
Foragers/ Hunter Gathers
People that go around in small groups to find food such as berries and other plants.
People that do not settle in one place but move around to different areas.
The idea that all things, even tree and rocks have a spirt inside of them.
Affluent foragers
Foragers that had a lot of food in a small area, meaning they did not have to travel very far, meaning they were able to settle down.
Taming animals so they can be used in agriculture.
Fertile Crescent
the fertile land between tigris and Euphrates. Present day Iraq
River Valley
A fertile area in the valley that a river creates which is very good for use in agriculture.
Characteristics of a Civilization/Complex Society
- Material Wealth
- A military
- Government
- Economy
- Faith/Religion
- Social Structure/social Hierarchy
- Development of organized cities
- Art and intellectual abilities
- Writing/Shared Language
Controlling the supply of water to crops. In mesopotamia, they built dams to control floods and have better irrigation system
Coercive Power
When the government is forced upon the people
Consensual power
When the people accept the role of government
city, state, empire
city = large collection of land in an urban area, dedicated to gods states = a city and the land around it empire = ruler controlling many areas with different culture
area where the first organized civilizations began, polytheistic
The first Mesopotamian civilization that invented the wheel, a number system (based on 60), and a writing system (Cuneiform) on tablets
believe in many gods
the structure on which the temple sat on, center of economics religion and politics and center of the center
epic of gilgamesh
wanted to be immortal, was sumerian, created idea that one must live on through legacy
When the ruler is also the head of the religion and in ancient times was usually seen as a god.
The Egyptian ruler, considered to be a god.
had the nile river with predictable floods, polytheistic, had upper and lower.
Old Kingdom (pyramids), Middle Kingdom (golden age), New Kingdom (Empire age)
Ruled by a pharaoh
Queen that had a lot of power
Egyptian Religon
Book of the Dead, Pyramids, Polytheistic
Narmer/Palette of Narmer
Painting that showed the uniting of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Narmer = pre Dynastic King that united Upper and lower Egypt
where the kings were buried, showed power
Akkad/Akkadian Empire
Took over north and south mesopotamia. Was the worlds first Empire and was ruled by Sargon the Great.
leader of akkadians, took control of sumerian city states and formed akkadian empire
ruled by hammurabi and Hammaurabi’s code
Hammurabi’s Code
The worlds first law code that was written by Hammurabi and carved on a stele. “An eye for an eye”
Focus on getting judged for good deeds and good thoughts in order to get into the afterlife.
Founded by Zoroaster who probably didn’t exist.
Zoroastrian god = Ahura Mazda
Persian Empire
Empire in Modern Day Iran. The first ruler was Cyrus the Great.
Cyrus the Great
A ruler that conquered from Asia Minor to the border of India. (Largest Empire at the time)
Was kind to conquered people and had religious tolerance. He allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple and created the capital
Created an efficient government
Persepolis which had a large audience hall.
Started Royal Road
Created the Satraps/Satrapies
Cyrus’s grandson leader of Persia, royal road, and satrapy system, fought Greeks in Persian War.
An Indian religion that focuses on the purification on your energy and has the idea that you die and come back to life in a cycle until your energy is pure
(Samsara) and you reach Moksha.
The texts for hinduism tell history about pre Aryans in India
The sum of a person’s actions over several lifetimes and what you put into the universe comes back.
(Hinduism) Job/obligation for the balance of the universe and if you continue to do your job you will purify your energy and leave the reincarnation cycle and reach Moksha.
Social structure implemented by the Arians when they took over India, putting Arians at the top and made it almost impossible to move up in the social structure.
A religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) who was a prince and his dad didn’t want him to see suffering, but when he saw it for the first time he had an awakening.
Eightfold Path
A way of living that has 8 different ways to dictate how you see the world.
Ex. Right View, Right mindfulness, right concentration, right effort
By reaching a state of enlightenment by following the middle path, the 4 noble truths, and the eightfold path you can escape the cycle of reincarnation and suffering.
