unit 2-Qualitative and Quantitative Research - Two Alternative Paradigms Flashcards
in a quantitative study people are referred to as_____
in a qualitative study people are referred to as _______
informants, key informants
the individual who conducts a study
types of fields
- natural (in the field)
- laboratory
- fieldwork
- multi-site studies
abstracts are
concepts or phenomena
are abstracts that deliberately and systematically invented by researcher for a specific purpose
a theory is
a systematic, abstract explanation of some aspect of reality
quantitative study
predict about how phenomena will behave if the theory were true
qualitative studies
is the product of the research
variables are
concepts in a quantitative study. something that varies
independent variable
is the presumed cause
dependent variable is the presumed effect
is the presumed effect
variation in the _____ variable is presumed to ____on variation in the _______independent variable
dependent, dependent, independent
____are note inherently dependent or ______
variable, independent
what are the two types of conepts
conceptual and operational
conceptual definition
is the abstract, theoretical meaning of a concept being studied
operational defintion
specifies the operation that researchers must perform to collect the required information on a particular concept.
research data are
the pieces of information obtained in a study
data set
all pieces of data gathered in a study
quantitative data
information collected in a quantified (numeric) form
qualitative dexcription
narrative description/information can be obtained having conversation with participants, making notes about how participants behave in naturalistic setting, or by obtaining narrative recrods
relationship is
a bond or connection between two or more phenomena
»quantitative studies, primarily interested in the relationship between independent variable and dependent variables
»qualitative researchers seek patterns of association as a way of illuminating the underlying meaning and dimensional of phenomena of interest
scientific merit
quantitative researcher use several criteria to assess the quality of a study
two criteria for scientific merit for quantitative reseach
reliability (accuracy and consistency) and validity (soundness of the study)
criteria for qualitative sutdy
trustworthiness, which encompass several different dimension such as credibility
a criterion for evaluating data quality in qualitative studies referring to confidence in the truth of the data
is the use of multiple sources or reference to draw conclusions about what constitutes the “truth”
is an influence that produces a distortion in the study results
systematic bias
results when the bias is consistent or uniform
research control
used in quantitative research that involves holding constant other influences on the dependent variable so that the true relationship between the independent and dependent variables can be understood.
extraneous variables
a variable that confounds the relationship between the independent and dependent variables and that needs to be controlled either in s the research design or through statistical procedure to clarify relationship
mediating variable
a variable that mediates or acts like a go-between in a chain linking two other variable
are in quantitative research having features of the study establish by chance rather bu design or personal prefrence
purposeful or (nonrandom)
done in a qualitative research that uses purposeful fashion to guide their inquiry and pursue information rich sources
is the process of reflecting critically on the self, and of analyzing and making note of personal values that could affect data collection and interpretation
is the criterion used in a quantitative study to assess the extent to which study finding can be applied to other groups and setting
to which qualitative finding can be transferred to other other settings, as an aspect of a study trustworthiness
think description
a widely used term in qualitative research refers to a rich and thorough description of the research setting and of observed processes
deductive reasoning
is the process of developing specific predictions from general principles
two types of quantitative studies
experimental- researchers actively introduce an intervention or treatment
non experimental research collect data without making changes or introducing treatment
experimental studies are explicitly
designed to test casual relationship, offer greater control over extraneous variables than non-experimental studies.
non-experimental studies also
seek to elucidate or detect causal relationships,
qualitative studies (nonexperimental
are often rooted in research traditions that originate in the disciplines of anthropology, sociology and psycoholgy
grounded theory
is qualitative which are developed to seek to describe and understand the key social-psychological and structural processes that occur in a social setting
qualitative which has its disciplinary roots in both philosophy and psychology, is concerned with the lived experiences of human
ethnography is
the primary research tradition within anthropology, and provides a framework for studying the patterns an experiences of a defines cultural group in a holistic fashion
main steps in a quantitative study
phase 1: the conceptual phase Phase Two the design and planning phase PHASE THREE the empirical phase PHASE 4 the analytic phase Phase 5 the dissemination phase
phase one in quantitative study are
step one formulating the delimiting the problem
step two reviewing the related research literature
step 3 undertaking clinical fieldwork
step 4 defining the framework and developing conceptual definition
step 5 formulating hypothesis
phase two in a quantitative study are
step 6 selecting a research design
step 7 developing protocols for the intervention
step 8 identifying the population to be studied
step 9 designing the sampling plan
step 10 specifying methods to measure variables
step 11 developing methods to protect human/animal rights
step 12 finalizing and reviewing the research plan
phase three in a quantitative study are
step 13: collecting the data
step 14: preparing data analysis
phase fours in a quantitative study are
step 15: analyzing the data
step 16 interpreting the results
phase five in a quantitative study
step 17 communicating the findings
step 18 utilizing the finding
steps to conceptualizing and planning a qualitative study
identifying a research problem performing a literature review selecting and gaining entree into research site designing qualitative studies addressing ethical issues
steps in conducting a qualitative study
the activities are sampling, data collection, data analysis and interpretation typically take place iteraitively
analysis and interpretation
are ongoing, concurrent activities, used to guide decision about whom to sample next and what questions to ask or observation to make
a tool in qualitative studies which occur when themes and categories in the data become repetitive and redundant such as no new information can be gleaned by further data collect
quantitative researcher
seek high quality data by using measuring instruments with demonstrated reliability and validity
qualitative researcher
are the main data collection instruments and must take step to ensure the trustworthiness of the data
qualitative findings can
serve as the basis for formulating hypothesis that are tested by quantitative researchers and for developing measuring instruments used for both research and clinical purposes
provide foundation for designing effective nursing intervention
intervention protocol
experimental research, the specification of exactly what the treatment and the alternative conditions will be and how treatment are to be administered
emergent design researchers select
informants, collect data and then analyse and interpret them in a ongoing fashion