Midterm Exam Flashcards
The disordered human appetites or desires that remain even after Baptism due to the temporal consequences of Original Sin and which constitute an inclination to sin.
The Bible tells the story of what?
How God’s plan for salvation unfolded throughout history (Salvation History)
What is contained in the Bible?
Stories, poems, dialogue, and figurative language.
What is required to read the Bible and understand it?
Preparation and authoritative guidance
The Bible is _____ and _____ history of salvation.
Inspired and Inerrant
What 2 senses do we need to distinguish when discerning the meaning of the Scripture?
1) Literal Sense
2) Spiritual Sense
A solemn agreement between people or between God and man involving mutual commitments and guarantees.
Making no mistakes or errors. Scripture is inerrant; it always teaches truth, never falsehood.
What are the 3 main spiritual senses?
1) Allegorical/Typical sense
2) Moral/Tropological sense
3) Anagogical sense
What is important to keep in mind when reading the Bible in a literal sense?
We must remember the culture in which it was written in order not to have literalistic interpretations (imposing modern historical + scientific ideas on scripture)
What is literal sense?
Understanding of the various genres used in the written text (law, history, wisdom, prophesy, poetry) and what is said in the passage
What is spiritual sense?
The meaning expressed by the biblical texts when read under the influence of the Holy Spirit in light of the mystery of Christ.
What is allegorical/typical sense?
Shows how people + events in salvation
Guided by God; from a word meaning “breathed in.”
What is moral/tropological sense?
Interprets the heroes of Scripture as models for life
What is anagogical sense?
Views the events of Sacred Scripture “in terms of their eternal significance” (CCC 117) leading us to heaven
What are 2 words to describe the Bible?
The Bible is both Divine and Human
How is the Bible both divine and human?
- God writes the Bible by divinely inspiring members of His people to write it.
- The Bible tells us, without error, what we need to know about God for the sake of our salvation
What 2 things are used to understand scripture?
Faith and reason
(Both seek truth + faith elevates reason)
Hebrew for “anointed.” Anointing was the Old Testament ritual used to commission a person for a special task.
The state that existed between our first parents and God by which they fully participated in divine life before the fall.
Original Holiness
SHORT ANSWER: What are the 3 religions truths to the Creation Stories?
1) There is only 1 God
2) Everything God made was good
3) God Planned Creation
Th greek word “ruah” mean what in english?
What is the focal point of Creation?
Humans are the focal point of creation as they are made in God’s own image + likeness
Is our souls immortal or mortal?
How do human differ from other creatures?
They each have a rational soul with the spiritual powers of intellect and will
What does the soul reflect?
The power of God + “images” the divine life in a finite way
The state enjoyed by our first parents characterized by the inner harmony of the human person, harmony between man and woman, and harmony with creation.
Original Justice
What is the soul + why is it important?
The soul is the form and “spiritual principle” of the body
Both the body and soul are…?
According to Hebrew parah - rabbah, the first humans were called to be…?
Fruitful and multiply
What does parah mean?
Be fruitful
What does rabbah mean?
Increase, master
Adam and Eve’s abuse of their human freedom by disobeying God’s command.
Original Sin
Christ’s work of redemption accomplished principally by his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, whereby “dying he destroyed our death, rising he restored our life” (CCC 1067; cf. 654).
Paschal Mystery
Humans were created in a state of…?
Original Justice and Original Holiness
Both man and woman share what?
Equal personal dignity
The difference between genders is not just physical but also…?
(Diff. affected + spiritual nature)
How are men and woman supposed to be complementary and how would it impact society?
They are supposed to be complementary in self-giving love and communion. Also in marriage and family. This impact society in a positive manner. (Woman made from the side of man)
Before the fall, were Adam and Eve aware of God’s presence/relationship?
From the Greek proto, meaning “first,” and evangelion, meaning “good news.” This first message of Good News — the First Gospel — is found in Genesis 3: 15, wherein the promise of a redeemer is announced.
What is the 1st Original Sin?
The sim of disobedience to God. Adam and Eve decided for themselves what is good and evil. They chose to put their own desires before God’s will (false sense of happiness)
What does Jesus refer Satan as?
“murderer from the beginning”
What are the 3 specific consequences to Original Sin?
1) loss of friendship of God
2) no longer immune to suffering + death
3) greater inclination to sin + temptation
What is the moment each new human person receives Adam’s fallen nature
The moment of conception
As Original Sin divided humanity from God, sin divides…?
Humans from one another.
Literally meaning “being bought back,” the act by which Jesus Christ, through his sacrificial Death on the Cross, set us free from the slavery of sin, thus redeeming or “buying us back” from the power of the Devil.
The story of God’s plan to save man from the consequences of sin. This plan began with creation, is unfolding now, and will continue until the end of time at the Second Coming.
Salvation History
According to a Bishop Barron, what is Sin?
Sin - Turning oneself into God. Appropriating the divine life and making it yours instead of receiving it the way it is.
According to a Bishop Barron, what does it mean to get the Divine Life “on the fly?”
As you receive it you give it. As it comes out it goes out.
We receive the body of Christ (we are what we eat) + we give it away with our actions + come back for more.
According to a Bishop Barron, what is the great emptiness?
The emptiness of our soul. After we sin ( a symbol of sin)