Mauryan Empire
Empire near the Indus River but spread throughout India founded by Chandragupta Maurya, harsh ruler
The grandson of Chandragupta Maurya and the rules through Buddhism.
Zhou Dynasty
The longest Chinese Dynasty, Confucianism and Daoism born in this period, oracle bones
Oracle Bones
Animal bones that had symbols written on them and were heated and the reaction of the symbols was a prophecy.
Dynastic Cycle
↗ New Ruler gets the Mandate of heaven ↘
↗ ↘
Period of Rebellion and Period of
ruler loses the Power/Prosperity
mandate of heaven. ↙
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Mandate of Heaven
The idea that the gods want the current dynasty to be in power
Warring states Period in China
Different chinese states fighting for power and their own way of ruling
believed people were naturally bad and had to be controlled. control nobles, scholars thought to be rebels
Qin Dynasty
The Dynasty after the Warring States period (first empire to unite china), built the Great Wall, used legalism, and built Terracotta warriors which demonstrates the power/organization of their empire.
Great Wall
A wall built to keep out nomads and people from the north.
terracotta warriors
showed ruler’s power, seeming to guide emperor into afterlife
The government selected jobs based on ablility
Invented porcelain, iron, paper, and rudders, followed Confucianism and merit system, originated the silk road.
The collection of Confucius’s writings and ideas.
Kongfuzi, believed that life was based respect for five relationships, merit system
Filial piety (respect for elders), Relationships (one has more power than the other), Civil Service Exams
Civil Service Exams
Exams that decide if someone is fit for a job in the government. They were one of Confucius’s ideas.
Founded by Laozi, follow the Dao (the way) should not compete for power and wealth and instead should just live.
Athenian democracy
all males who served 10 years could vote only, Cleisthenes brought it about with council
Athenian statesmen, Supported/praised Athenian democracy
Greek Mythology
Polytheistic. Worshiped many gods, many of which were the head of a certain area of the world. Ex. Hades = underworld Poseidon = Sea
socrates plato and aristotle
they were all greek philosophers, socrates mentored plato
Athens and Sparta
United to fight Persians (Persian war (Darius))
Have Peace when they defeat Persians but then Athens starts dominating with the Delian League and they have the Peloponnesian war.
Pantheon = The temple on top of the Acropolis in Athens.
Acropolis = Highest point in the city and usually there was a temple dedicated to the god of the city on top.
Hellenic and Hellenistic
Hellenic = Just Greece
Hellenistic = Mix of east and west
Alexander the Great
From macedonia, father is Phillip II of Macedon (took over Greece), takes over Persia, hellenistic culture comes from when he took over land and combined east and west cultures.
Roman Republic
Originally was ruled by kings but was turned into a republic meaning citizens have the power.
Government included:
2 Consules (1 year term and had power to veto senate)
↙. ↘
300 Senators (Only Patricians Term for life, made laws).
10 Tribunes (1 year term. Power to veto senate. Made laws for Plebeians)
Social structure:
Patricians (upper class)
Plebeians (Common people)
Roman Empire
republic government, empire too large to manage, conflicting ideas about religion, slavery ruins economy eventually, populist ideas
Language of the Romans
12 tables
set of inscribed laws in Rome, beginning of new approach to laws
Punic Wars
Fights between Chartage and Rome
military general who used loyal troops to gain power
Were 2 of them. Had a one year term, one was patrician, one was plebeian and were basically the leader.
used loyal troops to oppose the power of Marius, ironic because he got power in the same way that he did
Julius Caesar
Military leader that had a lot of success and became very popular with the people. Eventually was made dictator for life but was assassinated by a group of senators.
group of 3 powerful people, first triumvirate in Roman Empire was Crassus Pompey and Caesar. Caesar had lots of power and had many ideas
emperor of Roman Empire, was first emperor of Byzantine, Constantinople named after him, First christian roman emperor
Augustus (Octavian)
Caesar’s adopted son and grandnephew who became the first Roman Emperor. Augusts is a name reserved for gods.
Had many Building projects
Organized government
Statue showed military and political power
Starts Pax Roman and Empire at height.
