unit 7 Flashcards
n. The basis of something is the main part of amount of it. My grandfather gets his hearing checked on a yearly basis.
n. Biology is the study of living things. We learned about the human heart in biology class.
n. cage is something that holds an animal so it cannot leave. We put the parrots in their cage at night.
n. A colleague is somebody you work with. My colleague helped me finish the job.
n. A colony is a country controlled by another country. The USA was at one time a colony of Great Britain.
V. To debate is to seriously discuss something with someone. The husband and wife debated which TV to buy.
V. To depart is to leave some place so you can go to another place. The plane departed for Italy at 3:00 this afternoon.
V. To depress someone is to make that person sad. The bad news from work depressed the man.
adj. A factual report or message includes true details. John learns about history from factual books.
V. To fascinate someone is to make that person very interested. The kitten was fascinated by the ball of yarn.
n. A mission is an important job that is sometimes far away. The woman’s mission was to help sick people.
adv. Nevertheless shows a difference to what is expected or known. He is usually friendly. Nevertheless he wasn’t friendly this afternoon.
n. An occupation is a person’s job. My father’s occupation is a dentist.
adv. Overseas shows an action happens in another country across an ocean. John often goes overseas for vacations.
V. To persuade someone is to make that person agree to do something. The children persuaded their parents to buy them gifts.
n. A route is the way you go from one place to another. I saw many new houses along the route to the city.
n. Ruins are old buildings that are not used anymore. I visited some interesting ruins in Greece.
n. A scholar is a person who studies something and knows a lot about it. The scholar knew much about art history.
adj. A significant person or thing is important. I read many significant novels as a literature major in university.
A volcano is a mountain with a hole on top where hot liquid comes out. When the volcano erupted smoke and heat filled the air.