Unit 4 Test Flashcards
The language of the Jews. Also the name for the Jews when they were a wandering tribe.
Kingdom of Israel
A Jewish state in the Promised Land. It was ruled by Saul, David, and Solomon and all the tribes were united.
A religion worshiping only one god
Torah/Old Testament
A set of books containing the history and traditions of the Israelites
The founder of Judaism. Made the first covenant with God. Moved from Mesopotamia to the promised land.
Abraham’s son that God promised to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac when he was commanded not to
Saul (1020-1000 BCE)
The first ruler of Israel. He created an organized state with a government
David (1000-970 BCE)
Defeated Goliath the giant and gained more power for Isreal
Solomon (970-930 BCE)
Built up Jerusalem and the Temple
City that was in the southern portion of Israel (Judah) and was the capital of Israel. Where the Jewish temple was built. A holy city for all Abrahamic religions (dome on rock)
Temple in Israel
A temple built by Solomon destroyed in 70 AD
Kingdom of Judah
The southern kingdom that had Jerusalem when the Kingdom of Israel split. Judah only had two tribes
An empire that takes over Israel and Judah because they are divided and not able to defend themselves. The Jews are then deported to Babylon
The name for the Hebrew God
The Covenant
1st Covenant: An agreement between Abraham and God that if Abraham follows God he will have many descendants
2nd Covenant: The 10 Commandments
Book of Exodus
Part of the Torah/Old Testament that talks about Moses leading the Jews out of slavery in Egypt
Moses and the 10 Commandments
Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and God game Moses the 10 Commandments on Mount Sini which gave moral rules for the Jews to follow
someone that God was going to send to save the Jews from oppresion
The Romans crushed a rebellion by the Jews and stole from and destroyed the temple. They also built the Arch of Titus which was a victory arch with pictures showing their victory.
Saw Romans as foreign occupiers and hoped that God would send a Messiah to liberate them
A Jewish spiritual leader or teacher
The holy writings of Judaism and the first 5 books of the Old Testament
Judea (Roman Providence)
When Israel was taken over by the Romans it was turned into a providence and the romans destroyed the temple.
Babylonian Captivity
A large number of Jews were exiled to Babylonia when the Assyrian Empire took over and were freed when Cyrus the Great took over Mesopotamia.
When the Jews left their homeland Israel and dispersed around the globe.
Arch of Titus
a victory arch with pictures showing their victory and the looting and destruction of the temple
Jesus of Nazareth
The son of God and a Jewish teacher. Many people (the romans) felt threatened by him
Jesus’s closest followers and friends who were responsible for growing the Church and spreading the word of God throughout the world.
Pontius Pilate
The Roman Governor of the providence of Judaea that sentenced Jesus to be crucified
Paul of Tarsus
A man who originally persecuted Christians, but he eventually converted to Christianity and helped spread it throughout the Roman empire, most notably through his letters
Reasons for the spread/popularity of Christianity
- Jesus was more personal than the Roman gods
- Offer of immortality
- Fulfilled the human need to belong (because they were persecuted there was a sense of community)
- High position for women
New Testament (Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John))
Books in the New Testament that were written after Jesus’s death and talked about his teaching, death, and resurrection. They were written in Greek and detailed a New Covenant between all nations.
The. Beatitudes
Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount. Gives guidelines on way to act.
Christian beliefs in Common with Judaism
Covenant between God and people
Free Will
Jesus’s teaching as something “new”
Loving enemies, resist evil
Position of Women
Women helped spread the word, run churches, and care for those in need. Jesus also viewed marriage as a union not the man owning the woman.
Emperor Constantine
First Christian Roman Emperor
Edict of Milan (313 AD)
Edict tolerating Christianity throughout the empire
Emperor Theodosius
Made Christianity the state religion of Rome
Where Christians buried their dead and would hide and pray during the time of persecution
Germanic Tribes (476 CE)- Vandals and Visigoths
Barbarian tribes to the north of Rome that invaded and helped bring the downfall of Rome
Similarities between Christianity and Judaism
Monotheism, Covenant between god and people, free will
Theories of decline
- Relied on slavery so didn’t create new technology
- Rise in poverty
- Lead Poisoning
- Plague
- could not create a working political system
- Becuae of Christianity’s emphasis on the eternal kingdom and not war there was a loss of traditional Roman values.
