Unit 8: Ethnobotany Flashcards
who was the father of ethnobotany?
Richard Evans Schultes
what occurred in 1980s?
the international treaties at the CBD to protect Indigenous intellectual property and sharing of benefits to prevent biopiracy
Who is a key informant?
The person who would have the most knowledge on a plant, for example if the crop is mainly grown by women only interview the women
what is a plant voucher?
a dried part of the plant mounted and stored in a herbarium
approx how old is Chinese medicine?
5000 years
approximately how many people across the globe have access to all the modern pharmaceutical drugs?
800 million
what is paleoethnobotany?
traditional agricultural practices in ancient Egypt impacted by societal structures
what is historical ethnobotany?
cultivation & domestication of wheat in the old world influence new world wheat cultivars
what is medical ethnobotany?
evaluation of the Papaveraceae family for novel analgesic properties
review ethnobotany terms
Where did vinicristine/vinblastine and artemisinin come from?
- random screening of Rosy Periwinkle
2. traditional Chinese medicine
what is bioassay fractionation used for?
to identify and isolate active compounds
what is the first step in testing once a medical plant is selected?
in vitro bioassays