Unit 6 Vocabulary Flashcards
Latin for “in the year of our Lord,” usually abbreviated “AD” to reference a given year in history. The fact that today we count the years from the date of Jesus’ Birth bears witness to his importance in the entire world.
Anno Domini
Literally, “one who is sent.” Jesus selected Twelve Apostles to be his inner circle of companions and to carry out his mission after his Ascension.
A name of the Church derived from the writings of St. Paul; it highlights the purity and holiness that Christ has bestowed upon the Church.
Bride of Christ
Literally, “universal.” As used in the early Church, the term referred to the fact that the Gospel of Christ was for the entire world; today it is also the name for the Catholic Church, the universal Church established by Christ
Literally, “one who follows.” Sometimes in Scripture, the term is applied to the Twelve Apostles; at other times, and more generally, it refers to the entire crowd of Jesus’ followers and believers.
Refers to the fact that the Sacrament of Baptism makes us spiritual sons and daughters of God.
Divine Filiation
From the Greek for “manifestation.” The Feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of the Christ child by the Magi, the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan, and his first miracle at the wedding in Cana.
A name of the Church derived from the teaching of Christ; it highlights the intimate communion that the Father offers to man in the Person of Jesus Christ, in whom we are made sons and daughters of God.
Family of God
Any non-Jew. Jesus himself preached to the Gentiles, and St. Paul’s remarkable missionary journeys to non-Jewish communities showed how the Gospel message was meant to be preached not just to Jews, but to all of humanity.
A name of the Church used frequently by Jesus; it highlights the relationship between the Davidic kingdom and the Church.
Kingdom of Heaven
An inexhaustible truth, something that can be known with certainty through faith but can never be fully understood by human reason.
The faithful People of God, who in a supernatural way become one body, with Christ as its head.
Mystical Body of Christ
Those born into the Church through faith in Christ and Baptism. The term is taken from the Old Testament, in which God chose Israel to be his people.
People of God
Name sometimes used to describe the Church because it is on a “journey” in this world; although the Church itself is perfect as created by Christ, its Faithful seek greater holiness and intimacy with Christ and thus are ever traveling toward the house of God the Father.
Pilgrim Church
Term used to describe the Eucharist, in which Jesus is really and fully present—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity—under the species of bread and wine, which have been consecrated to become his Body and Blood.
Real Presence