Unit 7b Sacraments of Conformation Quiz Flashcards
What is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace?
In what way does Confirmation give people courage? (what does it motivate them to do)
To know what is right and defend the truth
In the OT, who did the people of Israel wait for?
the Messiah
Meaning of “Messiah” in Greek and what is it translated to?
Translation: Christ
Meaning: “anointed one”
What language is “Ruah Yahweh” and what is the translation?
Language: Hebrew
Translation: refers to the “Spirit of God”
Who spoke of the the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Who did the gifts of the Holy Spirt charcterize?
the Messiah
What prophecy did the prophets fortell?
God’s spirit would rest on them
When was the prophecy fulfilled?
Jesus’ baptism and Pentecost
Who was the outpouring of the Spirit meant for?
all of God’s chosen people
What were the chosen people called?
messianic people
Who did the name “Confirmation” come from?
St. Ambrose
What is Confirmation?
the completion of faith begun at Baptism
What do the Eastern Rite churches refer to “Confirmation” as?
Chrismation (done immediately after Baptism)
Where does the origin of Confirmation come from?
laying on of hands (ritual practice from the Bible)
What was the “laying on of hands”?
a ritual act going back all the way to the OT where men were consecrated for sacred duties.
Who was the “laying on of hands” used by?
The Apostles
Why did the Apostles use “laying on of hands”?
to convey the Holy Spirit to the newly baptized
What is Confirmation?
The completion of the faith begun at Baptism
How does the Latin Rite effect when you can go through Confirmation?
It defers Confirmation until a person is older (except when an infant is in danger of death)
What is a sacrament?
An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit
What is the matter for Confirmation?
Sacred Chrism (oil mixed with balsam)
What does the bishop say as he anoints the forehead of the confirmand?
“Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”
Who is the minister of Confirmation?
The bishop
In Eastern Rotes who administers all 3 Sacraments of Initiation?
The priest
To receive Confirmation, a person must…
- attain the age of reason
- revived the Sacrament of Baptism
- no serious or mortal sins (w/o Reconciliation)
- should be there “freely”
What does the Confirmation sponsor do?
- Makes sure the confirmed person actas as a true witness of Christ
- be a practicing Catholic
3 important elements of living out Confirmation
1) prayer
2) learning Sacred Scripture
3) evangelization
What is the indelible mark imprinted on the soul?
A Seal