Made Christianity the state religion of Rome (Edict of Thessalonica)
Byzantine emperor, had powerful wife Theodora, constructed Hagia Sophia, created Justinian’s code which was just the already set laws written down
Eastern Roman Empire
Byzantine, believed jesus was human figure, had a patriarch which runs church with bishops, priests marry, power to emperor, speak greek and russian, constantinople and moscow, did not like icons, lasted much longer than western
Western Rome/Fall of Rome
The side of the empire that was in decline.
Loss of Roman Values led to less loyalty to state, rise in Poverty, not able to create good political system, Plague, Christianities emphasis on spiritual kingdom rather than war, Latifundia separating rich people from the country also led to less loyalty all led to downfall.
Was Roman Catholic with a Pope.
germanic tribes
attacked rome, sacked rome, helped bring the end of the Western Roman empire
belief in one god
abrahamic faiths
faiths where there is a covenant with god and followers, derives from abraham: islam, christianity, judaism, abraham first prophet of all
human figure that recieves all the teachings of god and gives them to people
first abrahamic religion, abraham and god made a covenant and abraham and his followers were chosen people to make a great nation. Covenant between God and his people
A religion that worships only one god.
Ex. Christianity, Islam, Judaism
Abrahamic Faiths
Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, all of which trace the origins of their religion to Abraham
Someone who communicates with God and tells others what they are told
A religion founded by Abraham that believes they are the chosen people of the one and only God
An agreement that God has with his people
1st Covenant: An agreement between Abraham and God that if Abraham follows God he will have many descendants
2nd Covenant: The 10 Commandments
Led the Jews out of Egypt and brought them into the promised land and on top of Mount Sinai received the 10 Commandments.
10 Commanments
Moral rules that God gave to Moses and wants the Jews to follow.
The third king of Israel who built up Jerusalem and the Temple.
Kings of Israel
Saul, David, Solomon
The Savior that the Jews believed God would send to liberate them.
A religion founded by Jesus Christ who is the Messiah and died for humanities sins.
Jesus of Nazareth
The Son of God. Died to save humanity from their sins. Founded Christianity with teachings telling his followers to love their enemy and repent.
Many people felt threatened by Him.
Paul of Tarsus
A man who originally persecuted Christians, but he eventually converted to Christianity and helped spread it throughout the Roman empire, most notably through his letters
The followers of Jesus closest to Him who helped spread the word of God throughout the world after His death.
A missionary is a group of monks that goes to new places and try to convert people to Christianity.
Catholic Church
The Church in the West after the Great Schism.
They were ok with icons
Had the Pope as their leader
Eastern Orthodox Church
The Eastern part of the Church after the Great Schism
The were not ok with icons
The Patriarch was the leader
The leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
He had power over both the bishops in the Church and the leaders.
The leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
The Emperor appointed him. The Patriarch worked with the bishops to run the Church
to exile someone so they are not connected to the church/ happens to people with power mainly
Byzantine Empire
Modern name for the Eastern Roman Empire. Saw themselves as the continuation of the Roman Empire.
The capital was at Constantinople.
A religion founded by Muhammad.
Followers follow 5 pillars of Islam.
The Islamic sphere of influence
The Prophet of Islam.
Allah spoke to him and told him what to do (5 pillars) and the Koran what Muhammad was told by Allah.
An Islamic dynasty
An Islamic leader. Can be a religious leader or a religious and political leader.
The holy text of Islam. What Allah told Muhammad.
A pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca (the holiest city in Islam) that every Muslim must make at least once in their lifetime.
Umayyad Caliphate
2nd Caliphate after death of Muhammad.
Moved the capital to Damascus Syria because they thought they could rule an empire better from there.
When the Abbasids overthrew they they fled to the Iberian Peninsula (Spain) and created the City of Cordoba.
Abbasid Caliphate
Overthrew the Umayyads.
Claimed to decend from Muhammad’s uncle Abbas
Moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad (In between Tigris and Euphrates) and was built in the shape of a circle.