“Bread and Circuses”
The idea that if the people are fed and entertained they will not revolt and leave the government alone
Large estates of wealthy Romans. The people that lived here were less loyal to the government because of the isolation and these developed into manors.
Divided the empire into half
Built Constantinople on the site of Byzantium`
A city built by Constantine which. became the capital of the eastern Roman Empire
Byzantine Empire
The eastern part of the Roman Empire. It stood for 1000 years after the fall of Rome and was thought of as the continuation of the Roman Empire.
Referring to all of christian society (Wester and Eastern Churches together) I think??
Beliefs of Latin Christendom vs. Byzantine Christendom
Latin Byzantine
priests can marry priests can not marry
Pope has authority over bishops Patriarch runs church with bishops
Pope has authority over rulers Emperor has authority over church
Icons No icons
Built Constantinople, first Christian emperor
The first Byzantine Emperor who reclaimed land lost by the west, created large public works projects, and made Justinian’s code and he built the Hagia Sophia.
Justinian’s code
A law code written in Latin that simplified and organized Roman laws so they were easy to follow.
Justinian’s wife and closest advisor. She came from a lower class family and held a lot of power over Justinian.
A member of the court that wrote a book saying that Theodora had horrible ideas and was bewitching Justinian. It. was published after his death.
Icons are images of Jesus, Mary, and Saints. Iconoclasm is the destruction of the icons.`
Great Schism (1050 AD)
The split of the eastern and western religion because of their disagreement over icons.
The west wanted to keep icons because people who were illiterate could see Jesus, Mary, and other saints, while the east believed that it was praying to false gods
Hagia Sophia
A large Eastern Orthodox church that was a feat of engineering and was then turned into a mosque when the muslims took over Constantinople.
Mosaics (Justinian and Theodora)
Shows Justinian in the center without a background showing how he is timeless. Shows Theodora off center in a room, confining her power and legacy.
They move into the Roman Empire for protection but are oppressed and revolt, defeat, and sack Rome.
They attack Rome to gain riches from the Roman Empire
POVs of Jesus:
Public disturbance
Son of God
Jewish Teacher
Muslim Prophet
First Holy Roman Emperor
Monument in Mecca that was a Polytheistic monument but was rededicated by Muhammad and every Muslim is supposed to make a pilgrimage to Mecca and the Ka’aba
The city in which Muhammad was born. The holiest city in Islam.
The pilgrimage to Mecca
(One of the pillars of Islam)
Even marking the beginning of the Muslim calendar. Commemorates Muhammad’s flight from Mecca to Medina
muslim word for god`
struggle to submit to god, spread his rule, and live a virtuous life
Muhammad (570-632 AD)
A prophet that had religious visions, then the angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him stuff and them Muhammad preached what he saw in the visions.
He was born to a poor family in Mecca in the Quarish tribe and he married Kadija a wealthy widow.
Muslim holy text. Said to be the words of Allah and the only real way to read the Qur’an is in muslim
Chapters in the Qua’an
The word for followers of Islam
Five Pillars of Islam
- Shahada (only one god and Muhammad is his prophet)
- Salah (prayer 5 times a day)
- Sawam (Fasting during Ramadan)
- Zakah (Giving alms to the poor(charity))
- Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)
As a muslim you are not allowed to eat pork, drink alcohol, or gamble.
A month of fasting and prayer during the day
A community of followers that complies with Allah’s will
Sacred law of Islam.
Christians and Jews living in an area under Muslim control. They received better quality of life than people of other religions but still were not treated truly as equals.
