Reformation Flashcards
Political Causes
National monarchy acquired and organized power
Economic Causes
Seizure of Church land, promotion of mercantilism, religious sanction for commerce, and control of the established church of the realm
Religious Causes
Interest in salvation, need to purify superstitions, new theologies
95 Theses (Year and definition\significance)
- Criticisms of Roman Catholic Church, sale of indulgences
John Wycliffe
Earlier. Wrote about salvation by faith alone, translated scriptures, urged individual reading of them
John Hus
German, condemned worldliness of Church figures and was burned as a heretic
Three areas of corruption in Church
Absenteeism, pluralism, nepotism
How did the Renaissance impact the Reformation?
Attention moved away from inner faith to focus on a grand show or artistic expression. Clergy became corrupt. Religious mysticism of N.Renaissance led people to question accepted Church traditions
Frederick of Saxony
Protected Luther while he was protesting church
Appeal of Lutheranism to upper class
Meant escape from financial obligations and authority of Rome
Council of Worms
- Called by Charles V, questioned, “Here I stand, I can do no other”
Peasant Revolt
Luther initially sympathized with peasants. Luther was blamed by churchmen for this, so he wrote “Against the Murdering, Thieving Hordes of Peasants”. Urged Catholics and reformed princes to band together to stop the fighting
Catholic belief that the Eucharist becomes the body and blood of Christ
Lutheran belief that the presence of Christ is the Eucharist
Swiss, salvation by faith alone. Felt religion was based solely in scripture, so he and followers burned and destroyed church symbols (organs, art, decorations) Eucharist- simply a symbol of Christ
Predestination, strict theocracy in Geneva, thought the church should dominate the state(different than Luther) Humans are corrupt
John Knox, Scotland
Calvinists in England
English. Group that urged individual reading of scripture and personal responsibility to God
Henry VIII
“Defender of the Faith”. Created Anglican church
Peace Of Augsburg
Ended civil war in Germany between Catholic Charles V and protestant princes. Gave each German prince the right to determine the religion of his state. Did not recognize Calvinism
Believed in complete separation of church and state
Isabella of Spain- beliefs
One king, one law, one faith. Revived Inquisition. Forced Jews and Muslims to convert or leave
Council of Trent
Result- general affirmation of justification by faith and works, seven sacraments. Fix problems within Church
Carried Christianity to remote Spanish colonies, operating schools and advising monarchs, combating Protestantism,
Ignatius Loyola
Leader of Jesuits