The location of the capital was very good for trade and merchants were able to make more money.
Fell from internal conflict
Golden Age of Islam
A golden age when the age of Islamic leaning was at a height as large libraries were built and people came together to think as well as create calligraphy which was the only art form allowed to be produced because all other art was considered against the religion.
Able to happen because the Abbasid Empire was at it’s height and had peace.
The Great Schism in Christianity
The church split over a dispute of icons.
The east (emperor) had outlawed them (iconoclasm)
The west was fine with them.
The churches split which was the last thing keeping the East and the West together.
Sunni - Shi’a split in Islam
The sunni and shi’a split because they had a dispute over who was the leader.
The Sunnis were the larger group and wanted to be able to elect their ruler.
The Shi’a wanted the ruler to be Ali (descendant of Muhammad) and all future rulers to be descendants of Ali or Muhammad.
Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther beloved that the Church had become corrupt and focused too much on worldly things like power and wealth.
He believed that the Church had to change and he was kicked out of the Church for his ideas.
Eventually Lutheranism was founded which Luther didn’t like because he wanted the Church to stay together. Later Calvinism was founded as well.
First Western African Empire.
Became very rich from gold salt trade and had a lot of gold.
Had a powerful king.
Went on decline from wars and was taken over by Mali.
Very opulent court that was visited by Al-bakri, an explorer that went all over the Muslim world.
Sundiata united many kings and overthrew Ghana making him an emperor.
Got rich from Gold Salt trade and farming.
Capital = Timbuktu
Mansa Musa = powerful/rich king
Became a center of Islamic learning
Mansa Musa
Very wealthy leader that used his wealth to expand territory and make Mali a center of Islamic learning. He created learning centers and Universities in Timbuktu and people came all the way from Arabia to learn.
Mansa Musa was so rich that when he went on the Hajj to Mecca and passed through Egypt, he spent so much gold that the currency collapsed.
He also made Timbuktu a large trading center.
A large center for trade and Islamic learning in Mali. *NOT THE CAPITAL
Mansa Musa built many universities, libraries, and learning centers here and people would come from all over the Islamic world to learn.
Gold-Salt Trade
The trade of Gold and other items such as slaves, sliver, and ivory in return for salt from the Mediterranean.
Salt was almost more valuable the people in Ghana because they needed it to preserve food, and because of the hot climate they sweat a lot and needed to replace the salt they lost. They also could preserve food.
This trade was carried out by the Berbers who traveled across the desert with fleets of camels.
Swahili Coast
In eastern Africa. Made up of small city states ruled by merchants.
They grew crops for personal use as well as trading and their culture was mixed between African and Islamic.
Two main city states are Kilwa and Mogadishu (Somalian capital today)
Traded across the Indian Ocean????????
Swahili Language/culture
Language = trading language (A mix between Arabic and Bantu)
Culture = mix of Islam and Swahili as people would come over and marry someone, convert to Islam, ect.
Islam in West and East Africa
Islamic traders brought Islam to Africa. Mali had the Islamic learning center (west)
In the east it mixed with the African culture
Second large civilization in Central America
Salt = Currency
Tenochtitlan = Capitol, built on Lake Texcoco
Codex Mendoea is a big piece of art that give insite to life in the ???????
Human Sacrifice
Inkas sacrificed kids because they were seen as more pure, was seen as honor
Aztecs sacrificed people to worship their god, took their hearts, not really an honor
In Peru in Andes Mountains
Quipu = record system
Built a road system that could only be used for official government business. ????
The Incan record system
Confederation of 5 tribes in NY+Canada
Women had political power and elected male chiefs
Known for longhouses
Lived in the Plains and near the Mississippi River ???
Indian Ocean Trade
Trade route from African coast to India and Southeast Asia.
Relied on predicable Monsoon Winds that made trade very efficient.
Would trade spices, silk, textiles, and glassware.
Silk Road
A land and sea trade route that went from China all the way to the west.
Overland route would usually stop at the coast of the Black or Mediterranean Sea and travel to port cities like Venice.