Muslim spiritual leader in a mosque
Abu Bakr
Muhammad’s father in law and successor
Like a dynasty but for Caliphs
Rashidun Caliphate
Umayyad Caliphate
Abbasid Caliphate
Ottoman Caliphate
Umayyads (661-750)
Muawia (first ruler) took over power from Ali (Muhammad’s son in law) to create dynasty and moved Capital to Damascus because they thought the could rule the government better from this area
Shi’ites vs. Sunni
Sunni vs. Shi’ites
First 4 caliphs rightful rulers. vs. Only Ali, Muhammad’s son in law is legitimate
Any Muslim can be ruler vs. Only a descendant of Muhammad or Ali can be leader
Shi’ites vs. Sunni
Sunni vs. Shi’ites
First 4 caliphs rightful rulers. Only Ali, Muhammad’s son in law is legitimate
Any Muslim can be ruler Only a descendant of Muhammad or Ali can be leader
The Arabic word for an education institution
The Abbasids
A group that overthrew the Umayyads. They claim to descend from Muhammads uncle Abbas and moved the capital from Damascus to Bagdad on the tigris river to increase trade.
The Abbasid capital. On the tigris river and in between three continents to increase trade through the city.
Sultan (ottomans)
The head of the government as church and state began to split
Dome of the Rock
A shrine built in Jerusalem when the Muslims took it over to show their power. Houses what is supposed to be the rock Issac was almost sacrificed on and where Adam is buried.
Tall towers that sound the call to prayer.
abstract deigns of shapes in patterns and flowers
Elegant handwriting that transformed the Qur’an into art. It was the highest art from because it is the words of Allah.
House of Wisdom
A large library where scientist came to calaberate in Bagdad.
He made a pretty accurate map of the known world
A device that can be used to calculate your position using the time of day, date, and position of the sun.
Math made by al-Khwarizmi
Omar Khayyam (The Rubaiyat)
He is the poet credited with creating four line rhyming poems. I think his book was lost on the titanic
Ibn Sina
used many languages to create early Encyclopedia with medical information and explained why the world is imperfect
Reasons for Abbasid Decline
Arguments over succession
Financial Corruption
Reliance on non-Arabs because the Empire was so big
Attacked by Mongols
Along the Nile River connected to trade. Minted their own coins (king Joel). Had own language (Amheric)
Solomonic Dynasty
Trace roots back to Solomon. Queen Makda possibly = Queen of Shiba. Lion of Judah = connection to Jews. Government = strong)
Sect of Christianity created by King Exana (coptic cross. grave stele, rock churches)
Jewish group in Axum
Red Sea
Gave Axum access to trading
Present day country of where Axum was
Minted by King Joel and have coptic cross. Show organization/strong government
large tower thing used as grave markers
rock churches
churches built in big holes
Two swahili city states
Mogidishu = somolian capital today
Mix of Bantu and Arabic (trading language)
Mix of cultures and customs
Indian Oceantrade
trade in the indian ocean that went along African coast and up red sea
In west africa.
Ghana also name for “war chief/land of gold)
got rich off of trade
defeated by Mali
Gold-Salt Trade
Trade across the desert in which the Ghanas would trade gold for salt and became very wealthy. Salt important bc/ preserve food/give it flavor. Berbers helped facilitate trade (fleet of the desert)
Niger River
River in west Africa that many empires formed around
traveler from Islamic world that saud the king’s court was full of gold and was very opulent (expensive clothes lots of people soldiers with expensive equipment)
After Ghana overthrown Mandika people united by Sundiata who led many kings making him the first emperor.
Mansa Musa
muslim King of Mali that was so rich, when he went on hajj he spent so much that the price of gold dropped. Impressed with learning centers and creates them in Timbuktu.
Trading center that had universities/learning centers. Center of Islamic learning. many scholars brought in and mosques built to study qua-ran
Great Mosque (Dejenne)
Big mosque very cool
Great Zimbabwe
In south Africa. On trading routes with swahili had cattle but destroyed land
Great Enclosure
Large enclosure in Zimbabwe with huge wall to protect themselves. Even more private enclosure inside enclosure for royal family and the king controlled the food.
Sunni v. Shi’a Mindsets
The first four caliphs were rightful rulers
Any Muslim who follows Muhammad’s example may be a ruler.
Qur’an and Sunnah of Muhammad are the religous book
Only Ali, Muhammad’s son in law was legitimate.
Only a descendant of Muhammad and Ali may be imam, or ruler.
The Qur’an and Sunnah, also the teaching of imam