Unit 7- French Rev and Napoleon Flashcards
Treaty of Amiens
Great Britain and France- France controlled Holland, Austrian Netherlands, west Rhine, Italian Pennisula
Declaration of the Rights of Man- significance
Defined liberty, issued at beginning of French Rev
Reasons for Rev (4)
- Brink of bankruptcy
- Dependent on poor class
- upper class refused taxes
- no central bank
Edmund Burke`
Conservative, wrote “Reflections on the Revolution in France”
Defended European conservatism
Mary Wollstoncraft
“A Vindication of the Rights of Man”- demanded equal rights for women
Declaration of Pillnitz
Issued by Austria and Prussia after Louis and Marie tried to leave
-Stated they were willing to intervene in France if conditions allowed
September Massacres
Happened when paranoid revolutionists thought the people they had imprisoned would ally with outside invaders to disband the revolution
Louis XV (2.5)
Nobility gained influence
Ministers controlled affairs of state
before french rev
Rene de Maopeou
Chancellor under Louis XV
Privileged groups taxed again
Treaty of Luneville (2)
German territory in France now belongs to France
Austria lost most Italian possessions
Napoleon and Britain
Renewed trade war with British
3rd Coalition
Austria, Russia, Sweden vs France
- Napoleon’s actions posed threat to BoP
- Napoleon defeated Coalition @ Battle of Austerlitz
Prussia declares war on Napoleon after….
He named himself protector of 15 German states
Results of war between Prussia and Napoleon
Prussia lost lot of population
Russia accepts Nap’s reorganization of central Europe
Russia promises to enforce economic blockade with British
Why did Napoleon invade Russia
Alexander I openly disagreed with British blockade
(Nap. was not successful—further proof that one simply cannot mess with Russia, especially in the winter-unless you are… Wait for it… THE MONGOLS!)
4th Coalition
Austria, Prussia (Left alliance with N), Britain, Russia vs N.
-Napoleon defeated, abdicates, goes to Elba (not for long…)
Louis XVIII restored after Napoleon’s defeat. Issues….
Constitutional Charter- accepted many French Rev gains
Somewhat of a constitutional monarchy
Problem with Louis XVIII
“Lacked glory of Napoleon”— he was really ugly
N gained power…..
Head of a coup to overthrow Directory
Civil Code of 1804
Equality before the law, security of wealth and private property
Concordat of 1801
Pope gained- Catholics could practice religion freely
N gained- French gov’t could nominate bishops, paid clergy, great influence over church
Women in N era
lost many rights, dependent on father\husband
Freedom of Speech in N era
only 4 newspapers that publicized propaganda
Farce elections
Harsh penalties for political offenses
Police state under Joseph Fouche (N Era)
Organized efficient spy system, citizens under continual surveillance
N’s careers open to talent
Citizens able to rise in government power solely on abilities
Financial unity under Napoleon
Bank of France, national budget, established currency, economic reform to stimulate economy
Committee of Public Safety
Kept people ‘safe’ by killing any threats
Battle of Trafalgar
Napoleon tries (and fails) to enter English ports by going through Gibraltar
Quadruple Alliance
Austria, Prussia, Britain, Russia vs Napoleon