unit 3 Flashcards
french and indian war
within the (european conflict) of the seven years war, kinda a proxy war that led to the end of salutary neglect, the british won gaining a shit ton of land, from 1754-1763
the albany congress
related to the french and indian war, 1754, in which they organized a more organized defense against the french and indians
albany plan of union
proposed by benjamin franklin in the albany congress that proposed a more centralized government, was rejected
proclamation of 1763
colonies tried to push westwards, so the british were like don’t go past the appalachian mountains and the colonist were like no bc they thought they deserved it bc they fought for it and stuff
salutary neglect
gave the colonies the idea that they were managing themselves
quartering act of 1765
colonists must house the british soldiers and the british soldiers could like live in abandoned places
quartering act of 1765, sugar act, stamp act of 1765
marked the end of salutary neglect and raised taxes significantly since the seven years war was costly
virtual representation
how britain argued that american colonists WERE represented
The Sons and Daughters of Liberty
dedicated to the repeal of the stamp act
stamp act congress
argued to repeal the stamp act, arguing that taxation without representation was tyranny but they were writing as loyal subjects, not a bid for independence, actually worked but also led to the declaratory act
declaratory act of 1766
said that britain could impose any law they wanted to on the colonies
townshend act of 1767
taxed more stuff like lead, paper, glass
boston massacre of 1770
boiling point of the colonists doing it themselves bc townshend acts, imperial troops were harassed by boys and stuff and somehow shots were fired
boston tea party of 1773
tea was overthrown after india east trading company was given exclusive rights. response was the coercive acts in which all tea must be paid for.
intolerable acts
what the british acts were called by patriots
continental congress of 1774
people came together and decided what to do about britain’s tyranny but still as loyal colonists, influenced by NATURAL RIGHTS and therefore enlightenment
thomas paine common sense
he argued that the only rational way forward for the colonies was to become independent
dec of independence
written by thomas jefferson, enlightenment ideals are very present
the loyalists
colonists in opposition to the independence
continental army
george washington was the general, they were kinda trash though
battle of saratoga
shocking victory of the patriots against the british, led to french siding with the patriots
1781, battle of yorktown
defeat of british army, they surrendered, leaving an independent nation
articles of confederation
not a strong central government BUT led to the northwest land ordinance in 1787
northwest land ordinance of 1787
laid out a system for statehood and abolished slavery in the northwest territory
shay’s rebellion of 1786 and 1787
in massachussets, farmers were in debt bc they were off at war and now they can’t pay their debt so they rebel but the point is that the government can’t do shit about it because there’s no central government
constitutional convention of 1787
people were like “wow the aoc sucks” and then they realized they had to make a new one
federalists and anti federalists
the federalists were urban and they wanted strong central gov, the anti federalists were rural and liked state power
the hor and the senate
emerged from virginia plan (big states power) and the new jersey plan (small states power)
3/5 compromise
enslaved persons represent 3/5s of a person
the federalists papers
written in support of the new constitution
bill of rights
the anti federalists would only agree to the constitution if the bill of rights was added
republican motherhood
the idea that women should learn stuff so they can teach it to their sons
national bank
hamilton supported, though people against it argued that there was nothing in the constitution that allowed for this
whiskey rebellion of 1794
showed the strengths of the constitution
democratic republicans
james madison and thomas jefferson, did not like the national bank
xyz affair of 1797 and 1798
failed thing to negotiate with the french
alien and sedition acts
in 1796, the federalists in congress passed the thing that made it legal and easy to deport non citizens, targeted towards irish and scottish peoples AND made it illegal to criticize government. dem reps not happy
pinckney treaty of 1795
decided where the border between the us and spain was