Unit 8: Qualitative Research Design Flashcards
emergent design
a qualitative design that emerges as researchers make ongoing decisions reflecting what has already been learned
characteristics of qualitative design
> flexible
researcher are intensely involved
ongoing analysis
tend to put together a complex array of data from various sources
>adept at performing a large # of diverse task ranging from interviewing to observing, to interpreting personal and historical documents, to intensive reflection a introspection
qualitative design and advance planning
selection of the research tradition
>selection of a study site and identification of setting
>identification of the key gatekeepers
>determination of the maximum time available
identification of all needed equipment for the collection and analysis of data
>analysis of their own biases and ideology
> > Discipline: anthropology domain: culture research tradition: ethnography Area of inquiry::holistic view, mapping of the cognitive world of a culture a culture’s shared meanings, semantic rules
domain: lived experience
research tradition: phenomenology/ hermeneutics
area of inquiry: experiences of individual within their life world interpretation and meanings of individuals’ experience
domain: behavior and events
research tradition: ethology/ecologic psychology
area of inquiry: behavior observed over time in natural context behavior as influenced by the environment
domain social settings
research tradition: GT/ethno
area of inquiry social structure processes within a social settings manner by which shared agreement is achieved in social settings
domain: human communication
research tradition: discourse analysis
area of inquiry: forms and rules of conversation
domain: past behavior
research tradition: discourse analysis
area of inquiry: description and interpretation of historical events
ethnography is
primary research tradition within anthropology and provides a framework for studying the meanings, patterns, and experience of a defined cultural group in a holistic fashion
>involve the description and interpretation of cultural behaviors
focuses on the cognitive world of a culture, with particular emphasis on the semantic rules and the shared meanings that shape behavior
which uses the lived experiences of people as a tool to netter understand the social, political, and historical context in which these experiences occur
which is sometimes described as the biology of human behavior studies behavior as it evolves in its natural context
study the social world and here developed several research tradition of importance to qualitative researchers
seeks to discover how people make sense of everyday activities and interpret their social world so as to behave in socially acceptable ways
discourse analysis
typically are transcripts from naturally occurring conversation, such as those between nurses and their patients, but can also include images, magazine and newspaper articles, documents, and field notes.
historical research
the systematic collection and critical evaluation of data relating to past occurrences
emic prespective
is the way members of the culture envision their world- the insider view
etic perspective
is the outsiders interpretation of the cultures experiences
tacit knowledge
information about the culture that is so deeply embedded in cultural experiences that members do not talk about it or may not even be consciously aware of it
three type of ethno
behavior, artifacts and speech
participants observation
in which they make observation of a community or group while participating on its activites
approach to thinking about people’s life experiences,
being in the world
is a concept that acknowledges people’s physical ties to their world- they think see hear feel and are conscious through their bodies interaction with the world
two main schools of phenomenology
descriptive and interpretive
descriptive phenomenology
insist on the careful description of ordinary conscious experience of everyday life- a description of things as people experience them
refers to the process of identifying and holding in abeyance preconceived beliefs about the phenomenon under study
occurs when researcher remain open to the meanings attributed to the phenomenon by those who have experienced it
interpretive phenomenology
basic characteristic of human existence, the goals of interpretive phenomenological research are to enter another’s world and to discover the practical wisdom possibilities and understandings found there
studies social process and structures, conduct of field research
> fundamental feature of grounded theory research is that data collection, data analysis, and sampling of participation occur simultaneously
constant comparison
is used to identify the basic problem and to develop and refine a theoretically relevant categories
types of GT
substantive theory and grounded theory
substantive theory
is grounded in data on a specific substantive area
final grounded thoery
which involves developing a higher, more abstract level of the theory from a complication of substantive grounded theory studies regarding a particular phenomenon
critical theory
typically action orientated. foster enlighten self knowledge and sociopolitical action
> begins with thorough analysis of certain aspects of a problem
» plays a important role in ethno
feminist research
uses approaches that are similar to those of critical theory research, but it focuses sharply on gender domination and discrimination
participatory action research (PAR)
participatory is to produce not only knowledge but also action and consciousness-raising
studies that are typically quantitative
clinical trails
outcomes research
studies that are qualitative or quantitative
case studies
secondary analysis methodologic research
mixed method studies
> > rationale
- complementarity
-enhance validity
- creating new frontiers
application of mixed method research
- hypothesis generation
- illustration
-understanding relationships
- theory building, testing and refinement
Mixed method strategies
- adding qualitative methods to a survey
-embedding quantitative measures into an ethno
- embedding qualitative approaches into experimental research
process or implementation analyses
describe the process by which a program get implemented an dhow it functions in practice
outcome analyses
described the status of some condition after the introduction of an intervention
impact analyses
test whether an intervention caused any net effects relative to a counterfactual
cost benefit analyses
examine whether the monetary costs of a program are outweighed by benefits
outcome research
is undertaken to document the quality and effectiveness of health care and nursing services