Unit 7 - Middle Ages Flashcards
Definition of Manor
Manor House - Main residence of the lord
Village - Community of Peasants (Houses, Church, etc.)
Farmland - Worked by the peasants
Definition of Feudalism
Political & Social System based on Exchange for Land & Service
Definition of Lords
Noble Landowners
Definition of Knights/Vassals (3)
- Warriors
- Provided Military Service in Exchange for Land
- Followed Code of Chivalry
Definition of Peasants
Free Laborers od Land
Definition of Serfs
Unfree Laborers of Land
Definition of Manorial System (3)
- Economic System
- Self - Reliant Manors/Estates
- Grounded in Feudalism
What were the Crusades? (2)
- Series of Religious Wars
- Conquest for the Holy Land (Jeuralasm)
Definition of the Domesday Book
Record of all land holdings in England to keep track of taxes
Definition of Papacy
Pope’s Office
Definition of Magna Carta (4)
(AKA, Definition, Cause & Effect)
- Historic Document known as the Great Charter
- Grievances against King John
- Nobles angered by high taxes, spending $ on wars & castles
- Limited Monarch’s Power
What were some of the proclamations in the Magna Carta? (3)
- No imprisonment without trial
- Consult lords before taxing
- Higher Law - Everyone must follow the law, including the king)
Definition of the Concordat of Worms
Church appointed officials, and monarchs provided land to officials
Definition of Lay Investiture (2)
- Kings appoint church officials
- Led to tension & conflict between King Henry & Pope Gregory
Definition of Monasteries (3)
- Religious Institutions
- Housed Mons & Nuns
- Wealthy Center of Commerce & Authority
Definition of Guilds
Definition of the Black Plague
Definition of 3 - Field System
Definition of Secular
Non - Religious
Definition of Fief
Land granted by lord to vassal for military service
Definition of Chivalry (3)
- Code of Ethics Knights Follow
- Fought for 3 Masters
- Feudal Lord, Lord God & Lady Love
Definition of Sacraments
Stuff that needs to get completed in order to ascend to heaven
Definition of Clergy
Religious officers
What was the Great Schism?
What was the Hundred Years’ War?
Definition of Vernacular
Who was Charlemagne? (6)
- Best King of Franks of Dark Ages
- Divided Empire to 300 Countries
- Kept Close Watch on Counts
- Traveled through the Empire
- Used Christianity to Unify Empire
- Encouraged Education
Who was Charles (The Hammer!) Martel? (3)
- Frankish Military Leader
- Defeated the invading Muslims
- Prevented Europe from becoming Muslim
Who was Pope Gregory VII (3)
- Wanted to Rid Church of Secular Influence
- Outlawed Lay Investiture
- Threatened Excommunication to Challengers
Who was Henry IV (Holy Roman Emperor) (3)
- Angered by Pope Gregory VII
- Called Gregory a False Monk
- Got Excommunicated & Begged for Forgiveness
Who was William the Conqueror? (3)
- Edward the Confessor promised WIlliam the throne
- Led Norman Conquest for English Throne
- Defeated Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings
Who was King John? (3)
- Assumed throne after Richard’s death
- Nicknamed lackland - Inherited no land
- Magna Carta created bc of his cruel behavior
Who was Richard the Lionheart? (3)
- Participated in Third Crusade
- Led Christian forces against Saladin
- Negotiated peace treaty for safe pilgrimage to the holy city
Who was Henry II (England)? (3)
- Henry & Eleanor ruled France & England
- Created Trial by Jury rather than Trial by Ordeal
- Send judges throughout England at least once a year
Who was Eleanor of Aquitaine? (4)
- Queen of France & England
- Largest landowner of Europe
3.Brought traditions from France (songs, poetry, etc.) - Ruled in absence of sons & raised Richard’s ransom
Who was Joan of Arc?
Describe the system of well as the reasons for and the impact of feudalism. (2/2)
- Need for local defense for Peasants
- Need for economic self-sufficiency (bc of decentralized gov)
- Created a very decentralized government
- Formed a rigid social structure
What caused some conflicts between the church and the King? How were these resolved temporarily? (7)
- Pope Gregory VII
- Outlawed Lay Investiture
- Angered Henry IV
- Henry IV called Pope Gregory VII a “false monk”
- Henry IV was excommunicated
- Henry IV begged Pope Gregory VII for forgiveness
- Concordat of Worms settled the issues
What were some of the reasons for the Crusades? What was the impact of these crusades and when did they occur? (4/2)
1. Recapture the Holy Land from Muslims
2. People looking for money due to excess population
3. Peasants & Serfs were promised heaven
4. Too many knights needed something to do
1. Christians negotiated safe travel to holy land
2. Cultural Diffusion
What impact did the Hundred Years’ War, the Black Plague and the Great Schism have on the Middle Ages?