unit 8 Flashcards
the cold war
started with the truman doctrine, no shots fired between the ussr and the usa
harry truman
took over after fdr died, established the truman doctrine
german occupation
germany was occupied by the us, the ussr, britain, and france and berlin mirrored that too, although berlin is in the east
the iron curtain
coined by churchill, the boundary between the east and the west in europe
truman’s policy, in which he wants communism to not spread
the truman doctrine
in 1947, states that the u.s. will provide assistance to any nation that finds itself threatened by communism
marshall plan
proposed in 1948 to help europe rebuilt itself, once european countries were economically stable, they would choose democracy, the plan worked
founded in 1949 with 12 founding members
warsaw pact
the ussr’s version of nato, founded in 1955
arms race
the race between the ussr and the usa to develop superior weapons, kinda terrifying but actually also not because of mutually assured destruction
hydrogen bomb
approved by truman to be created but never actually used
proxy wars
korean war, vietnam war, etc.
the korean war
divided by the 38th parallel, soviets in the north, us in the south, both powers withdrew but then in 1950 north korea invaded south korea, the un provided troops
WRITE IT DOWN YOU FUCKING IDIOT so anyway he’s the one that managed to push the north back to the chinese border, then china sent troops and they pushed the un troops back to roughly the 38th parallel so essentially nothing changed but people died
mutual coexistence
the second red scare
from 1947-1957 (i guess they got over their fear suddenly), huac tried to sniff out them commies
not to be confused with mcarthur, he was a senator and he claimed to have a list of commies and he rose bc of that but he crumpled as he couldn’t back up his claims
baby boom
the absurd amount of babies being born post ww2
mass produced houses forming a community and yes it looks weird and creepy
sun belt
a lot of internal migration from the 1910s to the 1970s to the sunbelt (west and south) in search of economic opportunity
mass culture
helped by television and advertising
what is against mass culture, particularly with the youth, rebellious styles of clothing, experimental drug use
took office in 1953, after truman
civil rights movement
i think you know what this is
brown v board of education
in 1954, it overturned plessy v ferguson and it said that segregation in schools was not legal
arkansas response to brown v boe
they shut down to prevent black students from entering
montgomery bus boycott
in 1955, started when rosa parks refused to sit in the back of the bus
views on the civil rights movement
mlk jr, who advocated for peaceful measure, and malcom x, who advocated for violent measures
march on washington
giant march in 1963, in which mlk jr made his “i have a dream” speech
civil rights act of 1964
made discrimination on the basis of race or sex illegal
voting rights act of 1965
made racial discrimination in voting illegal
women’s rights and second wave feminism
led by the feminine mystique, in which it is argued that a woman should seek fulfillment in a career in addition to serving her family
stonewall riot
police raided a gay bay in 1969 and was met with resistance
ho chi minh
established a communist government in the north of vietnam
military industrial complex
eisenhower warns against it in his farewell address, it’s the close relationship between military and industry
eisenhower and vietnam
sent troops and aid to south vietnam because of the domino theory
john f kennedy
elected after eisenhower, did stuff in vietnam
lyndon b johnson
took office after kennedy is assassinated
gulf of tonkin incident
in 1964, north vietnamese ships supposedly fired on an american ship, johnson used this as justification for escalation in the region, which led to the gulf of tonkin resolution
great society
johnson’s new deal, essentially, a project to expand on the social reforms, established medicare and medicaid, abolished immigration quotas
war on poverty
lyndon b johnson wanting to do something about poverty
richard nixon
followed lbj, took office in 1969, ended us involvement in vietnam and established the environmental protection agency
watergate scandal
from 1972-1974, honestly i still don’t get it but men were hired by nixon’s people and were caught breaking in an office to steal documents and to tap phones
slow economic growth, inflation, experienced during a recession in nixon’s time