Agriculture Changes in China and Europe
The growing or rice through rice paddy farming led to more food because you can grow rice much more easily than other crops and they are easy to prepare for human diets.
Metal tools
Strip Farming
Iron plow pulled by horses through a new harness.
Fallow field farming
New type of cattle
As there were more and more people more people could enter specialized trades because they were not needed in the fields, meaning that people could buy things produced by the specialized trades.
Arabian Peninsula
The center of the Islamic world. Where Muhammad lived and where Mecca is.
The Islamic language. What the Koran is written in and stylized version of the verses of the Koran became art because other forms of art are not allowed in Islam.
Persia, Persian
Where modern day Iran is. and becomes Muslim
Spread of Islam
Tang Dynasty
Characterized by a economic prosperity, good government, and advances in farming, Strong military, successful diplomatic relations and economic prosperity
Major Leaders
Tang Gaozu who unites China and starts the dynasty
Wu Zhao (Empress Wu) Only female leader
Government = bureaucracy
Buddhism spread throughout China through trade and missionaries
Quingming river painting
system of government with different departments led by officials
Song Dynasty
Characterized by economic prosperity, advances in farming, and good government
Buddhism challenged because it was considered foreign and the monasteries were too powerful and Buddhism went against Confucianism
Came after the Tong Dynasty
Buddhism in China
It spread into China through trade as well as missionaries traveling to spread it during the Tang Dynasty but it was challenged during the Song dynasty because it was considered foreign, the monasteries had too much power and it went against Confucianism.
The first Holy Roman Emperor
Was king of the Franks until Pope Leo III crowned him Holy Roman Emperor (sets precedent that only the Pope can crown an Emperor)
Empire doesn’t last long after Charlemagne and split up between his sons and when the central gov collapsed local lords fought for land.
Grandfather = Charles “The Hammer” Martel (kept the Muslims from coming further into Europe)
Dad = Pepin (founder of Frankish Kingdom)
Holy Roman Empire
The unification of a bunch of smaller kingdoms seen as the continuation of the Roman Empire
The social/political Structure of Medieval Europe
King. Protection/Knights↑↓ ↑↓ Give Land (fife) Nobels Protection ↑↓ ↑↓Give land (fife) Knight Food/Service↑↓ ↑↓Give Land/ protection (fife) Peasants/Serfs
Economic structure
Protection/Land Lord ⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄ Peasants. Supplies (food and Taxes)
A series of campaigns by the Europeans to go reclaim the Holy land, called for by Pope Urban II when the Byzantine emperor asked for help because the Seljuks were starting to invade the Byzantine Empire.
Seljuk (Turks)
Turks that served as a buffer between the Mongols and Europe, fought against the Europeans during the crusades, and took a lot of territory from the Byzantine Empire.
Urban II
The Pope that called on all of Europe to defend the East from the Seljuk turks and retake the holy land. He promised forgiveness of all sins if you went to go fight.
A turkish general, defeated army of crusaders and captured Jerusalem
Holy Lands
Basically Israel, where Jesus lived, taught, and died
Crusader States
States set up by the crusaders in land they gained during the first crusade
Chivalry/Chivalric Code
A code that give you guidelines on how to act. It was instituted to keep people from fighting.
Tells people to respect the Church, women, and children.
If you were a knight you had to follow this cod and it made becoming a knight a religious title
Italian Merchant City-States
Venice, Florence, and Genoa.
They became very wealthy by supplying the crusades.
Genghis Khan
A brutal warrior that united all of the Mongol clans and took over the world’s largest empire through his ruthless military tactics.
Mongols/Mongol Empire
Pastoral Nomads (Moved around with animals to graze them) and lived in the Central Asian Steppes.
Were expert horsemen and expert archers.
The Mongol empire was the largest Empire in the world and was spread through expert military techniques, and the fear they instilled in their enemies from their brutal tacticts caused the enemies to submit.
Pax Mongolica
The era of Mongol Peace in which trade (Silk Road) was a large part of the empire and the empire became very prosperous.
