Unit 10: Scrutinizing Data Collection Methods Flashcards
key dimensions of data collection methods
structure, quantifiable, obstructiveness, objectivity
types of qualitative self reporting
completely unstructured interviews >>grand tour questions Semi-structured interviews Focus group interviews life histories think aloud method diaries critical incident technique
quantitative self report techniques
interview schedule
question form
scales and other special forms of structured self reports
»likert scale -consists of several declarative statement that express a viewpoint on a topic
»summated rating- total score is determined by summing item score
» semantic diff
»response set biases
–social desirability set bias
–extreme response set bias
–acquiescence response set bias
Vignettes are brief description of situation to which respondents are asked to react
Q sorts- participants are presented with a set of cards on which statement or phrase are written
critiquing self reports
the degree of the structure used in the questioning
whether interviews or questionnaires were used
how the instruments were administrated
where the interviews took place
biophysiologic measures
two types vivo or vitro
vivo: measures are performed directly within or on living organisms, are available to measure all bodily functions and technological advances continue to improve ability to measure bio-physiologic phenomena more accurately
Vitro measures data are gathered from participants by extracting some biophysiologic material from them and subjecting it to laboratory analysis
evaluation of biophysiologic
-measures accurate and precise
- are objective
-provides valid measures of the targeted variables
-care must be exercised in using them regard practical, ethical, medical and technical consideration.
critiquing biophysiologic measures
the objectivity, accuracy and availability of biophysiologic measures are of little significance if an alt. method would have resulted in better measurement of the key
> does the research questions lend itself to a biophysiologic approach? any alt?
was the proper instrumentation used?
research appear to have the skill necessary for proper interpretation?
observational method
researcher have flexibility with regards to several issues >the focus of the observation >concealment >duration of observation > method of recording observation
qualitative observational methods
participants observation - naturalistic observation often are made in field settings
unstructured observation involve watching and recording unfolding behavior without the observers’ participating
> the observer-participant role in participant observation
> gathering participant observation data
»_space; the physical setting
»the participants
» freq and duration
>recording observation
quantitative observational method
categories and checklist
rating scales
observational sample
event sampling
evaluation of observational methods
# of factors interfere with objectivity >emotion >personal interest >anticipation >hasty decisions
critiquing observational methods
> the degree of structure in the observations
the focus of the observation
the degree to which the observer was concealed
for qualitative studies, how entry intro the observed group was gained
the quantitative studies, a description of the category system or rating scales and the setting in which observations took place