Unit 7: Quantitative Research Design Flashcards
dimensions of a quantitative study
control over independent variable, type of group comparison, time frame, observance of independent and depend variable, setting
manipulation of independent variable; control group; randomization
quasi experiemnt
manipulation of independent variable; no randomization and/or no comparison group; but efforts to compensate for this lack
pre experimental
manipulation of independent variable, no randomization or no comparison group, limited control over extraneous variable
no manipulation of independent variable
between subjects
subjects in groups being compared are different people
within subjects
subjects in groups being compared are the sample people at different times or in different condition
cross sectional
data are collected at a single point
subjects are groups being compared are the same people at different times or in different conditions
study begins with dependent variable and looks backwards for cause or influence
study begins with independent variable and looks forward for the effect
naturalistic setting
data collected in real world setting
data collected in contrived laboratory setting
characteristic of experiments
manipulation, control, randomization
experiences consciously vary the independent variable and then observes its effect on the dependent variable
design involves the observation of the dependent variable at two points in time : before and after
control group
refers to a group participants whose performance on a dependent variable is used to evaluate the performance
experimental group
the group receiving the intervention on the same dependent variable
types of experimental design
basic (post test only), factorial (manipulates two variable at the same time cross design, (exposing participants to more than one tx)
no intervention, an alt. tx, a placebo, standard method of care, a lower dose or intensity of treatment, delayed treatment
advantages of experimental
test cause and effect, casuality
limitation of experimental
variables are amendable to manipulation, may not be ethical , hawthorne effect
double blind study
used as a counter measure neither the subject or administers know who is in the experimental or control group
types of quasi
nonequivalent control group - involves two or more groups of subjects observed before and after the implementation
time series design -control group but no randomization
types of non experimental
correlation, descriptive research
self slection
is when the members of the groups being studied are n the group, i part, because they deferentially posses traits or characteristic extraneous to the research problem
four situation with multiple points of data collection
time-related process, time-sequenced phenomena, comparative purposes, enhancement of research control
loss of participant over time
controlling external factors such as
research environment, control of time, constancy of communication to subjects
methods on controlling intrinsic factors such as
randomization, homogeneity, matching, statistical control, evaluation of control methods
characteristic of a good design
statistical conclusion, internal validity, external validilty and construct validity