Different providences that the Mongols split their territory into to make governing easier, but they eventually split into their own kingdoms (The Golden Hoard and the Yuan Dynasty)
Yuan Dynasty
Mongols in China. Yuan = beginning.
Kublia Kahn = Genghis’ grandson and first ruler of dynasty
He reduced the power of the scholar officials and ended the civil service exam because he wanted the Mongols to have power, creating a new social hierarchy with the Mongols on top.
Black Death
A disease that spread throughout the world from China along the silk road.
Possible spread with rats along with the Mongol’s conquest.
Spread into Europe through the port cities.
Everything/the supreme force in the universe
The creator
The preserver
The destroyer
King Tut
everything we know from his tomb, something about him showed coercive vs consensual power
Athens and Sparta
United to fight Persians (Persian war (Darius))
Have Peace when they defeat Persians but then Athens starts dominating with the Delian League and they have the Peloponnesian war.
Athens and Sparta
United to fight Persians (Persian war (Darius))
Have Peace when they defeat Persians but then Athens starts dominating with the Delian League and they have the Peloponnesian war.
Hellenic and Hellenistic
Hellenic = Just Greece
Hellenistic = Mix of east and west
Italian Renessance
A period of rebirth when thinking went to the forefront and art and culture developed more.
A more secular (worldly) view of the world. Focused less on Religion and more on Education which emphasized the Civic duty (relates back to Ancient Greece).
Focused on studying the classics.
Painters = Michelangelo and DeVinci
division of politics and religion
Invented the printing press which quickened spread of knowledge and literature
Martin Luther
Monk who believed you could achieve salvation based on just faith alone, reformed the church and created Lutheranism
School of Athens (Painting)
Painted by Raphael and showcased ancient thinkers and artists, but their images were shown as the modern day Renesance thinkers.
certificate saying that you donated to catholic church, seen as a sign of a good christian
95 Theses
Written by Luther. Reasons he believed the Church needed to change and why.
Justification by Faith
reasoning that faith alone justifies salvation
John Calvin
came up with idea of since god has planned everything, he either plans for you to be “elect” or not from birth. called calvinism
Peace of Augsburg
The end of the German Wars of Religion. Decided that each individual lord could choose the relgion for their area. Either lutheranism or Chatholosism
french calvinists, mostly nobles, opposed the monarchy
scientific revolution
revolution where reasoning for how the world worked was found. The churches opposed this because they could be seen as wrong.
idea that every other planet and they revolved around the Earth
Henry of Navarre
The leader of the Protestant forces in the French wars of Religion.
Copernicus created idea that earth actually revolved around the sun with other planets. thought it revolved in circle, reality it moves in an ellipse
Shintoists, social structure : emperor, shogun (shogun had more power than figurehead emperor eventually),daimyo, samurai, peasants, artisans, merchants/// missionaries looked down upon
An Italian Astronomer that used a telescope to discovered that the Universe was made out matter and he discovered many moons of different planets
Prince Shotoku
Created a centralized government based on China with administrative districts, the land belongs to the divine Emperor, and nobles’ power is limited
The military leader under the Emperor who carried out his demands.
highest social status, at some point became a figurehead, shoguns started to take control where they originally were supposed to answer to emperor
“The way of the gods”
There are spirits that exist in all things leading to great respect for the natural world
Emperor seen as divine
Emphasis on family, respect, purity, and selflessness
Mehmet II
The military leader that led the sack of Constantinople, and expanded the empire into the Balkans
Ottoman Empire
Group of turks, controlled the land of anatolia, had provincal governers called beys, sultan led the ottomans, used infantry to advance military, trained christians for military called janissaries, had devshirme system and millet system
Suleyman the Magnificent
Ruled during a golden age
Known as a law giver
Had large building projects (Blue Mosque, coffee houses)
Millet System
The head of individual religions interacted with their people on behalf of the sultan (collected taxes, ect.)
They put non Muslims in power because they could not be sultan reducing competition to the throne because there were less Muslims in power. Janasaries who were elite warriors who were Christian but converted to Islam were recruited through Devshrime.