Unit 7 - Transport in Plants Flashcards
Why do plants require a transport system? [2]
- To ensure all cells receive a sufficient supply of the nutrients they require
- Especially important as a plant must be able to transport substances up their stem, against gravity
What is the xylem?
A non living, heavily lignified plant transport vessel responsible for the transfer of water and minerals from the roots to the shoots and leaves.
What is the phloem?
A living plant transport vessel responsible for the transfer of assimilates to all parts of the plant. The phloem consists of sieve tube elements and companion cells.
State what is meant by the term “vascular bundle” in plants
The vascular system in dicotyledonous plants. It consists of two transport vessel, the xylem and the phloem.
Relate the structure of the xylem to its function [3]
- Long, continuous columns made of dead tissue, allowing the transport of water.
- Contains pits which allow sideways movement of water between vessels.
- Thickened with a tough substance called lignin which provides structural support
Relate the structure of the phloem to its function [3]
- Sieve tube elements transport sugars around the plant
- Companion cells designed for active transport of sugars into tubes
- Plasmodesmata allow flow of substances between cytoplasm of different cells
Describe the arrangement of the vascular bundle in dicotyledonous roots [4]
- Vascular bundle enable transport as well as structural support
- Xylem vessels arranged in the an X shape in centre of vascular bundle. This enables plant to withstand various mechanical forces such as pulling.
- X shape arrangement of xylem vessels is surrounded by endodermis, an outer layer of cells which supply xylem vessels with water
- Inner layer of meristem cells known as the pericycle
Describe the arrangement of the vascular bundle in dicotyledonous stems [3]
- Xylem located on inside in non wooded plants to provide support and flexibility to stem
- Phloem found on outside of vascular bundle
- Layer of cambium in between xylem and phloem. This made of meristem cells which are involved in productions of new xylem and phloem tissue
Describe the arrangement of the vascular bundle in dicotyledonous leaves [2]
- Vascular bundles form the midrib and veins of a leaf.
- Dicotyledonous leaves have a network of veins, starting at midrib and spreading outwards which are involved in transport and support
State the importance of water potential in the movement of water from roots to shoots [3]
- Water moves down a water potential gradient
- Roots have a high concentration of minerals. Water moves from the soil into the root, down the water potential gradient.
- Water potential decreases as you move up the plant. This results in a water potential gradient, facilitating the movement of water through the plant by osmosis
Define transpiration [2]
- The evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant via open stomata
- Consequence of gaseous exchange. Occurs when the plant opens the stomata to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
Name the factors that affect the rate of transpiration [5]
- Increased light increases
- Increased temp increases
- Increased humidity decreases
- Increased air movement increases
- Waxy cuticle prevents transpiration
Explain what is meant by the apoplastic pathway [3]
- One of the three pathways by which water and minerals move across the root
- Water moves through intercellular spaces between cellulose molecules in the cell wall
- Water reaches the casparian strip and is forced through the symplastic pathway
Explain what is meant by the symplastic pathway [3]
- One of three pathways by which water and minerals move across the root
- Water enters the cytoplasm through the plasma membrane and moves between adjacent cells via the plasmodesmata
- To begin this pathway, water must be actively transported into cells.
Explain the cohesion-tension theory [2]
- Water molecules form hydrogen bonds with each other, causing them to stick together
- The surface tension of the water also creates this sticking effect, preventing water slipping down the xylem. As water is lost through transpiration, more can be drawn up the stem from the roots.