Unit 7 Vocabulary Flashcards
Describes any book purporting to be inspired but ultimately not accepted by the Church as part of Sacred Scripture (the Bible).
A specific gift or grace of the Holy Spirit that directly or indirectly benefits the Church.
Generally, the entire assembly of the faithful People of God.
A formal synod of bishops (sometimes with other ecclesiastics) from the whole inhabited world convened to define doctrine, regulate the Christian life, or apply discipline in the Church.
Ecumenical Council
A given in order to help a person live out the Christian life or serve the common good in building up the Church.
An ancient heretical sect that believed, among other things, that salvation came from obtaining secret experiential knowledge.
From the Greek oikoumene, meaning “the whole inhabited world.”
Ecumenical Council
Recounted in Acts 15, this synod of the Apostles AD 49 or 50 spoke with the authority of Christ in deciding that Gentile converts to Christianity did not have to be circumcised according to the Law of Moses.
Council of Jerusalem
The word comes from the Greek ekklesia, meaning assembly.
The eternal state of supreme and definitive happiness with God
In the Old Testament, the sign of the office of prime minister, who is appointed by the king to have primacy over all his other servants
Keys of the Kingdom
A member of the Church-the Mystical Body of Christ-on earth, in Purgatory, or in Heaven.
The descent of the Holy Spirit, in the form of a rushing wind and tongues of fire, upon the Apostles after Jesus’ Ascension.
Communion of life and love with the Trinity and all the blessed.
Greek for “witness.” A witness to the truth of the Faith in which a Christian endures suffering and even death for Christ.