Unit 1 Flashcards
research is
is a systematic inquiry that uses rigorous methods to answer questions or solve problems
the ultimate goal of research is
develop, refine and expand knowledge
nursing research is
designed to develop evidence about issue of importance to various stakeholders
evidence based practice is
defined as the use of the best clinical evidence in making care decisions
roles of nurses in research
- research consumers
2.engage in research activity such as designing, refining
and implementing studies.
List research related activities
- participation in a journal club
- attendance to scientific presentation at conferences
- review of a proposed study and reliance
- assistance to researchers
- Discussion of the implication and relevance of finding
canadian health services research foundation
canadian institutes of health research
trends in nursing research
- heightened focus on EBP
- stronger knowledge base through rigorous research and confirmatory methods
- more emphasis on systematic reviews
- increased involvement in transdisciplinary research
- active dissemination of research findings
- Emphasis on the visibility of nursing research
- Enhanced focus on cultural and health disparity issues
Systematic reviews is
a gather and integrate research information on a given topic to draw a conclusion
think tank of nursing two main goals are
- minimizing barriers to the conduct of nursing research through more collaborative efforts between universities and teaching hospitals
- increase designated funding for nursing research through formal research training programs at the master’s and doctoral levels
academy of canadian executive nurses identified 3 research priorities
- patient safety and quality of life issues
- nursing work environments and workload
- evidence based decision making
sources of evidence for nursing practice
- tradition and authority
- clinical experience, trial and error and intuition
- logical reasoning
4, assembled information - disciplined research
paradigm is
a worldview, a general perspective on the complexities of the “real” world
types of paradigm
- positivist/postpositive
>positivism is a reflection of a broader cultural phenomenon that emphasizes the rational and the scientific
> understanding the underlying causes of natural phenomena
> postpositivist recognizes the impossibility of total objectivity, strive to neutral - Naturalistic Paradigm
> aka constructivist paradigm
>reality is not fixed, reality exists in its context
research methods are
the techniques researcher use to structure a study and to gather and analyze information relevant to the research question
»quantitative = positivist paradigm
» qualitative= naturalistic
empirical evidence is
rigorously gathered and usually analyzed through statistical procedures
features of paradigms
- ultimate goal of gaining understanding
- empirical evidence
- reliance on human cooperation
- ethical constraints
- fallibility of research
purpose of nursing research
>>basic research extends knowledge >>applied research focuses on findings solution 1. identification and description 2. exploration 3. prediction and control 4. explanation
examples of nursing research and EBP
assessment and diagnosis
treatment, therapy, or intervention
meaning and processes
replication is
the deliberate repetition of research procedures in a second investigation for the purpose of determining if earlier results can be repeated
Nursing research began with the famous nurse _____________.
(Florence Nightingale)
The source of knowledge in most disciplines that is difficult to challenge is ___________.
The type of research that involves the systematic collection and analysis of controlled, numerical information is known as __________.
(Quantitative Research)
The type of research that involves the systematic collection and analysis of narrative materials is called _________________.
(Qualitative Research)
The approach to knowledge that uses systematic, controlled procedures is known as the ________.
(scientific approach)
Naturalistic inquiry always takes place in the ____________.
research articles
are reports that summarize studies in professional journals generally 10- 25 double spaced manuscrpit
______ are reviewed by at least two or more____
research article, peer reviewers
blind reviewers
reviewers are not told researchers’ names, and researchers are not told reviewers names
introduction, method, results and discussion
is a brief description of the study placed at the beginning of the article that is about 100-200 words
describes the central phenomena, concepts, variables understudy,
the statement of purpose, research questions and /or hypothesis to be tested
a review of the related literature
the theoretical framework
the significance of need for the sutdy
the method section
tells readers about major methodological
decisions and may offer rationales for those decision,
method section consist of
the research design, sample, measurements and data collection , study procedures
the results section
presents the research findings, a narrative summary of the finding, often accompanied by tables or figures that highlight the most noteworthy results
quantitative study result section also
reports the following information relating to the statistic analyses performed
the name of stat test used
the value of the calculated statistic
the significance
qualitative reports
often organizes findings according to the major theme or categories that were identified in the data
the discssion
an interpretation of the results, implication study limitation
conclude a list of the books, reports, and journal articles that were referenced in the report.
four factors for research journal articles
compactness, jargon, objectivity, statistical information
critique is
different from a research summary or synopsis research critique is a careful, critical appraisal of a study’s strength and limitation
6 critique aspects
substantive theoretical methodological ethical interpretive stylistic
statistical test
are procedures for testing research hypotheses and evaluating the believably of the finding
statistically signifanct
are ones that have high probability (p) being accurate