Unit 8 Flashcards
group of individuals of the same species living in the same area
community of organisms in an area and the physical factors in which they interact
emphasizes energy flow and chemical cycling between organisms and the environment
ecosystem ecology
temperature precipitation sunlight and wind
sedimentary rocks, oceans, organisms
phosphorus reservoirs
ATP, nucleic acids, phospholipids
phosphorus biological importance
weathering of rock, leaching into groundwater, uptake by plants
phosphorus cycle
N2 to NH3 (plants take the nitrogen in)
nitrogen fixation
less moisture because the clouds get stuck on the ocean side of the mountains
rain shadow effect leeward side is desert
major life zones characterized by type of vegetation or physical environment
NH4 to NO2 and NO3 (this is done by soil bacteria) plants can then use the nitrates
rainy winters and dry summers, coastal regions
interior of continents, cold winters and hot summers, mid latitude
temperate grassland
where light can penetrate into the water
photic zone
sediment at the bottom of the pelagic zone
benthic zonce
support the most fish and marine invertebrates
estuaries/ wetlands
oxygen depleted, lots of algae body of water, no many animals
eutrophic lakes
NO3 to N2 (from soil back into the atmosphere as a gas)
waste products are decomposed by microorganisms to make NH3
near the equator, seasonal precipitation, grasses and forbs, drought tolerant plants
movement of individuals or gametes away from their area of origin or center or high population density
depicts the alive population at each life cohort
survivorship curve
ideal conditions, food is abundant, all individuals reproduce at capacity
exponential population growth
maximum population size a particular environment can support given its abundance of limiting resources
carrying capacity (K)
per capita rate of growth reaches zero as the population reaches carrying capacity, this is where resources are limited
(S shape)
logistic population growth
camouflage, tactic used to blend into the environment
cryptic coloration
displaying bright colors to mimic a poisonous animal
aposematic coloration
a harmless species mimics one that IS harmful
batesian mimicry
different species in an area compete but split up their areas and have their own special adaptation
resource partitioning
traits that are advantageous in high densities
traits that are advantageous in low densities
adding organisms like plants and fungi to remove toxins
introducing organisms to add essential nutrients to degraded organisms
biological augmentation
one organism is benefited one is neutral (ex: whales dont care abt the baracles on them)
life is restored in a lifeless area after a major disturbance such as a volcano or a retreating glacier
primary succession
life restored in an area where most organisms are gone (life after a forest fire)
secondary succession
exert strong control over their community bc they have a pivotal role (not because there are a lot of this species)
keystone species
predators control herbivore populations which control plant population
top-down model
pathogens transferred from animals into humans
zoonotic pathogen
sequence of unlearned acts linked directly to a simple stimulus
fixed action pattern
external cue that causes a fixed action pattern
sign stimulus
animals experience a stimuli that causes them to move to a further location
internal mechanism that maintains a 24 hr activity cycle
circadian rhythm
stimulus that is transmitted from one organism to another
animals communicate through odors or tastes from chemicals
behavior that is developmentally fixed and every individual does it
innate behavior
placing the young from one species into the care from another species
cross-fostering study
internal idea of where objects are in an animals surroundings
cognitive map
gene that dictates how far a fly will travel to look for food
forR allele
associating a feature of their environment with another (ex: associate a color of butterfly with bad flavor)
associative learning
mates form a relationship with none male and one female for a duration
monogamous species
an individual of one sex mates with several individuals of the other sex
polygamous relationship
competition between individuals to see who gets access to the resource
agonistic behavior
reducing your own fitness in order to help the fitness of another (selflessness)
total effect an individual has on proliferating its genes by producing offspring and helping other close relatives produce offspring
inclusive fitness